There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 174 [174] My butt hurts, so everyone has to cry with me

Chapter 174 [174] My butt hurts, so everyone has to cry with me
Li Bu didn't pay attention to those guys who called him a devil in the subtitles. Instead, after wiping away his tears, he turned on the soundtrack of another song.

After the soundtrack was played, Li Bu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said hoarsely to the camera; "A man will fall in love with three women in his life, one is the mother who gave birth to him, one is the first love, and the other is to accompany him to the end of the journey." wife for life.

Many people's first love ends up being the wife who will accompany him through his whole life, but this number is not really a lot, it's just a lot in single digits, and it's just a tiny bit in front of the number of people.

I think there should be many people like me who met the girl they loved the most when they were most incapable, and then separated from that girl because of incapability. When we have a successful career many years later, you will Discovering the relationship we lost is actually the regret of our life.

A pig that lost happiness, I gave it to me for the love that was only a few months old, and I also gave it to those male compatriots who missed their beloved women like me. The same, they are all pigs who have lost their happiness. "

After finishing speaking, Li Bu no longer paid attention to the recovery on the subtitles, closed his eyes slightly, and sang hoarsely to the camera; "I can't give you the happiness you want, so choose to quit, because I love you, I let you, choose a better home
Singing as if seeing Li Bu, his first love, he directly faced the camera and made a pleading gesture, his voice was almost replaced by crying; I beg you not to say that I am too cruel, who can be reconciled Admit defeat, throw your love elsewhere, who can understand this heart-piercing pain
After begging, Li Bu raised his voice and sang as if to refute; If the road of love can be paved again, I will not let you cry for me anymore. Now the one left is so useless that it is unforgivable and lost my happiness the pig

I chose to quit when my love came to an end, but now I see this love is lost, if God can give me a chance to pay again, I am willing to give up everything and bet everything. "

After Li Bu sang a pig that lost his happiness, he looked up at the ceiling of the live broadcast room, and then two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks from his eyes, which made people feel distressed .

When Li Bu's appearance made people feel distressed, the subtitle area in the live broadcast broke out again. Countless netizens were posting subtitles to crusade against Li Bu, calling him a devil, a relative of the paper mill owner and so on.

No matter how beautiful the memories are, I can’t go back [Li Bu, are you a devil? I came to you to dig out the news. You just made me cry as an entertainment paparazzi. You sang so many sad songs to make us cry, Doesn't your heart hurt? Li Wei, I miss you so much, where are you?I was wrong, please come back, I don't want to be that pig that lost happiness! ! 】

Love you in my heart Nankai [The pig that lost happiness, so I am the pig that lost happiness, hehe. How sad, I never thought that one day I would become such a poor person, a pig that is so stupid Yes, hehe o(╥﹏╥)o. 】

National Husband [Li Bu, what kind of enmity do we have? You have been lying to me for one night. I have used three packs of tissues. What is your intention? Are you going to cry to death? ,asshole! ! 】

Five mines in the family [The pig that lost happiness, yes, I am the pig that lost happiness. I didn’t know how to cherish when she was there. Now that she’s gone, I miss her, but I can’t find her again. It's her time, Liu Libing, you bastard, where have you been hiding? Come home, okay? I won't play anymore, and I won't play anymore. Let's get married when we come back, please! ! 】

In a large villa in Shandong Province, a fat man was listening to Li Bu's singing, while looking at a photo frame on the table, and said tearfully; "Liu Libing, you bastard woman, you Where did you go? Do you know? I miss you.

I think of you when I go to sleep at night.

I think of you when I wake up during the day.

I miss you at lunchtime.

I also miss you when I go shopping.

But where did you hide?

I'm so tired of looking for you, are you back?

Don't make me suffer, I'm so tired and miss you so much. "

In a rental house in the capital city, a woman dressed in ordinary clothes but very beautiful was looking at the subtitles from the five mines at home with her mobile phone at this time, tears drenched her cheeks in a moment of distress.

Although it has been more than a year since she left the man she loves, she has actually been following his every move. When he went to the room of a female anchor, her account followed him. He entered Li Bu's live broadcast room, so she followed in.

The woman who always thought that this man didn't love her anymore, after seeing the subtitles of the five mines at home, circled him and replied; "I'm here in the capital, and I miss you too, and you bastard, you Why do you want me to wait for you for a year before saying that you miss me, do you know that following you all day in those female anchors’ live broadcast rooms, my heart is about to break!!”

On the Shandong Province side, the fat man put down the photo frame, ready to tip his [-] million diamonds, and then went offline as soon as possible to stay away from Li Bu, the bastard who made him cry.

As a result, he was shocked as soon as he picked up the phone. Someone actually circled him, and the profile picture of this person was his or hers.

After seeing this information, he immediately forgot about the idea of ​​giving all the diamonds to Li Bu, and directly clicked on the profile of his netizen in this circle, and then asked her for the specific address and contact information, and then directly downloaded He took his father's private plane to the capital to pick up someone.

I don't know if it's because I'm tired from crying, or I think I can't go too far.

At this time, Li Bu finally pulled Tian Xiaoxin out and introduced it to the netizens in the live broadcast room; "Everyone must be relatively unfamiliar with this beautiful face, now let me introduce it to you, her name is Tian Xiaoxin, she is my third Apprentice, also the teammate of Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli, the first love girl of one of the girls who are in the heart.

I’m sorry to let you listen to so many sad songs in a row just now, so as an apology, let me, my apprentice, sing a song for you now, her new personal single, a very positive song, Invisible Wings , let our first love girl perform for you now. "

After finishing speaking, Li Bu rubbed his butt and limped out of the live broadcast room, then lit a cigarette and sighed to the sky; "I was beaten for no reason, my butt hurts until now, I don't feel good about you guys Don’t even think about feeling better, hum, let the whole world cry with me, take a break now, and continue crying later.”

[You left me at three o'clock in the morning on September 2019, 9, and took good care of my grandma all the way. 】

(End of this chapter)

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