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Chapter 170 【170】Liu Yan who had feuded against Surprise in her previous life

Chapter 170 【170】Liu Yan who had feuded against Surprise in her previous life

It took Li Bu just over three hours to go up the mountain this time.

But for some reason, when he was going up the mountain, he always felt a pain in his butt that came from his soul for no reason.

Li Bu didn't know it before he came up, but he probably knew it after he went up the mountain.

Because he saw it from a distance, Liu Yan was waiting at the entrance of the village, holding a tea stick, looking around.

Seeing Liu Yan's posture about to beat someone up, Li Bu drove the van cautiously, while muttering in his heart; "I haven't done anything to make her angry recently, she is holding a tea stick Who do you want to beat, it seems that she has beaten me since she was a child, this."

Seeing Li Bu's car entering the village, Liu Yan didn't go to stop him, but followed behind his car with a tea stick.

Followed Li Bu all the way to the location of the newly built homestay, and when Li Bu parked the car and got down to arrange for Liu Jialiang and the others, without a word, he just slapped Li Bu's ass with a stick.

"Oh, which Wang Ma, what kind of trouble are you doing? Why are you beating me up? I've been working hard lately, so I didn't make you unhappy." Li Bu took a stick from his ass, turned around and was about to swear , but after seeing that it was his mother, Li Bu immediately shut up obediently, jumped away, and then looked at Liu Yan with a face full of tears and cried out aggrieved.

Facing Li Bu's grievances, Liu Yan chased Li Bu with a tea stick, and shouted angrily, "You little bastard, did you just want to call me some bastard? ?
Okay, the wings are hard, I dare to scold even your mother, right?
I will settle old and new accounts with you now, I will let you call me a bastard, I will let you spend money recklessly, I will let you run, you stop for me, do you think I will interrupt your dog legs? "

"Mom, mom, mom, mom, what's wrong with you again!!
I didn't call you a bastard, and I didn't spend money randomly! !
You are all right and chased after me, alas. You are serious, I am your son, your own! ! "Facing the inexplicable chasing and beating of his mother, poor Li Bu could only cry out while being chased all over the village.

Seeing that Li Bu dared to run away after being angry with her, Liu Yan was not polite anymore, she just took the tea stick and continued chasing Li Bu's buttocks, while shouting angrily; "You don't know why I beat you?" You are right, I will tell you why I hit you now!!

You said that every time you donate money, do you have to discuss it with my elders like your dad? Every time you are in the news for no reason, how can we elders bear it?

Also, if you donate tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands at a time, those of us who are elders will not say anything about you, but look at the things you have done, is that something you should do? ?
Raising you so big, I don’t see you taking tens of thousands of dollars to honor your mother and me, and giving it to others is a few million, tens of millions.

If you give it to me, you will buckle it to the door of the house. You said to yourself, how can you make me miss you if you do this, and how can you make others think about me and your dad?
I am your own mother, the mother who raised you with shit and urine, but what are you doing now, you donate millions and tens of millions to others, but for my own mother, I Don't tell me you just don't get rid of me.

Li Bu, did I offend you in my previous life, or did I lack food and drink for you since I was a child, which made you prefer to treat strangers better than my own mother, ah, ah, ah! ! "

After being chased by Liu Yan all the way back to her home.

Li Bu quickly took out a folder from home and stuffed it to Liu Yan, then hid away and rubbed his buttocks and said, "I can't guarantee that I can go on smoothly forever, and won't go bankrupt or something.

So I saved 1666 million for you and my dad for retirement. I planned to give it to you for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but you beat me up this time, and I can’t do it if I don’t take it out.

And can you tell me that your old man doesn't watch TV at home at noon, and doesn't go to the village committee to help cook, so you deliberately blocked me with a tea stick at the gate of the village and beat me up, What is this for? How did I offend you again? "

[Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, head of household Liu Yan, deposit amount 1666 million, three-year fixed term, deposit date.. 】

After reading the document given by Li Bu, Liu Yan put away the tea stick this time, looked at Li Bu with a dissatisfied face and complained; "Xiao Bu, why are you so unhappy when you grow up?" Do you like me?
When buying a gift for Yanmei, you have to wait until I get angry before taking out my gift.

Also, after I chased and beat you for donating money last time, you waited for me to get angry before you took out your certificate of buying a house.

Now you still have to wait for me to get angry before taking this out. Are you happy to see your mother get angry with me? "

"Mom, let's deal with this first and see who is angry with whom, okay?

When I bought a gift for Yanmei, it will be your birthday in a few days, so I planned to give this gift to you on your birthday, to give you an unexpected surprise, but in the end, after you made a fuss, the surprise disappeared.

Afterwards, I donated money to the news and bought a house. To be honest, I didn’t know that I would be on the news at the time, and the house hadn’t been renovated at the time. I planned to finish it and take you to see the renovated house. I used this to surprise you, but in the end, you made a fuss again, and the surprise disappeared again.

Let’s talk about this time again, this time I’m planning to surprise you on the Mid-Autumn Festival, that is, tomorrow, but I don’t know that I’m on the news again, this news is something I can control, what can I do, but It's all right now, I was hurt by your beating, let alone the surprise.

So, dear mother, did you have an enmity with the word surprise in your previous life, and then you have a problem with it in this life?
You do this every time, next time I won't surprise you at all, and next time before I do something good, I'll give you a million dollars to get me. Facing Liu Yan's complaint, Li Bu, who was rubbing his butt, also complained with aggrieved expression.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Liu Yan, who was holding a passbook of tens of millions, suddenly became a little embarrassed; "Listening to what you said, I really found that the word "surprise" seems to be a little offended by me. with.

When I gave birth to your eldest brother, your dad secretly bought a gold ring for me to surprise me in order to express his concern for me, but he forgot to do things that day. When I was doing laundry, I gave the ring to you It was washed in the river, and your father searched for it in the water all afternoon before he found it.

When you were born for the second time, your father was also very happy. He took the gold jewelry left by your grandparents and went to the city to make a pair of gold bracelets for me. When it was garbage, it was thrown away as garbage, and the surprise was gone again. "

"Mom, I will never have the idea of ​​surprising you again.

Every time I have this idea, I am either beaten or disgusted. Next time I have this idea, I will call you my surname, hum. Hearing what his mother said, Li Bu said angrily while turning around and walking towards the house.

(End of this chapter)

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