There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 345 【346】Brother is now a family with a house in the capital

Chapter 345 [346] Brother is now also a family with a house in the capital
"Hi, handsome Li, tonight's live broadcast is very handsome."

While Li Bu was talking with Xiao Mingyun, several of Xiao Mingyun's girlfriends came out of the villa.

Hearing what the three of them said, Li Bu continued to carry Xiao Bu into the room, and replied with a smile; "You think I'm so handsome, so did you give me a reward tonight?"

"No, we are our own people. You have to make money from your own people. You have made 5000 to 50.00 million in one night. You haven't made enough, you?" Qiu thought that Li Bu's share was [-]% Mingyue, as soon as she heard Li Bu's words, she immediately said to Li Bu with a look of disgust.

Hearing Qiu Mingyue's words, Xiao Mingyun's other two girlfriends also said to Li Bu with such a look of disgust; "Yes, our best friend gave birth to such a big son for you, you are not satisfied, you still want Our money?!"

"I'm just talking about playing, don't be so serious, can you?
Uh, did you drink my Lafite?

Hey, I originally wanted to drink it when I saw the new house tomorrow, but now it seems that tomorrow you can only drink beer. "After walking into the living room with Xiaobu in his arms, Li Bu was speechless when he saw two bottles of Lafite opened on the table.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Qiu Mingyue and the others automatically ignored the drinking, and looked at Li Budao in surprise; "Buying a house, have you gone to see the house today? Where is the house? It's the Fifth Ring Road." The one outside, or the one inside the Seventh Ring Road, you wouldn’t choose a house outside the capital, would you?”

"It's not the Fifth Ring Road, nor is it outside the Seventh Ring Road, just the community under your feet, the villa with a swimming pool less than 100 meters away from here.

The villa is now in the hands of my friend. He heard that I wanted to buy a house, so he was going to sell the villa to me at the price a few years ago. "Pretending to be 13 is also about dealing with people, so Li Bu, who didn't want to pretend to Qiu Mingyue and the others, confessed to the three of them the location of his house before entering the house with Xiaobu in his arms.

Hearing that Li Bu said that they wanted to buy a house in this community, the three of Qiu Mingyue and the others covered their mouths and exclaimed immediately; "Oh my God, this is the third ring road, and a villa here must cost at least [-] million, Li Bu you are so handsome, you are awesome, man enough!!"

"Drink your wine, don't wake up the two little guys!!

You continue to drink, I will put the little guy away, and I will make you some appetizers, and then I will stay here tonight, so as to save you from driving back and getting arrested for drunk driving. "Hearing the bluffs of his three girlfriends, Xiao Mingyun gave them a blank look first, and then said angrily.

"Don't talk, we're talking to your man, you go and play."

After replying to Xiao Mingyun with disgust, Qiu Mingyue and the others still followed Li Bu and the others into the room, and then asked Li Bu expectantly; "Li Bu, the house is so close, let's go to see the house now. Hehehe, I haven't seen a house worth [-] million yuan yet, let's broaden our horizons."

"What kind of eyes do you have? The owner of the house hasn't come over yet, so we can only look at the outside now. Let's wait until the owner comes over tomorrow." Seeing his three girlfriends, he pushed himself aside So, after putting the little guy on the bed, Xiao Mingyun took a step ahead of Li Bu, and replied disgusted to his three girlfriends.

He reached out and put Xiaobu on the bed to sleep, and covered them both with quilts.

Li Bu stood up and walked out of the room with Xiao Mingyun, Qiu Mingyue and the others, and said with a wry smile, "There are guest rooms next to you, you can choose any room to sleep in later, by the way, do you still want to eat supper? "

"You go to drink, I'll make the appetizers, and when I went out to play today, I already bought the appetizers for you in advance."

Knowing that Li Bu was hungry after singing the song all night, Xiao Mingyun immediately stood up when Li Bu asked his three best friends if they wanted supper, and went to the kitchen to prepare supper.

Li Bu sang songs all night, his voice is a bit uncomfortable now, and he doesn't like the smell of oily smoke in the kitchen very much, so Li Bu didn't fight with Xiao Mingyun this time, and after nodding with a smile, he went straight to Qiu Mingyue and the others Went to the living room for a drink.

The drinking tonight was just for fun, so Li Bu and the others didn't drink those high-alcohol liquors or foreign wines, but just drank a little Lafite and some beer.

Xiao Mingyun, on the other hand, used his expertise to cook a table of Sichuan cuisine for Li Bu and the others.

It was so hot that Li Bu's face was like a little daughter-in-law seeing her husband, red like a monkey's buttocks, so that he didn't eat anything all night, he just drank beer and was full.

Unlike Li Bu, Xiao Mingyun, Qiu Mingyue, Zhang Tingting, Xiao Fengyun and the other four girlfriends were really enjoying themselves.

Spicy crab, Sichuan spicy hot pot, hot pepper bullfrog, spicy beef with spicy sauce, it is so refreshing to eat.

The greedy Li Bu was drooling, but he didn't dare to eat it. There was nothing he could do. Cantonese people were bullied for eating spicy food.

After eating and drinking, Qiu Mingyue and the others went to Xiao Mingyun's room to rest, while Li Bu went back to the room to rest with the two little guys after taking a bath.

After sleeping until after eight o'clock the next morning, Li Bu was woken up by two little guys; "Uncle Li Bu, Uncle Li Bu, wake up, wake up, the sun is shining on your ass."

"Know~~Dao~~~~~." After being woken up, Li Bu just wanted to speak, but found sadly that his throat was inflamed, and now he could no longer speak.

Unable to speak, Li Bu had no choice but to get up, touched the heads of the two little guys, and then took them to wash and change clothes, then walked out of the room and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

The four of Xiao Mingyun, who had already prepared breakfast in the kitchen, saw Li Bu get up, and asked with a smile, "Last night's supper was delicious, do you want to have another meal tonight?"

"Cough, cough, cough, I can't eat that one, my throat is a bit inflamed, I can't help it, authentic Cantonese, I can't compare to your spiciness. Cough, cough..." Hearing the four people say that they want to eat spicy food, Li Bu He immediately shook his head and refused.

As if he had expected that Li Bu would have a sore throat, Xiao Mingyun handed Li Bu a bowl of soup directly; "Well, I knew you wouldn't be able to stand it after eating it, drink it, and you'll be fine later..."

Xiao Mingyun didn't lie to Li Bu. After drinking the bowl of soup, Li Bu felt his throat felt much better, and it was no longer dry and tight.

After drinking the soup, Li Bu didn't go to eat breakfast, but just drank some fruit juice, and then waited for Wang Xiaochen and the others to come over in the living room.

Wang Xiaochen may be very busy.

After he came over, he directly introduced the current owner of the house to Li Bu, and then he took Li Bu and the others to see the house.

As for himself, after looking at Xiao Mingyun and the others with a smile on his face, he showed an expression of "I understand you" to Li Bu, and then hurried back to work.

The existing homeowner was like a puppet. After showing the house with Li Bu and the others, he went directly to the housing management bureau with Li Bu and the others to go through the transfer procedures. As for the transfer of money, it had nothing to do with him.

When transferring the house, Li Bu planned to transfer it to Xiao Mingyun's name, but Xiao Mingyun refused to take it, so in desperation, Li Bu had no choice but to transfer the villa directly to Xiao Xiaobu's name.

Maybe it's because of the celebrity effect. Li Bu completed all the transfer agreements of the house in just one day, and successfully obtained the real estate certificate.

When he got the real estate certificate, Li Bu had a funny and playful smile on his face; "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I, Li Bu, this gangster, also became a family with houses in the capital, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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