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Chapter 136 [136] The Persian Cat Appears, The Explosively Cool Tomboy Double Happiness

Chapter 136 [136] The Persian Cat Appears, The Explosively Cool Tomboy Double Happiness

"Understood, big manager, we will be proud, cute, and small public in the future, cluck cluck!!"

After grinning and replying to Li Yingjun, Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli obediently accepted the arrangement, and changed into a sexy convertible princess skirt, and put on light makeup at the suggestion of the makeup artist.

When the two of them finished putting on their makeup, Li Yingjun stuffed a lollipop for each of Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli and said, "Persian Cat is a very sweet song, so you can play it as sweet as your mouth is later." sweet to go.

Especially you, Double Happiness, if you dare not show your sweetheart little princess aura, I will send you back to Lijia Village and let you continue to catch loaches, hum. "

"Uncle Handsome, how can you say that about him? How can he not be sweet when he is so patient? Also, he used to be a jungler or catch loach. Don't let me down the level." He ate with a smile After taking a few bites of the lollipop, Double Happiness immediately adjusted her voice to the sweetest state, and said coquettishly to Li Yingjun with a happy face.

After the goosebumps shivered all over his body, Li Yingjun waved his hands quickly, and said with a look of fear on his face; "Shut up, shut down, this voice is too sweet, don't wait until the fans can't take it and trouble you..."

"Uncle Handsome, you're embarrassing me like this. You want me to sweeten my voice for a while, and then ask me to cut it down a little bit. What do you want from him?" Seeing that Li Yingjun couldn't stand his voice, Shuangxi frowned. Du returned to his original voice and said pretending to be angry.

"It's fine like this, it's fine like this, it's fine for you to perform normally like this, you're too sweet, I'm afraid others won't be able to bear it."

After humbly expressing Shuangxi's voice, this state is fine, Li Yingjun looked at the two of them, and continued to say; "Okay, it's your turn to play soon, it depends on whether it continues to be prosperous or short-lived. Your performance this time, come on, come on!!"

"come on! Come on!!"

After shouting together with Li Yingjun, after cheering twice, Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli walked out of the waiting room together, and then walked onto the stage of the competition slowly under the leadership of the staff.

After seeing Huang Xiaoli bring Double Happiness to the stage, one of the judges, Wen Diguo, stood up in disbelief and exclaimed; "Wow, it seems that we can hear a new song today, Xiao Li has invited all her senior sisters here."

"Now I seriously suspect that Xiaoli is here to find a place. This time she brought her senior sister, and next time she will bring her master. I can't afford it, I can't afford it!!" Wen After Di Guo exclaimed, Jiao Mengyu also stood up and joked a few words.

After Jiao Mengyu opened her mouth, Zhang Yaowei, her good friend, also stood up with a wry smile and said, "Shuangxi's popularity on the Internet is scarier than mine, so I suddenly feel that I am not suitable to sit here, but I still have to be tough." Scalp and sit down, because I am looking forward to the collaborative performance of the two of you!!"

Seeing that the other three judges had spoken, An Ning'er, the queen who was left behind, waved her hand after a wry smile and said, "I can only say that the future belongs to you young people, so let's start your performance." Bar.."

"Thank you four teachers for their comments. I will send a Persian cat song to all the friends present. I hope you will be so happy every day!!"

After Qi Qi bowed down to thank the four judges, Huang Xiaoli took the lead to stand up with the microphone.

Then, while dancing the sexy and cute cat dance with Shuangxi along with Dangdang's dubbing, she sang in a crisp voice:  …

Eyes squinted into a line, tiptoes lightly, the tiles on the roof are his piano keys, step by step, little by little, walking on the edge of love
After rolling his eyes playfully, Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli switched positions, walked to the front, raised their hands like cat's paws, and sang in a clear and sweet voice:
Appear when you want, disappear when you want to disappear, sleep all day when you want to sleep, ignore anyone, don't call back, don't go online, and don't argue with anyone

After Shuangxi finished singing, Huang Xiaoli twisted her sexy body and changed positions with Shuangxi, then pointed at Shuangxi with a playful face, and sang as if she was crying: .
Falling in love with him is dangerous, not loving him, missing him, he is always looming
He casually took out a hat from the back and hung it on his head, pulled the skirt and instantly turned into shorts, and in seconds, the tomboy's double happiness flicked the bangs on his forehead, and sang in a cool voice: .
Sometimes silent and cold, sometimes gentle and shy, no one will be the master of his love

After reaching out and pushing Shuangxi behind her, Huang Xiaoli walked in front of Shuangxi with twisted dance steps again, pointed at Shuangxi who had transformed into a cool kid at this time, and sang accusingly:
Lingering when approaching, perfunctory when leaving, he is always hot and cold, near and far
After reaching out to pull Huang Xiaoli into his arms, Shuangxi hugged her, showing the expression of a cat teasing a mouse, and sang coolly:
He can remain the same or change instantly, but he won't make any changes for you

After Shuangxi finished singing, Huang Xiaoli immediately stood up and stood in a row with Shuangxi, while continuing to twist her sexy dance steps, they sang in chorus together;
The Persian cat squinted his eyes, the Persian cat tiptoed on his toes, the Persian cat guarded his love, but couldn’t see in a blink of an eye

With a sudden change, Huang Xiaoli was pulled back, and Shuangxi stepped out again. After flicking bangs coolly to the camera, she once again sang with a wicked and haughty expression:
He sees everything, sees nothing, meaningless shrugging is his pastime, once left, once right, waiting for his lover

After Shuangxi's cool segment was sung, the two of them entered the fast stage directly, just like Huan Biao, you sang one by one.

And it was the kind that became more and more crazy as it sang, which shocked the fans and judges at the scene.

Huang Xiaoli: Falling in love with him is dangerous

Double Happiness: I miss him if I don’t love him
Huang Xiaoli: He is always, vaguely visible

Double Happiness: Sometimes silence is cold

Huang Xiaoli: Sometimes gentle and shy

Double Happiness: No one will be him, the master of love
Huang Xiaoli: Lingering when close

Double Happiness: Perfunctory when leaving

Huang Xiaoli: He is always hot and cold and near and far away

Double Happiness: He can stay the same

Huang Xiaoli: It can also change rapidly

Double Happiness: But he won’t make any changes for you
Double Happiness and Huang Xiaoli together: la la, the Persian cat squinted his eyes, the Persian cat tiptoed on his toes, the Persian cat guarded his love, but couldn’t see it in a blink of an eye, la, couldn’t see it in a blink of an eye, la~ la ~~! !
After singing Persian Cat, Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli hooked each other's shoulders, bowed and thanked the judges and fans together, "Persian Cat, the song is over, I hope you like it, thank you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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