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Chapter 132【132】Not all the people from Zhangcun are kind people

Chapter 132 [132] Those who came back to the village are not all kind people

The emotional drama between Sun Meimei and Zhang Feng finally withdrew from the big screen of the entertainment circle completely because of the reunion of the two.

After quitting the big screen, Sun Meimei really quit the entertainment industry permanently as she promised before, and then got a marriage certificate with Zhang Feng, and became a full-time wife at home.

Another person, Zhang Feng, lost nearly 100 million fans overnight due to the influence of reunion at the beginning, but later, because of the popularity of the song "Overfire", the lost fans quickly disappeared. Raise him back again.

However, although the number of fans has increased, Zhang Feng's commercial performances have become less and less.

In the past, he ran two or three notifications a day, but now he runs less than one notification in three days.

It's not because Zhang Feng has fewer announcements, but because this guy has become lazy and wants to go home to accompany his wife all day long, and he doesn't want to run around for business performances anymore.

After dealing with Sun Meimei and Zhang Feng's matter.

After relaxing, Li Bu looked at Li Yanmei and asked her with a flattering expression; "My wife, my sister-in-law has moved down now, do you want to move down there too? I just went down and have a relationship with my sister-in-law." Companion!!"

"Are you so busy all day that your butt is smoking, and then you see that I live too leisurely, and you start to have an opinion?" Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Yanmei didn't answer yes or no, but puffed her mouth, Angrily questioned Li Bu.

Li Bu, who didn't know which channel Li Yanmei's comprehension ability was on, was stunned when he heard Li Yanmei's words; After all, you are the biggest at home right now!!”

"Know that I am the greatest.

But I don't want to go down now, I go down now, who will wash my clothes and cook for me?
I don't want to be like my sister-in-law, I have to work with my big belly, hum. "After talking for a long time, Li Yanmei didn't want to go down the mountain to live. It turned out that she was worried that after she went down to live in the mountain, she would need to wash clothes, cook and do housework by herself.

Seeing this lazy daughter-in-law who has become more and more lazy since marrying him, Li Bu was speechless; "Ms. Li Yanmei, you are lucky to be married to me. If you change a man, you are so lazy. Kicked out of the house."

"It's because I'm married to you that I dare to be lazy. Besides, if others want to marry me, I don't want to marry yet, hehehe..." After replying to Li Bu cheerfully, Li Yanmei hugged the melon seeds and continued I went to watch her TV show.

After seeing Li Yanmei watching a TV series, Li Bu smiled wryly and said, "I'll go fish and eat for you." Then, he turned around and took a fishing rod and a bucket, and walked leisurely towards his small lake. .

"Hey, Xiaobu, are you going fishing?

You are not very busy with time, can I tell you something? "When Li Bu walked halfway with a bucket and a fishing rod, a villager who had just returned to Li's Village suddenly appeared and blocked Li Bu's way.

Li Bu only met the villager in front of him once when he was sending him up the mountain, and the two of them had no contact during the rest of the time.

But seeing that people came to block him on purpose, Li Bu was too embarrassed to say no, so he nodded and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"That Xiaobu, it's like this, Uncle, I help people manage the company outside, and it's a big company like the world's top [-].

I came back this time because I learned that you are going to develop our place into a scenic spot, so I came here to help.

Uncle, I have a general idea here. This idea is that while we develop our place into a scenic spot, we also establish a company that manages all these, so as to ensure the interests of all of us and the normal operation of the scenic spot.

At the same time, uncle also knows that you are a big star now, and you don't have time to manage this matter, so uncle wants to recommend yourself... "After getting Li Bu's permission, the villagers introduced themselves by chattering a lot of things.

Li Bu was in business in his previous life, so how could he not know what this guy in front of him was thinking.

The villager in front of him simply thought that Li Bu didn't understand anything, and was planning to trick Li Bu into setting up a company to manage for him.

Then when he was managing the company, he either secretly obtained some money from the company to spend, or secretly took control of the entire company. In the end, he changed positions and kicked Li Bu out of the company.

After understanding the villager's thoughts, Li Bu looked at him amusedly and said, "No need, it's too troublesome to start a company by myself. I plan to contract it out when the resort is finished."

"Xiao Bu, what you said is wrong, there are people in your own house, how can you contract it out to others.

If you contract to others, what you lose is not your own interests, but the interests of the whole village. "When Li Bu said that the village would be contracted out, the villagers immediately became nervous and dissatisfied.

Lijia Village has a rule that has existed since ancient times. This rule is that when you leave the village and never come back, the fields that were once allocated under your name will be recovered and redistributed to people living in the village.

It is no coincidence that the villager in front of Li Bu was the one who was deprived of his land because his family left the village and never came back.

Even when he just came back a few days ago, he argued with Li Aiguo and the others about this matter, but in the end he didn't get back the land of his father's generation.

In addition, because they didn't get the land, now their family is temporarily living in borrowing, and the family is still staying at the only relative's house in the village.

Therefore, at this time, the villager is very eager to position himself in the village, so as to gain more benefits for himself after Lijia Village develops.

Faced with the villagers' anxiety, Li Bu didn't take it seriously at all, and continued to carry the bucket and fishing rod forward without looking back; That's fine, let the rest care about it..."

"Xiao Bu, uncle knows you have money and doesn't care about the money, but uncles are different from you, we care about the small losses you mentioned.

So you can't contract out the village, you have to start your own company to manage all this, if you don't know how to manage it, uncle can manage it for you.

And the uncle can assure you, manage it for the uncle, and guarantee that you will make a lot of money every year. Seeing that Li Bu turned around and left, the villagers hurriedly followed up, and said nervously and urgently.

"That presumptuous question.

When did you leave Lijia Village?

Do you still sing the village songs of Lijia Village?
Do you still have land in the village?
If not, then sorry, I refuse to discuss these things with you! ! "

Facing the villager who just greeted him and then directly treated him as a fool, Li Bu really didn't like it.

So this time, after returning to the villager for a few words, Li Bu left without looking back, even walking so fast that the villager couldn't even keep up with him.

In addition, through the words of this villager, Li Bu confirmed even more what he said when he decided to develop Lijia Village; The kindness and united nature of Lijia Village..."

(End of this chapter)

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