There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 150 [150] One who refuses to do business, a great talent

Chapter 150 [150] A person who refuses to do business, a great talent
"Cai Dejun is my father-in-law, and Dejun Real Estate Company belongs to our family.

In addition to this, I personally own 70.00% of the shares of Tianda Cinema Company.

By the way, Brother Lizhi, if you make a movie in the future, you can show it in my theater, and I will definitely give you the maximum layout. "

Seeing Li Bu asking about his identity, Yun Tianlong told him without hiding anything after thinking about it.

Even at the end, after remembering that Li Buyou was shooting something, he specifically mentioned that if there is a movie, he can show it in his theater.

"I'll go, let's forget about real estate, and even open theaters, it's definitely rich!!

What's more, I happen to have a need in this regard. This is simply giving me a pillow when I'm sleepy, what a nice person! ! "

Hearing Yun Tianlong's words, Li Bu's eyes lit up first, and then he immediately showed the appearance of a profiteer, looked at Yun Tianlong and said with a smirk; "Brother Long, since you have a theater, I have talent, just so Our fate is still so coincidental, so you said whether you want the two of us to jointly make a movie for fun, if it goes well, maybe we can still catch up with the big Chinese New Year holiday."

"This guy is definitely a genius. Not much else to say, as far as his small movie script is concerned, if he is willing to make it into a big movie, it will definitely explode. So this guy's investment, as long as it is not too much, is You can play with him."

After calculating the value of Li Bu in his heart, Yun Tianlong looked at Li Bu and nodded and said, "If it's a few million, but not more than 1000 million, I can play with you privately. I have to go back to the company for a meeting to discuss."

"It doesn't need that much, the cost is about 800 million. If we cooperate, I will pay 600 million and the script will account for 50%. You will pay 200 million plus theater support, which will account for 40.00%. The remaining [-]% will be given to the director and the leading actors. ?”

This time, Li Bu is going to play with this film, which is a small investment, easy to shoot, good actors, and short shooting time.

As for why he asked Yun Tianlong to cooperate, it was because this guy controlled the largest theater in China, and his presence meant that the movie was half successful.

In addition, Li Bu felt that he didn't even need 800 million yuan to play tricks on Journey, and he was going to let Yixin play the bald-headed actor, and then randomly find an actor similar to Wang Baoqiang to play the baby.

He himself played the handsome guy with the guitar on his back, and Meimei made a fool of himself to play the liar, and those kids could just find Li Xiaowang and his group of little monkeys from Lijia Village.

As the director, he and Yixin worked interchangeably. For the location [the section surrounded by villagers], he only needed to drive a bus and go to the small town at the foot of the mountain to find a village that is relatively close to the mountain.

There are also those at the station, there are ready-made ones in the small town, and with his current reputation, it doesn't even cost money to use these venues.

Calculate the cost... The actors use their own, the director also uses their own, the venue uses their hometown, extras can also use their own, and the shooting equipment is already available. As for the documents required for filming, go to the studio. While making a phone call, Li Yingjun estimated that he would be able to figure it out soon.

After layers of exploitation and embezzlement, Li Bu, who instantly became a big profiteer, was pleasantly surprised to find that this movie, which cost 800 million yuan to make in another time and space, did not cost 300 million yuan in his hands. I can figure it out.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Yun Tianlong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Bu and nodded and said, "The investment of 200 million yuan is no problem, but I have to check the quality of the movie before I can promise you.

And there is no need to give me so much share, just give me 20.00%, and if it is allowed, let my daughter show her face in the movie, that would be great... "

"This is absolutely no problem. Tomorrow you and Xiaomu will catch fish, and I will take Yunyan and the others down the mountain to film a movie. After about half a month, I never expected that the first season would be finished.

After the filming, I will sell it to Donggua Video. The boss of Donggua Video is my acquaintance. The young master is my friend, and I helped his son find his daughter-in-law. At that time, they will do their best to promote it. Yunyan will not be popular at that time. It's all difficult, and it's an absolute and proper series of cheating to have a daughter.

After the cheating daughter series came out, when she showed her face in the movie, she felt amazing when she saw her.

Especially during Chinese New Year, how exciting it is to see my favorite little girl appear on the big screen, right?

Not much else to say, just Yunyan's grandparents or grandparents, when they see the little guy appearing in the movie, don't they feel a sense of pride from the heart, right? "In order to get more resources and arranging films, Li Bu worked hard, and directly used his business experience in his previous life to fool Yun Tianlong.

Yun Tianlong was not interested in what Li Bu said earlier.

But the latter sentence of pride moved him from the heart.

Because he really wanted to see the excited and happy scenes of his parents and father-in-law when his daughter appeared in the movie.

Thinking of this, Yun Tianlong nodded and said, "OK, no problem, but I seem to remember the drama that Yunyan filmed, it seems to be the seventh episode of the second season, you haven't finished filming the first season yet, you Are you sure Yunyan's drama can be released before the movie?"

"Uh, I'll go, am I stupid for filming?
Why did I forget about the little match girl, is it the plot of the second season?

I'll go, I'll go, um, forget about the second season, it's the second season, big deal, I'll just treat it as the plot of the second season and release half of it to starve them to death. "

After paying attention in his heart, Li Bu looked at Yun Tianlong and said, "It's simple, I edited the scene directly, and then only released half of it to kill those audiences. At that time, this will not only increase the intensity of the movie, It can also bring fire to my second season, which I never expected."

"Brother Lizhi, with your brain, what kind of song do you write?

You come to do business, just like a profiteer like you, you will be a rich man on the rich list in the future! ! "

Recalling Li Bu's set of rhetoric from the beginning to the present, Yun Tianlong was surprised to find that Li Bu, who is an Internet celebrity, knows how to manage and fool better than himself, a businessman.

And he is 100% sure that if Li Bu is thrown into the shopping mall, he will definitely be a first-class profiteer and a powerful businessman.

Hearing Yun Tianlong's words, Li Bu took cigarettes from Li Xiaomu again, and while lighting one for each of the four of them, he said with a cheerful smile; "I don't like intrigue in shopping malls, and I don't like big cities. People’s hearts are cold, so I’ll just stay here, play music, make small movies, accompany my wife and children, and live a peaceful life.”

[Big brothers, it’s good to get [-] monthly tickets, and I’d like to see the genuine version for support. The starting point Platinum God said that the chirp of the pirated version is only three centimeters, and you can’t find it even if you pee. 】

(End of this chapter)

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