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Chapter 194 【194】Buy songs, buy songs, sell yourself when you buy them

Chapter 194 【194】Buy songs, buy songs, sell yourself when you buy them

"1000 million, and a 20.00% share, what are you doing?"

Hearing Li Bu's words, Zhang Yaowei was so distressed that he didn't know what to say.

He wants this song very much, but he is very distressed about money, because 1000 million is almost the sum of his current family property.

"Why, for such a good song, 1000 million plus 20.00% share do you think is too high?
Do you know how much the most expensive song that Jiao Mengyu ordered from me is 3000 million plus 20.00% share, and half of the copyright. Seeing that Zhang Yaowei was already tempted by his song, but hesitated about the price, Li Bu quickly went up to add fire.

"What, is Jiao Mengyu so crazy about buying songs now?

3000 million for a song, plus a 20.00% share, isn't this guy's price a steal?
But judging from the current situation, Jiao Mengyu didn't seem to lose money buying these songs. Not only did she not lose money, but she actually made a fortune and became popular. "

Hearing Li Bu's words, Zhang Yaowei muttered a few words in his heart, and then he gritted his teeth and looked at Li Bu and said, "Your song is very good, and it is also very suitable as my representative work that is now popular again, money not enough!!"

"How much is the difference? If there is a difference of 200 million, I can charge you 800 million first, and then the rest of the money will be given to me together with the share after you earn back from the album..." I thought Zhang Yaowei was the first-line Superstars should not be short of a lot of money, so Li Bu waved his hand and agreed to him, he can pay 800 million first, and then give the rest of the money later.

It was so far from what Li Bu thought, so after hearing Li Bu's words, Zhang Yaowei was so ashamed that he didn't know how to answer him.

Seeing that Zhang Yaowei didn't answer his own words, and showed embarrassment on his face, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively; "There is no 800 million, then... tell me, how much money do you have now?" Bar?"

"60, I only have 60 now, I lost all my money in the stock market, and I only appeared on the music talent show recently, so now I..." said embarrassingly After owning his own property, Zhang Yaowei at this time is no longer like Zhang Yaowei, the first-line superstar in the past, but like a poor boss after bankruptcy, who doesn't even have the confidence to speak.

Hearing that Zhang Yaowei was only worth 60 yuan, Li Bu was so frightened that he stood upright, then looked at him straight up, and exclaimed in disbelief; Do you think anyone will believe this?
Think about it, it costs 600 million to find you to endorse, and 80 million to find you for commercial performances. It must start from a million to find you on the show, so you tell me now that you only have 60, and you think I will believe you ? "

"The things you said are all the values ​​that I had before.

But now I can't afford these prices anymore.

Now I can’t even get 30 commercial performances when I go out.

Jiao Mengyu entrusted me with getting into the music talent show last time.

To tell you the truth, my contract has expired today, and the company has no plans to renew my contract, so I came to you this time with a last-ditch mentality.

It's just that it's a pity that you prepared the song for me, but I myself lost this last chance and strength, hey. "Speaking of his current situation, Zhang Yaowei couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"No money!! I'll go, it's a little bit aggrieved to be a first-line superstar!!"

"What a voice."

"What a beautiful image."

"What a great character."

"And I've prepared all the songs for you, why don't you have any money?"

"How can I help you if you have no money? I can't give you songs for nothing, can I?"

"It's definitely not okay to give away songs for free, but...hehehe, no one wants this guy now, and I happen to have no big names in my studio. If I can lure him into the studio, then... quack quack [ A smirk like a pig]"

After doing some calculations in his mind, Li Bu looked at Zhang Yaowei and asked thoughtfully; "Although I am not in the entertainment industry, I still know a few people in this field, so I would like to ask about your signing How much is the fee now?"

"It doesn't matter how much the signing fee is, let me tell you clearly, now whoever signs me will lose money, all the copyrights of my previous songs belong to the company, now after I leave the company, I can no longer sing those songs.

This is tantamount to, I am just a famous star who has no works or any works, but has the title of first-line superstar.

Of course, if you sign me, maybe I, a first-line superstar, can be rescued again. "Hearing Li Bu ask how much the current signing fee is, Zhang Yaowei laughed bitterly, but at the end of the laugh, he looked at Li Bu expectantly.

Zhang Yaowei's hint at this time was already very obvious, it was equivalent to telling Li Bu clearly that now only you can save me in the whole world, if you are willing to sign me, I can promise you anything.

Facing Zhang Yaowei's obvious hint, Li Bu nodded after thinking for a while and said, "Sign with my company for ten years, and I will use my abundant resources to send you to the position of King of Songs, King of Heaven!!"

"I used to sign a contract with a signing fee of 800 million. Then the money for albums, songs, and commercial performances is also split [-]-[-]. The company splits [-], and my manager and I split [-]. I don’t know about you. What kind of treatment do you plan to give me?" After hearing that Li Bu was willing to sign him, Zhang Yaowei tentatively asked about the treatment he would have after signing with the company.

Knowing that Zhang Yaowei meant that he wanted some money, how could the stingy Li Bu do what he wanted, and just poured cold water on him; "There is no signing fee, the song is divided into three and seven, the company is seven, you three, Five-fifty for commercial performances, five for the company, five for you."

"Hey, big brother, you are planning not to pay a penny, just pick up a first-line superstar and go home for nothing!!
You signed a superstar like me, at least you should show me a little bit! "Faced with such a stingy boss, Zhang Yaowei suddenly began to feel a little regretful. He just said that he wanted to sign a contract.

Turning around, he took out a few bottles of juice from the freezer in the room, handed it to the little girl, and threw a bottle to Zhang Yaowei, Li Bu smiled lightly; "I will release an album for you, so that you can have strength. Jiao Mengyu has a certain ability to raise arguments and has the right to speak in the hot spots of the next struggle."

"Will your album really make my strength reach Jiao Mengyu's level? If it's true.

Then I will obey your arrangements for everything in the future. If you say to fight east, I will definitely not fight west! ! "Jiao Mengyu is so popular and making money now, as a good friend Zhang Yaowei not only knows but also wants to be like her, so when he heard Li Bu's words, he immediately showed anticipation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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