There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 13【13】Brother Li Hong, a chapter is coming

Chapter 13 [13] Big brother Li Hong, the family is back
"You are in charge, so I listen to you and do whatever you say..."

Li Bu's plan sounded pretty good, so Li Yanmei agreed with his idea almost without any hesitation.

Hearing Li Yanmei's answer without any hesitation, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, and after thinking to himself that it felt good to be believed, he put his arms around Li Yanmei and continued; Running all over the mountain with me is like teasing a monkey, what a wonderful life..."

"You are the monkey. Don't say my child is a monkey, hmph." What Li Bu said earlier, Li Yanmei catered to her with a look of yearning, but when she said her child was a monkey, she immediately pouted. happy.

Faced with Li Yanmei's displeasure, Li Bu not only didn't know his mistakes and could correct them, but continued to laugh cheerfully; "The children in our mountains run around all over the mountain all day long. They are thin, short and dark, isn't it? Like a monkey.

When I sneaked back the year before last, I met a kid from my elder brother’s family, good guy. I thought it was a monkey from some circus who sneaked out and sneaked into the mountains here. Give him a banana and go up the mountain, hahaha. "

"Is there anyone like you who is an uncle? That's your own nephew. Blood is thicker than water. How can you compare him to a monkey?
Isn't he just a little darker, a little smaller, and looks more like his Vietnamese mother.

Uh, let alone, when I saw him on the tree, sometimes he really looked like a monkey, giggling. "Speaking of Li Bu's nephew, Li Yanmei couldn't help bursting into tears after thinking of the little guy climbing a tree.

Li Bu's elder brother, Li Hong, is five years older than Li Bu. He is an honest and honest man from the countryside. He is the kind of guy who can only work and obey arrangements. .

EQ is zero, but this guy's luck is surprisingly good.

When this guy was studying outside, he was chased by a group of girls from junior high school to technical secondary school graduation, but this bastard didn't know what others were always pestering him for.

After graduating and going to work, the female workers saw that he honestly never went out to play, and he was not bad looking, and they often wanted to get along with him. In the end, he was stunned to save money for his parents to live a good life, and deducted money. He didn't even buy a bag of soy milk for [-] cents for other girls, and he was so angry that he didn't want to get close to him.

I don’t know what happened afterwards, but in the year when Li Bu was about to graduate, that is, when this guy was 22 years old, this piece of wood suddenly became enlightened, and brought a little girl with a dark complexion back home , and this girl is a foreigner, the kind of Vietnamese girl who can't even speak Mandarin well.

After it was over, the whole family objected, saying that they were afraid that the Vietnamese girl would run away. As a result, he simply took the other girl and ran away from home.

Then, when he came back, Li Bu had already escaped, and when he met again a few years later, Li Bu had a dark little nephew.

The children were all born, and the big guy couldn't say anything except acquiescing, so Li Bu's brother Li Hong got married to the Vietnamese girl not long after.

Afterwards, the husband and wife went to work outside the city. Only when the fruit in the orchard was ripe every year or when large-scale weeding and pesticides were needed, they would ask for leave and go home to help. Otherwise, it would be difficult to see them at ordinary times.

By the way, I almost forgot to mention their child. Their child is almost six years old this year. Recently, the school in the mountain village was knocked down by the wind and has not been repaired, so the little guy is now sent to Went to boarding school at the foot of the mountain.

After recovering his memory of his brother's family, Li Bu led Li Yanmei back to the van and said with a smile, "It's getting late, let's go back to my parents for dinner, and we can take a nap after dinner, and we can have dinner at three o'clock in the afternoon." I want to get up and pick lychees..."

"Okay, listen to you. You are the head of the family. If you say work, you will work, and if you say sleep, you will sleep." Li Yanmei's intimacy with Li Bu has almost reached the point where she has no resistance. If you treat her better, she will be so fascinated, so in the past few days of marriage, she can say yes, just like living in her own dream.

After taking Li Yanmei into the van, Li Bu started the car and drove towards his father-in-law, Li Aiguo.

It's just that when passing by his parents' house, Li Bu discovered that there were quite a lot of people in his parents' house, and besides his parents, uncle and aunt, there were actually two voices.

Maybe because he heard the sound of the van, Li Wanfu ran out of the house and shouted, "Xiao Bu, Xiao Mei, your eldest brother and sister-in-law are back, come in and sit down first."

"Oh, brother and sister-in-law are back, so we have to go in and sit down." Hearing his father's call, Li Bu quickly parked the car, and then took Li Yanmei and followed Li Wanfu into the house.

As soon as Li Bu and Li Yanmei entered the house, Li Bu's uncle and aunt immediately greeted them with enthusiasm; "Hey, Xiaobu, Xiaomei, you are here, I was thinking of going to your orchard to call you . . ”

"Aren't we planning to raise chickens in the orchard? When we went to sell lychees in the morning, we bought a cart of barbed wire and just put it on..."

Smiling, he returned a few words to his uncle and aunt, and asked Li Yanmei to help his mother, then Li Bu walked up to his elder brother Li Hong and sat down with a smile; "Why are you back at this time? Logistics companies also have off-seasons?"

"Why come back at this time, I have to come back to help pick lychees at this time every year, okay?

But what happened to you this year, you suddenly came back and got married, and you even started selling lychees yourself.

And you are back, can't you call me and tell me so that I don't take ten days off for nothing, and then I don't have to do anything when I come back? Facing Li Bu's grin, Li Hong directly said with a look of disgust.

Li Bu, who knew who his elder brother was, was not angry at all. Instead, he put his arms around his shoulders and said with a smile, "You are afraid that you have nothing to do now that you are home? Brother, you are probably just kidding me, aren't you?
The lychee tree needs to be pruned after I sell out the lychees, and your brother, I have now divided two hills to raise chickens and pigeons. I need to build more than a dozen small wooden houses and fences with barbed wire. You don’t have to be afraid of having nothing to do. Some are busy with you. "

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Hong was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at his father Li Wanfu, frowned slightly and asked, "Separated?"

"Divided, you provided for your younger brother's studies before, so he divided those houses this time, and gave you the rest of the orchard.

And this year's lychees, we also gave your brother four yuan a catty, and the money will be settled with you after he sells out the lychees. "Li Wanfu had discussed with Li Bu a long time ago about the separation of the family, so when Li Hong asked him, he just said it straight, and even if Li Hong didn't ask now, Li Wanfu would tell him tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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