There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 199 [199] I always feel that there is a hand inserted into our chapter

Chapter 199 [199] I always feel that there is a hand inserted into our program

"Next, we invite our No. [-] contestant to play, please!!"

After the PK of the first group was over, the host took the microphone and invited the members of the second group out with a smile.

The second contestant who came in was a husband and wife combination. The man in the combination was Sun Tianlong and the woman was Liu Fengjuan. The two were promoted from the Sichuan competition area, and they were both about 25 or [-] years old.

Their group name is Beautiful Love Dream, but although their group name is very beautiful, they are actually not a good-looking group.

They are a pair of disabled people. The man is now Duxiu without a hand, and the woman is wearing a prosthesis because of the loss of a leg.

After the two came to the stage, they bowed politely and said hello to the four judges and teachers; "Hello everyone, we are a beautiful love dream, and I am very happy to meet you on the stage of the national competition."

"Welcome to our beautiful dream of love. Let's start choosing your opponents. You just need to stop at the big screen." After the two introduced themselves, the host stood up and directed them to shake their opponents .

Hearing the host's words, Sun Tianlong and Liu Fengjuan looked at each other first, and then Liu Meijuan stood up and shouted "stop" loudly to the big screen.

And as the word stop fell, a 26 immediately rolled out on the big screen, which meant that their opponent was player No. 26.

Seeing that No. 26 was shaken out, the host immediately took the microphone and shouted loudly; "The opponent of our No. 26 contestant, No. [-], is invited to come on stage, please!!"

"Hello, everyone. I'm contestant No. 26 Wen Kelin. I'm from Keeling. I'm very happy to meet you on the stage of the national competition. Hello, host, hello to the four judges and teachers." Following the voice of the host , I saw a man with a guitar on his back trotting out from the backstage with an excited expression on his face.

For an enthusiastic contestant like Wen Klin, the host and judges invited him aside after smiling at him in an approachable manner, and then vacated the stage for the beautiful love dream to perform.

After Wen Kelin and the host walked down, Sun Tianlong and Liu Fengjuan both stood up, and then Liu Fengjuan stretched out her hand to hold Sun Tianlong's one arm, and sang first;
Let my love be with you forever,

Do you feel that I worry about you,

Only in the relative sight can we discover what fate is,

Are you also waiting for a bosom lover

When Liu Fengjuan opened her mouth, everyone was stunned. Jiao Mengyu and An Ning'er even stood up straight away. At this moment, both of them even suspected that their ears had auditory hallucinations just now.

Similar to Jiao Mengyu and An Ning'er, although Zhang Youxue and Di Ba didn't stand up, they were also shocked by Liu Fengjuan's opening, and they were so shocked that they still haven't closed their mouths yet.

Before the two of them could close their mouths, Sun Tianlong said, "Keep your love in my heart forever,

The long road has my unchanging heart,

When the wind blows, let you feel what is warm,

The rarest thing in life is to have a bosom lover

"My God, my God, this song, this song, it's amazing, it's amazing, this is... this is a song that can be called the Queen of Heaven, this." Liu Fengjuan said that Jiao Mengyu and the others were already surprised However, they were deeply shocked by Sun Tianlong's opening.

At this moment, Jiao Mengyu, An Ning'er, Zhang Youxue, and Diba all secretly thought in their hearts that it's a pity that this song is not their own, otherwise their musical achievements must be improved to a higher level.

Ignoring the judges' astonishment, Sun Tianlong took Liu Fengjuan's hand with his own arm, his eyes fixed on Liu Fengjuan's, full of love, only her singing in his eyes: ... No matter it is now
Liu Fengjuan is also holding Sun Tianlong's hand at this time, her eyes are fixed, full of love, only his eyes are looking at Sun Tianlong, and she sings sweetly: ... still in the distant future

After Liu Fengjuan finished singing, the two directly held hands and looked at the fans in the audience, and sang in a happy chorus:
We protect each other's love today, regardless of whether the wind and rain will never come again..

After singing a bosom lover, Liu Fengjuan and Sun Tianlong first bowed to the audience and judges together, then held hands and sprinkled dog food all the way, replacing Wen Kelin.

After Wen Klin came up, he asked the staff directly for a stool, and then sat directly on the stool, while playing the guitar lightly, while singing with a crisp voice;
When I was a child, I asked my parents at my grandma’s house. There was a little girl in a big hat who always hummed and played, but never spoke.

Until I was about to grow up and put on a high school shirt, and I saw her standing in the opposite window, with a cute short skirt and pink cheeks, actually yelling at me
She said, can I come in if I like it? It just so happened that I couldn’t think of an answer to this difficult question. The teacher was so dumbfounded that he was almost frightened and made everyone laugh.
She said, can I fall in love if I like it, I just don’t have a bicycle to go home after class, I get up in the morning and have a lunch box at noon, please don’t bother me.

After singing [Little Love Song], Wen Klin immediately put away the guitar, stood up from the stool, bowed and thanked; "This song is called Little Love Song, I hope you like it, thank you..."

After Wen Kelin finished singing, the host came back with Liu Fengjuan and Sun Tianlong, and directly smiled and threw the difficult problem to the four judges; "Okay, the performance of the two contestants is over, now our four Judges, start evaluating and voting!!"

Hearing the host's words, Jiao Mengyu didn't score directly this time, but stood up and looked at Liu Fengjuan, Sun Tianlong, and Wen Kelin, and asked with a serious face; "Since the first match, I have smelled a familiar smell. The taste is the unique taste of that person in the song.

At first I thought it was my illusion, but the appearance of the three of you made me think again, so, can you tell me, did you buy the song, or signed yourself to him?"

Hearing Jiao Mengyu's words, Liu Fengjuan and Sun Tianlong looked at each other first, then shook their heads and said, "We don't know who you are talking about, but we did sign a contract with a company, and this song is provided by the company we signed. for us."

Hearing Liu Fengjuan and Sun Tianlong's words, Wen Kelin on the side was stunned for a moment, and then said, "My situation is similar to theirs. I have also signed a contract with a company, and this song was also provided to me by that company...."

"Well, if I'm not wrong, it's probably that person reaching out..."

After shaking his head with a wry smile, Jiao Mengyu resumed his professional attitude, and commented to the two groups of contestants with a smile; "Beautiful Love Dream, your song [Intimate Lover] is perfect and classic. Your singing shows your true feelings. , Your game is not like a game, but like a concert. The feeling you gave me just now is like watching a concert.

Wen Kelin, your [Little Love Song] is also perfect. It directly and clearly depicts the sweet love of a pair of childhood sweethearts, and the singing is also very good, but unfortunately, in front of the classics, I can only say goodbye to you say sorry! ! "

[Monthly pass, monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass! 】

(End of this chapter)

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