There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 188 [188] When Li Hong met Qian, the transformation of the honest man and the old slippery m

Chapter 188 [188] When Li Hong met Qian, the transformation of the honest man and the old slippery man
"One connection is [-] yuan. This price cannot be lowered. If it is lowered, I will not make money."

Since the number of people looking for Li Bu has become less and less recently, and more and more people in Lijia Village can take turns serving as security guards, Li Hong, who was cut off from collecting tolls, turned his head and started to fight. The idea of ​​selling hot spots came.

Now Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, and Li Hong have separate live broadcast rooms.

Li Xiaomu and his father Li Dafu live together.

Li Xiaoye asked his cousin Li Xiaotian to broadcast live together.

On the other hand, Li Hong went up to the mountains by himself to go jungle during the day, and occasionally let Li Xiaowang appear on camera at night.

Of course, the number of fans in the three people's live broadcast rooms is also different. Li Hong's live broadcast room fans are now 1500 million, Li Xiaomu's is now 980 million, and Li Xiaoye's is now 999 million.

And the reason why Li Hong and Li Xiaoye both have more fans than Li Xiaomu.

That's because when Li Xiaoye first started broadcasting, Li Bu caught loach live broadcast, so the number of fans rose very fast that day.

Li Hong's is because of his name. The name of this live broadcast room is so overbearing. It is Li Zhi's eldest brother, Li Hong.

Of course, sometimes having more fans does not mean that he makes more money. For example, Li Hong, Li Xiaoye, and Li Xiaomu make the most money. On the contrary, Li Xiaomu earns the most money. The third, is the least one.

Li Hong's live broadcast was broadcast for one day in the first month, and he was allocated 5000 yuan. It has been more than half a month this month, and he probably calculated that he can get almost 30 yuan so far.

Li Hong was originally content with his salary of 30 yuan a month, but after thinking about Li Bu's income of tens of millions in that live broadcast, he suddenly became dissatisfied with the status quo.

After being dissatisfied with his current salary, Li Hong began to study the ways of making money. At first he thought that making videos was also a way to make money, so he began to rack his brains to start making videos.

Making videos is indeed very profitable. He has 1500 million fans, and a video will get around 500 million to 1000 million hits casually.

In addition, this has indeed brought him a very good income. He probably watched the backstage, and the money for this video is about 20 to [-].

More than a dozen and 20 plus more than 30 from the live broadcast, Li Hong will have almost 60 million this month, and there are still more than ten days to come. In this way, he will have almost 80 million in a month. .

But do you think Li Hong will be satisfied with seven or eight million a month?
No, he didn't start to be satisfied with this achievement, instead he started to study the PK during the live broadcast, because he found that this PK can stimulate fans to give him crazy gifts.

PK has advantages and disadvantages. In the first few days, Li Hong did make a lot of money, but soon Li Hong discovered that because of his constant PK, his fans lost more than 100 million in a few days. , dropped from 1500 million to 1420 million, which made him distressed for a long time.

While feeling sorry for his loss of fans, Li Hong hastily reined in himself, making up for it, and no longer easily PK with others.

When he was live broadcasting at night, he also began to just chat with fans about family affairs, talk about Li Bu's scandals when he was a child, and then use this to get fans' joy and gifts.

However, after reining in the precipice, Li Hong no longer PK with others, but everyone wants to PK with him.

Especially those female anchors, not to mention how happy they are to PK with Li Hong, and even get beaten badly every time, but they still enjoy it every time.

As for why he never gets tired of it, because there are many bosses in Li Hong's live broadcast room, and these bosses are very generous. Every time after beating them, they will give them some medical expenses or something.

And this so-called medical expenses are much more than what they earn in a week or even a month.

And it was precisely because they made a lot of money connecting with Li Hong, so these female anchors became anxious immediately after seeing Li Hong no longer connected to PK.

In this panic, all methods came out, and among these methods, the purchase of Li Hong's hot spot was included.

Hearing that a female anchor wants to buy his hot spot, Li Hong disagreed at the beginning, but he couldn't bear the temptation of money, and finally agreed again, but when he agreed, this product came up with a dark charging model coming.

This so-called dark charging model is that Li Hong pays attention to this anchor and connects her once a day, and then this hotspot is charged on a monthly basis. One anchor a month needs to give him a hotspot fee of 1 yuan.

1 yuan a month, this charge is really a bit scary, but when there is a female anchor whose total income is only 100 million diamonds in three months, after paying the 1 yuan, she instantly becomes a ten million-level anchor, All this has changed.

Li Hong has become very popular, and he can receive almost 60 yuan a month just for the hotspot fee.

In addition, this guy has started to become smarter. When linking to the female anchors, he stopped talking about beating them or anything, but started to say that fans always watch him as a master. After watching for a long time, he will definitely get tired of watching, so Let's take everyone to visit and see beautiful women and so on.

In this way, he led a live broadcast life of showing fans to see beauties with integrity, while secretly charging hot spot fees secretly.

Of course, when Li Hong did this, he was quickly reported, and the report came to Li Bu; "Boss, your elder brother has been a little unscrupulous recently. Click to sell, play PK for a while, and sell hot spots for a while, if he continues like this, it will directly damage your reputation!!"

After receiving a complaint call from the studio, Li Bu, who happened to be having dinner at Li Wanfu's house, turned around and looked at Li Hong, who had purposely stayed for dinner tonight, and asked with a frown; "Did you talk to me just now?" The 1 yuan that the other people are talking to is selling hot spots in the live broadcast room?"

"Now I have 59 followers, and now is the last position. If you want 1 yuan, you can ask for it. If you don't want it, I will sell it to others."

After replying to his backstage private message chat with his mobile phone, Li Hong looked up at Li Bu, nodded in doubt and asked, "What's the matter, is it okay to sell hot spots? If not, I won't sell them in the future." That's it."

"It's not impossible, it's just that if you sell hot spots, can you do it a little more covertly? Even my studio can know about your selling hot spots. You must be too careless in doing things." Selling hot spots itself is the use of resources. So Li Bu was not disgusted with Li Hong's actions, he was only a little dissatisfied with it, and his dissatisfaction was that Li Hong did this, and he did it too undisguisedly.

Seeing that his younger brother and boss didn't mean to blame himself, Li Hong nodded with a smile and said, "I won't sell hot spots after today, I'll just sell 60 people, and [-] a month is enough. Well, you can't be too greedy, right?"

"To you big-headed ghost, is there anything you don't do for money? Take the things that I climbed trees and wrestled when I was a child, secretly kissed my wife and was forced to marry, and nearly drowned while swimming as hot spots. You are really me. What a big brother!!" Although he didn't mean to blame Li Hong, Li Bu still despised him.

And Liu Yan, who had been listening to the two brothers' speech, had silently turned around and went to look for the tea stick.

Then there was a burst of heart-piercing wailing~~ After screaming, Liu Yan ran all over the village again to play the game of beating her son, but the son who was beaten this time finally changed from Li Bu to Li Hong.

Seeing his elder brother being chased all over the village by his mother with a tea stick, Li Bu hastily took out a small bottle of white wine from his pocket, and secretly drank it with Li Wanfu. , all showed a knowing smile...

(End of this chapter)

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