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Chapter 142 [142] The most dazzling youth combination, the heart-beating girl

Chapter 142 [142] The most dazzling youth combination, the heart-beating girl

After leaving school, Li Bu first left Tian Xiaoxin to Li Yingjun, and asked him to supervise Tian Xiaoxin and Shuangxi's running-in.

Then he also explained to Shuangxi and the others that in the next round of the competition, the song "Unfulfilled Lovers" will be used.

In addition, when the time comes, they will not appear alone, but will bring along a new member, Tian Xiaoxin, and then appear together in a combination.

To be honest, at the beginning, Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli were very difficult and unwilling to accept Tian Xiaoxin, a newcomer, to join them.

However, they were still defeated by Li Bu in the end... Li Bu's words of winning the championship and rewarding one with a BMW immediately made the two of them change their faces in seconds. up.

After solving the problems of Shuangxi and the others, Li Bu first gave Zhang Xiaofeng and Meimei a two-day vacation, and then on the third day, when the shooting equipment arrived, he directly sent Zhang Xiaofeng and the others together with the shooting equipment. Let's go to Lijia Village together.

After arriving at Lijia Village, Li Bu, Zhang Xiaofeng and the others, with the help of the villagers of Lijia Village, started to set up the venue and arrange things.

One day later, when everything was ready to start shooting, Zhang Xiaofeng and Yi Xiaoxin were dumbfounded when they looked at the script and props given by Li Bu.

I won't talk about the super sand sculpture of the dialogue in the script.

The prop was actually a broken toy knife that Li Bu found from Li Wanfu's house, among Li Xiaowang's unwanted toys.

But not all of them are so bad. The only thing that is quite good in the crew is that the costumes are really well chosen.

This costume is not only cool to wear, but also has a chivalrous style, like an ancient man.

However, in fact, this costume did not cost any money. It was found by Li Bu from the old ancestral hall, and no one wore it anymore.

After the venue, costumes, and personnel were all ready, the big guys laughed and filmed the first episode of the first season that they never expected [low-cost martial arts film] under Li Bu's guidance and stick education. 】coming.

There are only two actors in the first episode, only Wang Dahui played by Zhang Xiaofeng and Yi Xin's multiple roles interchanged.

But what is surprising is that this is a plot and dialogue that are so bad that people can't complain about it, but Li Bu made it into a funny little video of friendship.

Of course, it was not as easy as I imagined to make this first episode of the short video. Because many people in the crew were contacting for the first time, shooting such a funny and low-interest subject matter, so people always made mistakes during the shooting.

How did I make a mistake? First, the leading actors Zhang Xiaofeng and Yixin always laughed, then the lighting engineer and cameraman also laughed, and then even Meimei and Li Yanmei, who had no part in the scene, came to watch the fun, so it was only 5 minutes. It took Li Bu a whole day to shoot the short video.

After finishing the first episode [Low-cost Martial Arts Movie], Li Bu directly announced the end of the show and asked the big guys to pack up their things and go to rest.

After everyone left, Li Bu didn't plan to wait for more content to be filmed, and then save it later to edit together. Instead, he took it home and started editing by himself.

After the editing, Li Bu realized that he forgot to make the opening song, which he never expected. He hurriedly called the members of the crew together, set up the shooting equipment and shot the opening scene that he never expected coming.

This clip is easy to shoot, and it's over in one shot.

In this way, from this opening scene, Zhang Xiaofeng and Yi Xinxin gradually grasped the essence of humor that Li Bu needs after the beginning went smoothly.

Then there were fewer and fewer laugh scenes, and the progress of filming became smoother and smoother. In one day, as long as there are no accidents in the venue layout, basically one episode can be filmed in one day.

As soon as the time turned, it was when Li Bu and the others filmed the fourth episode playing Zhen Huan together.

Huang Xiaoli ushered in her third match, and this match was accompanied by Tian Xiaoxin's debut.

"Mom, I wasn't cheated, I really signed a contract with an agency, and I'm with my group sisters now.

We will be performing on stage soon. If there are no accidents, you will be able to see your daughter and me on Shonan TV tomorrow. "

Because it was the first time to be on such a formal stage, Tian Xiaoxin was a little nervous.

Nervous, she thought of calling her mother to distract herself.

What she didn't expect was that when she told her mother the news that she had signed a contract and was about to debut.

Her mother actually said to her, have you been trafficked, and then Huang Xiaoli, who belongs to the flat-headed brother, was immediately blown up, so angry that she almost smashed her phone.

Hearing what her daughter said seemed to be the same thing, Tian Xiaoxin's mother on the opposite side sighed, and then changed her tone; "Don't worry about being cheated away, since you are going to be on the stage, you should do it well." Show it off, don't embarrass me, I was scared when I first stepped on the stage."

"I will not be afraid, I am a born singer, I was born for the stage, so I will not be timid, I will definitely follow my two sisters to a higher and bigger stage! !"

After answering a few words to her mother angrily again, Tian Xiaoxin hung up the phone and walked in front of Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli.

Then he folded his hands with them, and shouted three loudly, "Come on, come on, come on".

After shouting, the three walked in unison. Under the leadership of the staff and under the watchful eye of Li Yingjun, they walked slowly from the backstage to the stage.

"Oh my God, are you kidding me?
In the last game, you gave me one more, even if a popular teammate like Shuangxi came, but this time you gave me such a cute younger sister.

Tell me, Huang Xiaoli, what is your intention? Seeing that Huang Xiaoli not only brought Double Happiness this time, but also brought a newcomer, An Ning'er immediately stood up after the song and shouted at Huang Xiaoli.

Just like An Ning'er, Wen Diguo also stood up at this time, and said with a look of dumbfounding; "Huang Xiaoli, your boss is probably too picky, too shrewd.

It's fine if he doesn't give you publicity for his debut, but he even stuffed all of you into our place. He really has a good plan! ! "

"No, no, no, I don't think that's what Huang Xiaoli thinks.

I think she brought one more person here this time, not for her debut, but to suppress our singer Jiao Mengyu.

As you know, in the last competition, Jiao Mengyu, our songstress, got her back in the end, so this time she must have come for revenge! ! Seeing that the other two judges had spoken, Zhang Yaowei, who didn't want to be left at the end, spoke again before Jiao Mengyu.

After giving Sun Yaowei a disgusted look, Jiao Mengyu sat directly on the seat, looked at Huang Xiaoli domineeringly and said, "Come here, I won't admit defeat until you bring your master, although Make a move, I'll take it."

He didn't answer, for fear of offending others.

After meeting the four judges and teachers, Huang Xiaoli, Shuangxi, and Tian Xiaoxin all stood up and shouted loudly, "Hello everyone, we are Heartbeat girls.

I am the sweetheart princess Double Happiness.

I am Huang Xiaoli, a rock girl.

I am Tian Xiaoxin, the first love girl.

The song we bring to you today is, The lover is not full, I hope you like it.. "

(End of this chapter)

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