There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 168 [168] Li Xiaomu thought his salary was overpaid

Chapter 168 [168] Li Xiaomu thought his salary was overpaid

Li Bu, who didn't know that he was about to show off again, originally planned to take Liu Jialiang directly back to Lijia Village.

But seeing that he was all wet and came out without any clothes, he finally made up his mind and took him to the Kubi Road store.

After arriving at the specialty store, Liu Jialiang didn't know how to be polite at all, he just picked out five sets of clothes in it, all spring, summer, autumn and winter were picked out here, even if it wasn't for the fact that the store only sold clothes and not shoes, It is estimated that Li Bu will have to buy a few pairs of shoes for this product.

A total of 8000 yuan for five sets of clothes cost Li Bu a total of 4 yuan. When paying the bill, Li Bu almost crushed his teeth in distress. At the same time, after paying the bill, the goods even killed Liu Jialiang There is.

After finally enduring the heartache and paying the bill, Li Bu took Liu Jialiang out of the specialty store and walked towards his van without looking back; "I paid 80 yuan in advance for your father, and I will buy clothes for 4 days today." Ten thousand yuan, you owe me a total of 84 yuan.

You owe me so much money, you'd better film and sing well for me in the future.

Otherwise, I will sell you to the director who fell in love with you at the beginning, and let him take you to make a third-level movie! ! "

"Don't don't don't don't you will definitely be sent to make that movie with me, you'd better let me be a cow and a horse by your side." Hearing Li Bu's words, Liu Jialiang smiled cheaply and followed Li Bu got into the car and sat on the passenger seat of the van.

"Fasten your seat belt, don't make me lose points. I've only had my driver's license for a few months. I don't want my driver's license to be revoked less than a year after I got it."

After telling Liu Jialiang to fasten his seat belt, Li Bu started the car and drove towards home without looking back; "After returning to Lijia Village, I will arrange for you to go to the production team at first. Go play tricks and learn how others act.

After that, in about one or two months, I will start a film project.

If you perform well at that time, I will give you the male number three that was originally assigned to me.

If you don't perform well, you can play tricks on me and train me well. "

"You are the boss, what do you arrange for me, as long as it is not illegal or out of line, I will follow suit, this is the head office, right?" After casually replying to Li Bu, Liu Jialiang went to fumble for his new clothes again .

Seeing that buying a few new clothes can make Liu Jialiang happy like this, after shaking his head with a wry smile to put away his distress, he stopped talking to him and drove his own car wholeheartedly.

After more than an hour, Li Bu drove the car to the intersection up the mountain, and then honked the horn to call Li Xiaomu, who was drinking and eating skewers in the container, to come out and open the railing.

After the railing was opened by Li Xiaomu, Li Bu parked the car in the open space, then smiled and looked at Li Xiaomu and the young people in the small town inside the container, and said with a smile, "Did you encounter something happy?" , I drank it myself without telling me..."

"Isn't it because Xiaomu was happy to get paid, that's why he called us.

And we all know that you went to the city to watch Double Happiness and their game, so how dare we bother you.

But now that you're back, you'll have to drink a few cups anyway. Hearing Li Bu's question, several young people in the small town hurriedly handed beer to Li Bu and Liu Jialiang and said with a smile.

Hearing the words of several young people, Li Bu didn't answer them first, but turned around and smiled at Li Xiaomu and asked, "That's right, I almost forgot that today is the day to pay your wages. How much salary was paid, did you pay less?"

"I was sent more than 11 yuan, and it was almost 300 yuan. The financial department should have sent me a little more. Last month, my diamond was 300 million yuan, and 30 million yuan was [-] yuan.

After deducting half of the winter melon video from 30, we are left with 15. If we split the 15 in half, I should get 5000, but the finance company gave me more than [-].

That, Brother Li, do you want my extra money back to you? Seeing that Li Bu still asked about his salary after all, Li Xiaomu, who originally said nothing about Li Bu unless he asked him, finally chose to tell the truth after sighing.

Boom~~! !
After opening the beer and taking a sip, Li Bu looked at Li Xiaomu, and replied with a smile on his face, "What kind of money will you give me back, the money you should get is so much.

I signed with Donggua Video for 37 points, we get seven and they get three, 30 minus 21% of Donggua Video’s [that is, [-]] equals [-].

We split 21 in half, isn't that more than 5000 per person?Why do you still dislike too much money and want to pay me back? "

"Ah, it's three to seven cents, I thought it was fifty to five cents, hehehe, it made me worry for nothing all day.

I was scared all day. At one moment, I was worried that you would come to ask me to get back the extra money, and at the same time, I was worried that you deliberately called me to test me for the money. "After listening to Li Bu's words, Li Xiaomu breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly became a little dumbfounded.

Hearing Li Xiaomu's words, Li Buzai reached out and patted him on the shoulder, then said seriously; "Remember, live streaming will always be your side job, even if you do a good job of live streaming now, you still have to Find a way out for yourself, after all, it is impossible for anyone to broadcast live all their lives.

As an older brother, let me give you a suggestion. Doesn’t your home have a large piece of land by the river? You turned that land into a fish pond later, and you can earn money by raising some freshwater fish that don’t feed you. A little money. "

Because following Li Bu can make money, and it's a lot of money, Li Xiaomu now absolutely obeys Li Bu's words.

No, just as Li Bu gave an idea, Li Xiaomu immediately had an idea in this regard; "Okay, I'll listen to you, Li Buge. Dig it into a fish pond.

At that time, when Xiaoye and I play the jungle live, the wild animals caught can be directly thrown into it to raise.

And after the fish pond is developed, I plan to build a fishing ground. After the live broadcast, I will bring netizens to go fishing, increase the relationship, or entertain tourists who come to our Lijia Village. "

"Fishing grounds can be built, but the water quality must be kept from being polluted, and after it's done, it's best not to let those fishermen bring their own fish material, it's best to provide them with earthworms, and then let them use them to fish. "

Because he felt that building a fishing ground in Lijia Village was also a profitable business, Li Bu immediately became interested, and immediately walked aside with Li Xiaomu, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes and chatting.

While Li Bu and Li Xiaomu were having a heated chat, a few young people suddenly came over, looked at Li Bu seriously and asked, "Brother Li Bu, we don't want to continue to dawdle like we are now." up.

And now life is not easy, can you take us with you, although we are not very good at buckling eel, but our eloquence and appearance are not bad, so Li Buge, take us with you. "

(End of this chapter)

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