There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 27 [27] A group of mountaineering enthusiasts who were fooled into pulling their children

Chapter 27 [27] A group of mountaineering enthusiasts who were fooled into pulling their children

There are a lot of children in the village, except for some who have already been picked up by relatives in the town, there are a dozen of them crammed into the car at this time.

These twelve little guys can almost be said to be the future of Lijiacun, so Li Bu didn't dare to take the risk like before, and directly carried so many little guys up the mountain at once.

After leaving the elementary school in the town, Li Bu first went to buy some cooked food and drinks, then drove the car to the intersection up the mountain and stopped, letting all the little ones get off the car and line up.

After the little guys lined up, Li Bu took out drinks and distributed a bottle to all of them, and then explained with a serious face; "The road up the mountain is not easy, so uncle dare not drink it all at once. Pull you all up.

Now you five younger ones get on the car first, and your uncle pulls you up first, and the older ones walk with your aunt for a while, and then your uncle pulls your things and your brothers and sisters up, and then Can I come back to pick you up? "

"Uncle Xiao Wang, what if you don't mean what you say and don't come down to pick us up?

This mountain road is so long, we will climb miserably.. "Although the drink is in hand, although there are friends around, and even the big sisters in the village, the older little guys who were left behind couldn't help asking worriedly.

Hearing what the little ones said, Li Bu was speechless for a while, then pointed to Li Yanmei and said, "This is uncle's wife. Uncle has left his wife to accompany you now. Do you think uncle dares not come down to pick you up?"

"You're lying. Sister Yanmei's husband is Uncle Li Bu. Uncle Li Bu is doing big business outside and doesn't come home. You are a big liar." The little guy immediately pointed at Li Bu and called him a liar.

When Li Bu left the village, each of these little guys was only one or two years old, and the oldest was only four or five years old at the time. In addition, when Li Bu returned home, he didn't see anyone in the village, and they would return quietly every time. They left quietly, so they would not know Li Bu, which is actually quite normal.

After grinning bitterly at the behavior of his predecessor, Li Bu pointed at himself and explained with a face full of tears and laughter; "Well, look at it, I am Li Bu, the husband of your sister Yanmei, and I am still the younger sister. Wang's uncle.

My father is Li Wanfu and my mother is Liu Yan. I am back now and I am not going out to do business. Trust me now, right? "

"Sister Yanmei, is this uncle really your husband Li Bu? You don't have a good eye, such an ugly person, why did you wait for him for so long?" I found that the information Li Bu said was the same as what I knew Afterwards, the little ones began to question Li Yanmei again.

After looking at the speechless Li Bu in a funny way, Li Yanmei nodded to the little guys and said, "Yes, this bad guy is sister Yanmei's husband, Li Bu, isn't it good-looking, my sister thinks it's okay also."

"It's even disgusting that I don't look good.

Okay, you don’t even believe me, don’t you? Well, then you all don’t take the car, and you all climb the mountain by yourself honestly, hum. "

It was originally a duty to help the little ones, but now they are still disliked for being unattractive. Li Bu immediately became upset. Those who were upset were ready to let the little ones climb the mountain and go home to exercise.

Seeing that Li Bu seemed to be angry, the five youngest little ones who were ordered immediately climbed into the van with drinks, and said with a cheerful smile; "Uncle, we are joking, you are actually very good-looking, lol cluck..."

Didi Didi. Didi Didi. Just as the five little guys climbed into the car, a few mountain bikes turned suddenly on the road and honked their horns at Li Bu Didi.

The driver of one of the cars opened the window, exposed his head, and asked Li Bu, "Brother, ask me about the way. Does the road to Lijia Village come from this broken road?"

"Hello, I am Li Bu, the future village head of Lijia Village, may I ask why you are going to Lijia Village?

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean anything else, I'm just the village chief, that's all my duty. Seeing that the other party's mountain bikes were all luxury cars, and the tops were empty, Li Bu immediately felt bad, so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked with the appearance of a village cadre.

Hearing that Li Bu said that he was the village head, the mountain bikers quickly let go of their previous feeling of superiority, and said with a smile, "Hi village head, we are a group of mountaineering enthusiasts.

We recently heard that there is a Lizhi brother in your Lijia Village, and everyone said that Lizhi’s hometown is very beautiful and suitable for mountain climbing. In addition, the lychees there are all grown up drinking mountain spring water, and we just have time recently, so Just come up and have a look.. "

"Oh, it turned out to be a group of mountaineering enthusiasts, but I don't like to talk about you, your spirit is really unacceptable.

Do you know how difficult this road is? You take this road for excitement, but have you thought about the pain and sorrow it will bring to your family if something happens to your excitement?
I grew up in Lijia Village, and I am in my twenties this year. In my life experience, there are only three people who dare to drive on this road. A fruit vendor who comes to our village to wholesale fruits.

But even the three of us who have been on this road all year round have to be careful when we go on this road.

Although this road doesn't look very long, in fact, you will find that it is really long after you get on it.

I am the fastest driver on this road, but at my speed, I still have to drive for more than three hours. "The mountain road to Lijia Village is really not easy to walk, so in order to avoid accidents for these mountaineering enthusiasts, Li Bu couldn't help but talk to the old cadres and educate them directly.

Li Bu's education made people blush, but when they heard that it would take more than three hours to go up this road, everyone on the mountain bike was shocked; "This broken road is so long? It takes three hours to walk. Hours? Village Chief Li, aren’t you kidding us?”

"Do you know why Li Family Village is so backward?

Do you know why there are fewer and fewer people in Lijia Village?
It is because of this endless mountain road that it is troublesome to go up and down, so the younger generation in Lijia Village don't want to come back after going out. "

After sighing a few words like an old cadre, Li Bu looked at everyone on the mountain bike and said, "Seeing that you are all here, if you are not allowed to go up, you will definitely be very unwilling.

Forget it, I'll just be a good person once and show you the way once.

But as a reward, you need to help me bring these little guys, well, the little guys are all in the car, sit down obediently after getting in the car, don't dirty other people's cars. "

I don't know whether Li Bu has a good personality or he really has the spirit of a veteran cadre.

A group of mountaineering enthusiasts were so confused, they helped Li Bu bring a group of little kids, and then obediently drove the mountain bike, followed behind Li Bu's van, and rushed all the way to the location of Lijia Village ..

(End of this chapter)

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