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Chapter 20 [20] Wife, did we come to the wrong place?

Chapter 20 [20] Wife, did we come to the wrong place?

Li Bu and the others picked lychees for two and a half hours.

I picked a full [-] catties, which is almost the limit that the van can carry.

The reason why Li Bu picked so many lychees this time is entirely because there are not many lychees in the village.

He finished picking [-] catties today, and the remaining ones add up to less than [-] catties, so he plans to sell them for one day tomorrow, and another day the day after tomorrow, and then finish the job.

After the lychees were picked and brought home, the four women, Li Yanmei, Liu Yan, Chunni, and Lin Xiang, went to prepare dinner, while the four men, Li Bu, Li Hong, Li Aiguo, and Li Wanfu, took With wooden boards, ink fountains, and ropes, in Li Bu's orchard, he started to make frames.

"Xiao Bu, if you want to raise pigeons, it's better to have a row of pigeon lofts, so that the falcons and eagles won't be so easy to steal your pigeons.

See if this works. I will design a row of pigeon lofts that are three meters wide and seven meters long. The pigeons are kept off the ground, and it is easy to deal with feces. "

After finishing the general framework of free-range chickens in the orchard, Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu chose a wide open space on the second hill, and designed a small wooden house for Li Bu to raise pigeons.

Although Li Bu in his previous life struggled from the lowest level of life, he didn't know anything about rural affairs. After feeling that what Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu said seemed to be very good, he nodded and agreed;

"Okay, I don't know much about these things, so I'll ask you two who are knowledgeable to help. Don't worry, when I develop it in the future, I will cook pigeons for you every day, hehehe..."

"You boy, you can't do anything, but you can please people with your mouth.

This is what you said, don’t let your dad and I eat your pigeons, we can’t find you, hahaha.. "

Before marrying his daughter to Li Bu, it can be said that it was for his own face and integrity as the village head.

But at this time, Li Aiguo fell in love with Li Bu, his son-in-law, from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, he didn't comment on how this son-in-law was, but now Li Aiguo is very satisfied with his hardworking appearance, and he also knows that not only he is satisfied, but his daughter is also satisfied.

After teasing Li Bu with a smile, Li Aiguo saw that the general structure of the chicken coop and the pigeon coop could also be finalized, so he, Li Wanfu, Li Bu, and Li Hong started to draw the ink fountain together, fixed the wooden boards, and made the plank. The approximate structure of the overall shape is marked.

After finishing it, Li Aiguo looked at the old watch in his hand, and then shouted to Li Wanfu and the others: "Wanfu, it's already past six o'clock, and the women should have cooked dinner, plus Xiaobu will have more tomorrow." Get up early and go out, or we will be busy here today..."

"Okay, then let's pack up our things and go down the mountain to eat.

Xiaobu and the others wake up at two or three o'clock in the morning every day, so don't let them lack of sleep, and the mountain roads here are not easy to walk. Hearing Li Aiguo's words, thinking of Li Wanfu, whose youngest son was going to sell lychees tomorrow, he quickly nodded in agreement with Li Aiguo's opinion.

It's just a set shape, and they didn't bring anything, so Li Aiguo and the others only need to put away the ink fountain and rope.

After collecting, they took Li Bu's van and went down the mountain to the village to go to Li Aiguo for dinner.

The meal was indeed ready, and when Li Aiguo and his van arrived home, Li Yanmei just came out of the house with her bicycle. It seemed that she was ready to eat, and she was going to ride up the mountain to call Li Bu and the others.

"You guys are down, I'm going to go up and call you, hehehe, dad, brother, wash your hands, you can eat, hehehe..." After calling someone with a smile, Li Yanmei turned back with the bicycle and gave it to Put it back in the house.

Hearing Li Yanmei's greeting, Li Bu and others quickly got out of the car, went to the well to fetch water and wash their hands, and replied cheerfully; "Okay, let's wash our hands and then go in for dinner. Bring the baijiu that Xiaobu bought yesterday, and I'll drink two glasses with your Xiaobu's father."

"You two old guys can drink, but Xiao Bu can't.

Xiaobu has to get up early tomorrow and go down the mountain, drinking is dangerous, and Xiaobu, you are not allowed to bring alcohol back today, if you have nothing to bring, go and bring us some boxes of drinks. "Hearing Li Aiguo said that he wanted to drink, Li Yanmei didn't answer him, but his wife Lin Xiang came out and gave him a bad meal.

Li Bu, whose clothes were burned while watching the fire from the other side, nodded his head quickly after an embarrassed smile; "Okay, anyway, the little guys in the village are coming back these days, so I'll go buy a few boxes of Coke and come back." , Trick them to pull the weeds for me, hehehe..."

"Okay, let's go in and eat after washing.

Xiao Bu, you can go back to sleep after eating, don't talk nonsense with your two dads, they are drinking, they are all bragging existences until dawn... "After replying to Li Bu with a smile again, Lin Xiang called everyone into the house for dinner.

Lin Xiang was indeed very concerned about Li Bu and Li Yanmei's sleep time. After dinner, she didn't ask Li Yanmei to help wash the dishes, so she drove Li Yanmei and Li Bu back home early to sleep.

Li Bu and Li Yanmei, who were driven home, were a little too energetic to fall asleep, so they had to play two primitive human-making games.

It wasn't until both of them couldn't hold on any longer that they hurriedly washed up, then hugged each other and went to sleep.

Nothing in the night

At two o'clock the next morning, Li Bu and Li Yanmei got up early, and then went to prepare breakfast alone, and loaded the lychees into the van by themselves. After finishing, they took the cooked breakfast and drove the van carefully. It's starting to go downhill.

This time the lychee brought a little more sincerity, so Li Bu drove down the mountain this time carefully and carefully. It usually takes more than three hours, but today he drove for more than four hours to get down the mountain safely.

It was already past six o'clock when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, and the distance from the foot of the mountain to the farmer's market was still this little, so when their van drove to the farmer's market, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

"Here, here, here, they are here, Brother Lizhi is here, Brother Lizhi is here, everyone, make way, give up the booth to Brother Lizhi, hurry up."

There were no vacant stalls at the seven o'clock farmer's market, but when Li Bu drove in, someone unexpectedly left a vacancy for him, and this vacancy was still the good one he picked up yesterday.

However, this good location did not bring Li Bu the slightest joy, because he found that today's farmers' market has changed, and the number of people has increased several times than usual, and each of them is holding a variety of photos. Equipment, this doesn't look like a grocery store, but a paparazzi in disguise.

After looking out of the car window in doubt, Li Bu handed the money bag to Li Yanmei, pointed at the crowd outside, and asked uncertainly; "Honey, did we go the wrong way when we came down? Then came to another farmer's market that is similar to the one we used to go to??"

"You are stupid, there is only one farmer's market in our small town, where can there be another similar farmer's market?

By the way, Li Bu, our lychees today are glutinous rice, do we still only sell 21 catties like yesterday? After a few words of dislike for Li Bu with a smile, and after taking the money bag and tying it around her waist, Li Yanmei asked Li Bu about the price of the lychees.

(End of this chapter)

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