There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 119 [119] Touching songs, childhood

Chapter 119 [119] Touching songs, childhood

Seeing Li Bu turn over the mud to get the snake, and the snake's divine reaction when the snake attacked him, the subtitles in the live broadcast immediately exploded.

The handsome guy from Brother Lychee’s family [Brother Lychee, are you okay, you haven’t been bitten, you should come up quickly and check to see if you have been bitten, there are many water snakes, but they are very poisonous! ! 】

Xiaolong from Brother Lizhi’s house [Brother Lizhi, you are okay, you should not have been bitten, you should quickly throw the snake away, go and check your hands, Xiaoye, go and check for Brother Lizhi, people are important .. 】

Xiao Shanzi from Shuangxi's family [Xiaoye, stop the live broadcast, hurry up and help Brother Lizhi check to see if he has been bitten by a snake, it is not a trivial matter to be bitten by a snake... 】

I'm really not the young master [Brother Li Bu, are you okay, Brother Li Bu, you should quickly throw away the snake, and then check your hands to see if you have been bitten by a snake, live broadcasting to make money is business, but life more expensive. 】

Seeing that all the subtitles in the live broadcast room were worried about Li Bu, Li Xiaoye quickly explained; "Family, don't worry, brother Li Bu is fine, he was not bitten by a snake, he is fine now.

Also, the snake he caught was a kind of water snake, also known as Huaxia water snake, scientific name: Enhydris chinensis, a reptile of the genus Hydris in the family Snake, and its common name is mud snake.

They usually survive at an altitude of 320 meters.

The model origin of this species is in China, and it is rich in EPA, which is a main component of snake oil.

Having said so much, the main thing is to tell everyone that it is actually non-toxic. "

After hearing Li Xiaoye say that the mud snake is not poisonous, the fans in the live broadcast room, while feeling relieved, started to be cheerful again, complaining about Li Bu's funny luck.

She who loves and doesn’t want to cry [I’ll go, you didn’t say it earlier if it wasn’t poisonous, it scared me to death, I thought I would listen to other people’s songs in the future, it wouldn’t make it to the stage, luckily the snake wasn’t poisonous, it scared me to death me. 】

You only know you love me if you miss it [Yeah, I was scared to death just now, but by the way, this snake is not poisonous, but why is Brother Lizhi still holding the mud snake in a daze? 】

There is no rainbow after the storm [I am now seriously doubting that brother Lizhi must be standing there at this time thinking, how to cook this mud snake at noon today, and then bring it as a drink and dish. 】

Money is not a thing but I want it [It makes sense, I also doubt brother Lizhi now, he must be thinking about how to eat this thing, brother Lizhi at this time is the same as when he was dazed when he caught ducks before, and he was caught in the end. The things he catches are often hard to escape his devil's mouth. 】

Wang Ba’s surname is not Wang Ta’s surname is Wu [I’m going, if you don’t tell me, I almost forgot, why are you saying that Brother Lizhi is so awesome? When fishing, he caught field snails and wild ducks, and when catching loaches, he caught mud snakes.] , this is really no one. 】

Seeing the subtitles in the live broadcast room, Li Xiaoye yelled at Li Bu according to what the fans wanted; "Brother Li Bu, Brother Li Bu, are you okay? Why are you holding the mud snake? Hands will smell after a long time!!"

"Oh, no, it's just that after I caught this thing, I didn't know how to deal with it.

Let it go, it will definitely go to the small lake and steal my fish and my ducklings.

Don't let it go, I haven't eaten this stuff, and I don't know what to do. Hearing Li Xiaoye's words, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, then raised the mud snake in his hand and explained with a helpless and wry smile.

Hear what Li Bu said.

Li Dafu, who came back after letting go of the big eel, came over and took the mud snake in Li Bu's hand, and said with a smile, "It's lucky that you caught such a big mud snake. It's a good thing." Ah, if you use it to stir-fry chili or drink it in stewed soup, they are both first-class and delicious.”

"Uh, how about, Uncle Dafu, let's exchange.

My mud snake, how about trading those loaches and eels you caught with you? "Li Bu has been thinking about how to do this mud snake for a long time just now, but he still couldn't think of a way, so he finally fought and exchanged the attention of mud snake with Li Dafu.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Dafu glanced at the loach and eel in his bucket first, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I will trade it with you, I just took it back to slaughter an old hen, and give it to us." Jiaxiaomu stew soup to drink."

"No problem, then we'll change it, and after changing it, we can't go back on our word!!

But there are a lot of loach, our family definitely can't finish it, so you can take some back to eat later, just treat it as an extra appetizer. "

After reaching an agreement with Li Dafu with a smile, Li Bu turned around and shouted to Li Xiaowang, who was like a mud ghost; Come to eat, I guess I'm going to starve to death on the way."

"Uncle, you still have the nerve to laugh at me, I caught at least two loach, did you catch a loach?
You just caught an eel and a mud snake, but we are here to catch mud eels, so what you catch doesn't count. After being called out by Li Bu, Li Xiaowang, who was covered in mud, immediately looked at the loach that Li Bu had brought back, and retorted unconvinced.

Hearing Li Xiaowang's words, Li Bu carried him to the water head to wash him, then he replied with a smile on his face: "We are here to catch eels and loaches, not just loaches.

Also, the rice field eel is used to cook porridge for your little uncle and your mother, while the loach is used to stir fry for us to eat, so the big rice field eel that my uncle caught counts. Today's game is Your uncle, I won! ! "

"The weight is what you win, but the quantity is what I win.

My harvest is two, your harvest is one, so our game today is a draw! ! "Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Xiaowang was still stubborn, and said with a face of dissatisfaction with his little head up.

Facing the stubborn Li Xiaowang.

Li Bu didn't try to confront him either, but just left him alone, waved to Li Xiaoye and Shuangxi, and said, "The three of you fix the live broadcast equipment in one place, and then we will work together to sing this childhood song. If it’s good, I’ll give it to you and make it a song for you.”

"Wow, I'm going to have a new song to sing again, yeah yeah. So happy!!"

After happily exclaiming a few words, Shuangxi set up the live broadcast equipment with Li Xiaomu and the others, then formed a group and said to Li Bu with a smile; "Brother Li Bu, we are ready, we are waiting for you now!" It's gone."

After seeing that everyone was done, Li Bu took out his mobile phone and turned it on, and then played the dubbing of his childhood.

After remembering the dubbing, he stood directly in the middle, waved to Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, Li Xiaowang, and Li Dafu;

"Xiao Wang sits at the front and grabs the loach, Xiao Mu.

Xiaoye Xiaomu, you squatted behind Xiao Wang and grabbed the loach, and showed a big brother's smile.

And Uncle Dafu, you just stand behind them and show a happy expression like a grandpa. "

(End of this chapter)

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