There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 179 [179] Farmers' life is a bit bitter, but very happy

Chapter 179 [179] Farmers' life is a bit bitter, but very happy

After the man entered the office, Li Bu and Li Xiaomu sat in front of the tea table and began to enjoy the tea and snacks made by the man.

While drinking tea and eating snacks, Li Bu looked up at the man suspiciously and asked, "Swine fever has spread everywhere recently, making everyone afraid to eat pork, so your bamboo rat business should be very hot, right? "

"It's a little bit better, but it's almost the same. After all, bamboo rat meat is not pork that everyone can accept."

After replying to Li Bu with a smile, the man added tea to Li Bu and Li Xiaomu, and continued with a smile; "Your live broadcast last night is said to be tens of millions. With this money, you What kind of pigeon farm is there, it’s tiring to raise pigeons without making much money.”

"I don't expect it to make me money by raising pigeons. The main thing is that after a busy day, I can stand on the loft and watch the pigeons soaring in the air. It feels good."

This time Li Bu did tell the truth, he did not expect to raise pigeons to make money, he just wanted to raise pigeons for fun, and this was a small wish of his previous life and this life.

When Li Bu was studying in his previous life, several friends had pigeons as their pets. Although he didn't have a good relationship with them at that time, Li Bu was lucky enough to visit their house and watch the scene of them releasing pigeons.

At that time, he set a small goal for himself in his heart. This goal is that when he grows up and has his own house, he will also build a shed for pigeons, and then raise pigeons himself. Some pigeons came to play.

It's just that he didn't realize this wish in his previous life. The reason why he didn't realize it was because he was always busy making money and spending time in the world, so he forgot this little wish at some point.

In addition, his suite worth tens of millions at that time could not keep pigeons at all. It's hard to find your way home.

And it was precisely because of this regret in his previous life that when Li Bu thought of raising chickens and ducks in the orchard, he incidentally included this little regret in his previous life.

Hearing Li Bu's words, and after thinking about Li Bu's own conditions and worth, the man also nodded and said, "That's right, with your current worth, there is no need to make money by raising pigeons.

But even if you don't raise pigeons to make money, I still want to guide you on a few issues that you should pay attention to when raising pigeons.

There are three points to pay attention to when raising pigeons.

The first point is that after the pigeons are bought back, they need to be matured for at least a month before they can be released, and they can’t all be released when they are released. Contributes to the homing rate of pigeons.

The second point is that it is best to have something to prevent wild cats, foxes, weasels, and mice around the pigeon cage, because once these things enter the pigeon cage, the pigeons inside are almost impossible to survive.

The third point is that pigeons cannot be kept together with chickens, ducks, geese, and small birds, because they can easily get bird flu when they are together. "

"Well, I have all these in mind. By the way, to feed the pigeons, can I just simply feed millet, corn, soybeans, and peanuts?" After writing down the man's advice, Li Bu asked about feeding again. up.

Knowing that Li Bu kept pigeons for fun, the man nodded and said, "You don't use them for competition anyway, so you can just feed them. Of course, it's also okay to feed them with some feed and sand once in a while." .”

"Feed, silt, um, I wrote it down."

Smiling and nodding to indicate that he wrote it down, Li Bu asked the man again how to pair the pigeons and how to prepare the pigeon nests, and then the two discussed there for half an hour with questions and answers.

When the two of them had a similar discussion, a worker from the pigeon farm came in; "Boss, the pigeon has been finished. Did we send this pigeon to the customer, or did the customer take it away?"

Hearing what his worker said, the man turned and looked at Li Bu.

Seeing the man looking at him, Li Bu directly took out the car key and pressed the lock, then said with a smile; "Just help me load it on the van, but I have to lend me the cage. I will give it to you when I go down the mountain tomorrow." Bring it over, it should be fine, right?"

"Of course it's no problem. You are such a big star, why should I worry that you will eat a few of my cages?" Hearing Li Bu's words, the man waved his hand to signal the workers to load the car, and at the same time smiled. Nod to indicate no problem.

Li Bu bought a total of 120 pigeons this time, which sounds like a lot, but in fact it was only four or five cages, which were placed on the back of Li Bu's carriage, which seemed empty inside.

After the pigeon was loaded, Li Bu directly sent the money to the man, and then made an appointment with the man to drink tea and play wild together next time when he was free, and then drove the van directly to the town with Li Xiaomu and the pigeon.

After arriving in the small town, Li Bu first went to his old acquaintances and bought more than a dozen roast ducks and geese.

Then I went to an old acquaintance, bought some cigarettes, drinks, yogurt and liquor, and then drove back to Lijiacun.

When passing the intersection back to Lijiacun, Li Bu left a roast goose and a case of beer for Li Xiaoye, and then started the car again and went up the mountain.

After returning to the village, Li Bu first sent Li Xiaomu home, and put the bought cigarettes and wine, roast duck and goose at Li Wanfu's house, and then he brought a roast goose, a box of yogurt, and a cart full of pigeons, Drive straight to the orchard.

Ranran, who was playing with the big yellow dog at the gate of the orchard, immediately waved her little arms and shouted happily when she saw Li Bu's car coming, "Uncle Li Bu, are you here to play with Ranran?"

"No, uncle is here to work, but uncle brought us delicious yogurt and delicious roast goose." After parking the car, Li Bu got out of the car and kicked the big yellow dog away, and picked up the little dog. The guy came back smiling.

At this moment, Li Wanfu and his wife both came out of the orchard; "Boss, you're here. Hey, boss, what's in your car? How did I hear the crowing of pigeons?"

"You heard me right, it's the sound of pigeons. I bought 120 pigeons and came back. By the way, this roast goose is for you, and this yogurt is for Ranran. Move it yourself."

After opening the car door with a smile and explaining a few words to Li Zhiyou, Li Bu took out some snacks from the car and handed them to Ranran, and then took her directly into the orchard to play.

Hearing Li Bu's explanation, Li Zhiyou first handed the roast goose and yogurt to his wife, then pulled the small cart from the orchard, and then moved all the cages containing the pigeons to it, and finally They were all pulled into the dovecote and put away.

There were not many pigeons, so Li Zhiyou's wife did not follow.

After Li Zhiyou's wife brought the roast goose and yogurt back to the house, she poured two glasses of water for Li Bu and Ranran in the house, and gave them to drink.

After taking a few sips of the water handed over by Li Zhiyou's wife, Li Bu teased Ranran and asked her with a smile, "Leaving the small town and coming here to live in the countryside, are you still used to it? "

"Although the work is a bit dirty and a little bit hard, living here is much happier than outside.

And Zhiyou is very kind to both of us, mother and child, and the people in the village are also very easy to get along with, so we have a very happy time here, and Ranran also likes it very much. "Hearing Li Bu's question, Li Zhiyou's wife immediately showed a happy smile and said back and forth.

Li Zhiyou's wife didn't lie, she was really happy here.

In the past few years, because they are single mothers, the mother and son have suffered countless blind looks and humiliation in the small town.

The gangsters bullied them, the neighbors bullied them, almost everyone looked down on them, and no one was kind to both mother and child.

And this is why when she heard that Li Zhiyou was willing to accept Ranran and said that she would raise her like her own daughter, she brought Ranran to live with Li Zhiyou without hesitation.

And after getting along for such a period of time, Li Zhiyou also fulfilled his original promise, and he was sincerely treating their mother and daughter well.

During this period of time, Li Zhiyou not only handed over all the money to her to manage, but also often asked Li Bu to help buy some children's clothes and toys for Ranran to play with when he came back.

Even in order not to let Ranran's personality become withdrawn, he would take them for a walk in the village after dinner every day after work, let Ranran play with the children in the village, and take her to meet the women in the village. They meet and play.

(End of this chapter)

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