There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 111 [111] Whimsical, Li Xiaoye

Chapter 111 [111] Whimsical, Li Xiaoye

"Xiaomu, have you heard that our village is now undergoing development, and will soon become a scenic spot."

On a certain construction site in Gwangju City, a shirtless man who was moving bricks suddenly said to his companions.

The man’s name is Li Xiaoye, and his companion’s name is Li Xiaomu. Both of them are from the younger generation of Li Family Village. Both are several years younger than Li Bu, and they haven’t been home for several years. Both are only 19 years old, but the two haven't been home for more than three or almost four years.

Hearing Li Xiaoye's words, Li Xiaomu took off the gloves in his hands and sat down to rest, while nodding his head and said, "It should be true, my dad has called several times these days to urge me to go back.

My dad said that Li Bu in our village has become rich. Not only did he pay for the construction of a bridge in our village, but he also planned to turn our Lijia Village into a tourist resort.

In addition, it is said that not only the bridge has started construction, but even our village is planning to start construction and build a homestay. "

"Li Bu, is that lunatic who dared to swim the river to the town when he was a child?

Hasn't this guy been doing poorly these past few years, and he needs to ask his family for travel expenses every year before he can go home? How did he get rich? Could he have done something illegal? "The Li family village is not big in the first place, and everyone knows the basics, so when he heard what Li Xiaomu said, Li Xiaoye immediately showed a puzzled expression.

He took off the glove in his hand and threw it aside.

Li Xiaomu then took out a cigarette and lit it together with Li Xiaoye, then he took a puff and exhaled and said, "My dad said that he has become a star and is very popular now, he was on CCTV news a few days ago.

And my dad said that those songs that are very popular now, Pray for Buddha, Mice Love Rice, Two Butterflies, My Future Is Not a Dream, etc., are all written by him. "

"What did you say, you said praying to Buddha was written by that lunatic in our village??
Let me go, doesn't that mean that Li Bu in our village is the super Internet celebrity, brother Lizhi who is comparable to a first-line superstar? ? "After hearing Li Xiaomu's words and already guessing that Brother Lizhi on the Internet is probably Li Bu from his own village, Li Xiaoye suddenly became restless.

What Li Xiaoye thinks in his heart now is that Li Bu is the one who can spend 800 million huge sums of money to help save a fan who has never masked his face... Now, my little friend from the same village goes to him and gets [-] [-] should be easy.

Li Xiaomu, who had a slightly different idea from Li Xiaoye, nodded when he heard Li Xiaoye's words, and then smiled and said, "Well, I confirmed with my dad that the brother Lizhi on the Internet is Li Bu from our village. .

By the way, Xiaoye, I plan to go to the contractor to settle the wages after finishing today's work, and then buy a ticket to go back to the village tomorrow.

My dad said that there are jobs in our village now, and it costs 200 yuan a day to do some small jobs easily.

How about you? "

"Work? Xiao Mu, are you stupid? Li Bu is willing to give 800 million to a fan who has never been masked. You said that two of us from the same village asked him if he wanted a million and 80, would he give it? ?
After he gave us a million and 80, what else would we do? With this money, we must be chic, right, hahaha.. "As if he had seen money waving at him, Li Xiaoye was a little carried away with pride at this time.

Hearing Li Xiaoye's words, Li Xiaomu immediately frowned, looked at Li Xiaoye with a complicated face and said, "Xiaoye, we don't know Li Bu very well, do you think he might give us so much money? I think it's better for us to work hard, and don't think about things that get something for nothing."

"It must be given. His fans are not related to him, so he gave him 800 million medical treatment. We are from the same ancestor as him. If he dares not to give it to me at that time, I will break his dog legs ..." Li Bu used to be crazy and crazy, but he never bullied people in his village, so Li Xiaoye, who didn't know Li Bu very well, was speaking extremely arrogantly at this time.

And just when Li Xiaoye was at the peak of his arrogance, a brick flew directly and smashed down beside him, accompanied by a roar; "You son of a bitch, whose leg are you going to break? Do you still want to work? If you don’t want to do it, hurry up and check out and get the hell out of here, don’t give me money and don’t work here.”

"Hey, I'm not going to do it today. It's only about a hundred yuan a day for you to work hard. You can keep yourself and work slowly. I'll go home and enjoy myself. Xiaomu, let's go..." The person who came was the contractor, so Li Xiaoye, who didn't want to work for a long time, immediately dragged Li Xiaomu to pay the salary and leave after the contractor spoke.

Both Li Xiaomu and Li Xiaoye were newcomers who had just arrived at the construction site, so when faced with these two employees who made up the numbers, the contractor had no intention of keeping them, and directly settled their wages, and then let them carry their luggage, Get out of the staff quarters on the construction site.

Maybe it's too naive.

Li Xiaoye, who thought he could really get the money from Li Bu, immediately threw away the two of his luggage that he thought were useless after leaving the construction site, and then carried a small backpack with Li Xiaomu, spent For 2000 yuan, I booked a special car and went home.

At the same time, Li Bu, who was assigned to be a security guard down the mountain, was at the side of the container at the intersection of Lijia Village, following a large group of young people from the small town, chatting about interesting things that happened around him while drinking and eating barbecue. .

"Brother Li Bu, your Li Family Village is too inhumane, no matter what you say now, you are a big shot who has been on CCTV news, how can they arrange for you to come down to be a security guard and watch the main road??

Besides, even if security is really needed here, haven't many young people come back from your Lijia Village recently, just arrange for them to come down to watch the road, how can they arrange for you to come. "Li Bu has always done a good job in dealing with people, so the young people who ate his barbecue and beer quickly complained about him.

Faced with the injustice of these young people, Li Bu touched them with a beer while smiling, and pointed at his van with a wry smile; "It's not like you don't know the mountain roads in Lijia Village. People who dare to drive up, and there are many people who have come back from Lijia Village recently, I run up and down every day to pick them up.

So instead of running up and down every day to pick up people, I would rather work part-time as a security guard down below, and after gathering people together, send them up once a day.

In addition, my wife doesn’t let me drink on the mountain, and I can sneak a drink with you down below, so why not stay at the foot of the mountain, right, hahaha.. "

(End of this chapter)

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