There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 144 [144] The super boss of the eel family army flew into the village by plane

Chapter 144 [144] The super boss of the eel family army flew into the village by plane

"I don't want to offend anyone this time, so my praise."

Seeing that An Ning'er and Wen Diguo both praised Huang Xiaoli, Zhang Yaowei quickly raised his praise and was about to give her the same praise, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiao Mengyu next to him.

"Shut up and get behind me quietly.

When you were studying, didn’t the teacher tell you that you couldn’t jump in the queue? It’s fine if you jumped in the queue last time, but you still want to come this time, hum! ! "

After angrily interrupting Zhang Yaowei's speech, Jiao Mengyu stepped onto the stage again.

Then, while inviting Huang Xiaoli and the others aside, they slowly sang along with the music played by the staff while holding the microphone;
There is no extended relationship between us, no right of mutual possession,

Only when the dawn is mixed with the night, there is a moment of shallow overlap
Day and night only alternate but not exchanged, unable to imagine each other's world,

We still insist on waiting in the same place, standing each other as two worlds
After finishing the first part, Jiao Mengyu suddenly raised her voice and sang in a high pitch; You will never understand my sadness, just like the day does not understand the darkness of night,

Like the ever-burning sun, who does not know the waxing and waning of the moon,

You will never understand my sadness, just like the day does not understand the darkness of night,

I don't know why the star fell down.

After finishing the high pitch, Jiao Mengyu just took a short breath, and then resumed the original audio, singing with a slightly sad voice;
Day and night only alternate but not exchanged, unable to imagine each other's world,

We still insist on waiting in the same place, and stand each other as two worlds~jie~
After singing in a normal tone, Jiao Mengyu picked up the microphone again, raised her head slightly, and blasted a high-pitched voice;
You will never understand my sadness, just like the day does not understand the darkness of night,

Like the eternal burning sun, I don't know the waxing and waning of the moon

You will never understand my sadness, just like the day does not understand the darkness of night, you do not understand why the stars fall,

You will never understand my sadness, like the day does not understand the darkness of night, like the eternally burning sun, you do not understand the waxing and waning of the moon

When the last part of the song was sung, Jiao Mengyu sang the last part in a low voice like a girl who had lost her love;
You will never understand my sadness, just like the day does not understand the darkness of night, you do not understand why the stars fall,

Don't understand my sadness, just like the day doesn't understand the darkness of night. "

After finishing her performance perfectly, Jiao Mengyu walked back to her seat and sat down, then took a sip of water, smiled and said to Huang Xiaoli; "You have made great progress, but mine is not bad, so I want to surpass me , you still need to keep working hard.

However, I am not the kind of stingy person. Since your strength has improved, and your personality has become more and more unique, then as the judge teacher, I can only praise you fairly and fairly. ! ! "

After bowing again with Shuangxi and the others to express their gratitude, Huang Xiaoli looked at Jiao Mengyu again and said firmly, "I know that I am not strong enough now, but I believe that I will be able to defeat you one day, and I firmly believe that A day is not too far away!!"

"I welcome you to challenge my position. Compared with fighting with the previous sisters, a young blood like you is more attractive, so come on boy!!"

Knowing that after going out with her [I don't understand the darkness of night], my iron nails will go to a higher level, so Jiao Mengyu, who is as stable as a mountain at this time, doesn't worry at all that she will be compared to Huang Xiaoli, after all, there are still people in front of her. An Ning'er was blocking it-
Huang Xiaoli's temper belongs to Pingtouge's, and she will bite anyone who provokes her.

So facing Jiao Mengyu's steady as a mountain, Huang Xiaoli gritted her teeth and smiled directly; "I will beat you, I will definitely beat you, because your good songs are hard to find, and mine, with my master around, I can't finish singing! !"

"You have a master, I have friends, who is afraid of whom.

You are so good, you should win me a provincial championship, then go to the national arena, and bring me back a national championship. "Being bitten by Huang Xiaoli, the flat-headed brother, Jiao Mengyu also seemed a little angry, and directly encouraged to call Huang Xiaoli, so that he would go to win the championship.

Worried that if the two continue to fight, the show will be edited, so Zhang Yaowei quickly interrupted the two of them: "Huang Xiaoli, you performed very well today and made great progress, and the teacher is also looking forward to your next performance, so The teacher praises you."

Hearing Zhang Yaowei's opening, Huang Xiaoli quickly suppressed her anger, and bowed to Shuangxi and the others in thanks; "Thank you teacher for your praise, thank you teacher for your liking, thank you!!"

"Congratulations, you have won the opportunity to advance directly. In our next game, we will see you in 12 and 3. We look forward to your more dazzling performances. Come on."

The fiery Jiao Mengyu, who was flirting with Huang Xiaoli one second, put on a smiling face the next second, congratulating Huang Xiaoli and the others on their promotion together with Wen Diguo and the others.

A demonstration of strength what is called a professional smile.

"Thank you teachers for your support, and thank you for your likes. We will definitely bring you better songs. See you in the next competition."

After politely thanking Wen Diguo and the others again, Shuangxi, Huang Xiaoli, and Tian Xiaoxin rushed back to the backstage happily, and shouted to Li Yingjun who was waiting for them; "Uncle Handsome, we have advanced, yayyyy!! "

"Okay, we've advanced, then let's go back.

And today you have a day off as a reward for advancing.

But tomorrow, you will restore me to the state of struggle, practice singing and dancing for me.

Fight for the next two games, use your crushing strength to win the championship of this province, and then use your status as a champion to advance to the national competition. After smiling back to the three of them, Li Yingjun didn't take Shuangxi and the others to say hello to the other contestants, just turned around in a lonely way, and led them away from the competition field without friends.

At the same time.

Above the Li Family Village, Li Bu and others who were filming couldn't help but stop their actions at this moment, and all looked at the helicopter that was descending in the sky, showing bewildered and puzzled expressions.

Soon the helicopter landed steadily on the field created by Li Bu and the others, and then a middle-aged man led a middle-aged lady, an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, and a seven or eight-year-old cute little girl, A family of four walked towards Li Bu like this.

Seeing the family of four walking over, Li Bu first tried hard to remember who they were in his mind.

Then when he really couldn't figure out who they were, Li Bu looked directly at the middle-aged man and asked with a smile; "Well, we are filming and your plane is blocking us..."

"Hello Brother Lizhi, I'm from the eunuch's family, nice to meet you, you are much more handsome than the ones in the live broadcast room.

Also, before I came, I told Xiaomu and the others, I don’t know.. "After greeting Li Bu with a smile, the middle-aged man introduced himself with a smile.

Li Bu knew about the past in the eel family army, because this big boss gave Li Xiaomu and Li Xiaoye each a gift of nearly 100 million RMB in a week.

After learning who the visitor was, Li Bu greeted him with a smile, "So it's Brother Past, Xiaomu and the others have already told you about your coming, and we've prepared your accommodation and so on.

There are also those two guys, Xiaomu and Xiaoye, who are now building dams on the other side of the river dam. They said they waited for you to come and cut off the river for you, and then let you catch fish to have a good time. "

(End of this chapter)

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