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Chapter 16 [16] Today's farmers market, only the proprietress

Chapter 16 [16] Today's farmers market, only the proprietress

To be honest, when singing this song, Li Bu also cried himself, but he was dumbfounded after crying...

Looking at these more than 40 big men with snot and tears, Li Bu tremblingly thought in his heart; Hit me, I can't beat so many!!"

"Little brother, men still understand us men.

Woo woo woo. Give me fifty catties of lychees. I’ll go home today to see my old mother, the woman who has loved me all my life. Suck it. When Li Bu was trembling and worried that he would be beaten, a male boss who got out of his emotions first walked up to Li Bu, waved his hand and asked for fifty catties of lychees without asking the price.

"Brother Long is right, we men understand men better.

Little brother, what is the name of this song, and where can I download it? I want to download it and recycle him a few times. Also, I also want fifty catties of lychees. "After the first male boss, the second thinner male boss immediately asked for fifty catties, and he even asked who sang the song.

The lychees that Li Bu brought today are of a better variety, so they are sold at 21 catties. Therefore, after receiving 1000 yuan from each of the two, Li Bu said with a smile; "There is no place to download it yet, because this song is I wrote it, and this is the first time I've sung it to someone else, and you are the first listeners to this song, and this song is called A Man Is Also a Flower."

"No wonder I went back and searched for a long time yesterday, but I couldn't find the song you sang yesterday. You wrote all the songs you sang.

It's okay, little brother, you can become a star now, why are you still selling lychees here. "Hearing Li Bu say that his songs are all his own, a proprietress who came over couldn't help but interject a few words like that.

After nodding with a smile, Li Bu continued to weigh lychees for the big guys, while explaining with a smile; "Being a star is too tiring, and I'm like a monkey in a zoo all day long, and I have to be criticized for everything I do.

I'm still used to the current life. When I have nothing to sell, I manage orchards on the mountain and raise chickens and ducks.

Occasionally, when you come across a small story, you can also create a simple song. When you have something to sell, you can come down and chat with your big brothers. This is very good. "

"Little brother, you can write and sing your own songs, even if you don't want to be a star, you can definitely be an online singer.

And your songs are full of stories, maybe you are the second popular Huanong Brothers here. Hearing that Li Bu didn't intend to become a celebrity, while the big guys were buying lychees, several male bosses who liked the Internet suggested that Li Bu should become an Internet celebrity.

Hearing the suggestions from the male bosses, Li Bu nodded and said, "I have plans to become an online singer, and I came down to sell lychees recently, in fact, to make money to buy equipment.

When my equipment is ready, I will make some short videos for fun, and then I will continue to live my pastoral life, and at the same time make some songs I wrote on the Internet for netizens to listen to.

As for whether it can be as popular as Huanong Brothers, I dare not say, but I think I should be able to make a living along with it. "

"Little brother, you must do it, you sing so well, you will definitely become popular in the future.

Also, remember to register the copyright of these songs you sang, don't become popular, and others will miss it. "Hearing that Li Bu is ready to become an online singer, the male bosses immediately praised him one by one.

While selling lychees, collecting money, and chatting with the male bosses, Li Bu unknowingly sold out all of his lychees in just over an hour, until there was not a single grain left.

When the lychees were sold out, Li Bu immediately looked in front of him apologetically, and said to a lot of customers other than the male bosses, "Bosses, I'm sorry, but today's lychees are sold out again, why don't you buy them again tomorrow?"

"We waited in line for half an hour, and now you say that there is no more, and you want us to buy it again tomorrow??

Believe it or not, we won't be here tomorrow, you don't even want to sell a lychee?

However, if you want us to continue to buy it tomorrow, it’s not impossible. You can also sing that man is also a flower just now. We came slowly and didn’t listen to it all. "Hearing that the lychees were sold out, a man in the queue immediately shouted dissatisfied.

Hearing the man's words, those who came around to join in the fun or line up to buy lychees also shouted, "Yes, don't sing to us, we will definitely not buy you a lychee tomorrow, hurry up and sing to us!!"

"I'll sing, I'll sing, I'll sing, brothers and sisters-in-law, you are my parents, if you don't buy my lychees, I will starve to death, can't I sing?"

Although he hadn't stopped talking all morning, Li Bu felt that it was necessary to satisfy the customers' demands.

So Li Bu waved his hand, and the male bosses and the citizens who bought vegetables immediately started a collective chorus at the farmer's market:
Li Bu: ... When the one who protects you becomes the one who wants you to protect,

When you are away from home and trying hard to have her you love,

Suddenly you find that the woman who loved you all your life has become the old man you care about the most.

The male bosses sang from being coaxed as soon as they cried, to laughing no matter how hard it is,

The friendship between buddies is in the wine, after drinking, I wipe it myself,

Even with a mountain on your shoulders, you have to pretend to be chic, this is us, men over 30~~! !
A group of hundreds of people in the farmer's market sang: "A man is also like a flower,

Need someone to water him, he will fill the sky with his fragrance,

It's not that men don't cry, they just hide their hearts, they would rather stand limp than kneel with a smile,

A man is also a flower........

Li Wei, a reporter who likes to go for a run in the morning, was passing by the farmer's market, and suddenly saw hundreds of people singing in a chorus. She didn't know why, so she asked a teary-eyed man who was carrying a lot of lychees from inside. asked the man who came out.

"Brother, what happened inside? Why are there so many people crying and singing, and what kind of song is this song? It's quite nice..."

Hearing Li Wei's question, the man wiped away his tears, shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just that one of our little brothers sings very well, and it just touched our hearts.

Also, the ladies at the farmer's market were on holiday yesterday, and today is finally our men's turn. How long have we waited for the holiday, so we are happy, this holiday is really not easy. "

Hearing what the man said, Li Wei turned around and went to the farmer's market with curiosity, and then she really discovered a very interesting thing.

The thing is, there is really no male boss working in today's farmers' market, and it is said that all of them are on vacation.

And this interesting thing didn't happen only today. It is said that an interesting thing similar to today happened at the farmer's market yesterday. .

It is said that the little brother who sold lychees sang a song about my wife's hard work yesterday, and then all the proprietresses in the farmer's market had a collective holiday.

And today the little brother sang another song A man is also a flower, so the male bosses in the farmer’s market are all on holiday.

After figuring out the law of this interesting thing, Li Wei rubbed her chin and muttered with a funny face; "Singing that the wife is working hard, the female boss will have a holiday, and singing that a man is also a flower, the male boss will have a holiday.

Then if he comes to a song for both men and women tomorrow, won't the farmer's market have to rest for a day? "

(End of this chapter)

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