There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 348 [349] Crazy people are on the way, premiered with 3.5 million box office

Chapter 348 [349] Crazy people are on the way, premiered with 3.5 million box office
People on Journey is a light-hearted and funny comedy movie. It tells the story of two people who got into trouble because of the Spring Festival travel, and then they met again and again.

Baobao in the movie is a milkman with no culture but a good heart. His biggest selling point in the movie is the exaggerated milk drinking incident and crow mouth. Every time he crow mouth, he always Can make the audience laugh out loud.

Of course, his existence is not just to make people laugh.

A song in the car touched the homesickness of many viewers.

Xinshan gave the liar money, making the audience feel that there is still kindness in human nature.

Helping the grandmother out of the jujube shells reveals the wisdom and common sense that rural people have that urban people don't necessarily have.

And along the way, people can always see his continuous growth.

The quarrel after overturning the car made him not feel inferior. He no longer felt that he was inferior to Li Chenggong, and he began to dare to quarrel with him.

Then a meal of instant noodles at the New Year's Eve dinner made him reconcile with Li Chenggong again, showing his character of not holding grudges.

There are also fragments of Li's success, each of which is a transformation of humanity, and at the same time, these transformations also make him a pig's feet, full of sense of existence.

Yixin, who played Li Chenggong, is also full of acting skills. He completely played the role of Li Chenggong.

He has reached a certain high standard in the emotional control of almost every episode. In Li Bu's words, it is no worse than that of Director Xu.

Moreover, the role of Li Chenggong is also full of presence. First, the black-bellied boss scolded and dismissed the employees, and his ambiguous attitude towards his lover and his wife dragged on for a long time.

Later, he was tortured by the baby's crow's mouth again and again, which made this character even more beloved by everyone.

Especially the frightened expression when meeting the baby again is the favorite of the audience. Whenever there is a picture of the two of them meeting, the audience will laugh again and again.

A one-and-a-half-hour movie ended in the laughter of the audience.

There is no sad ending, and there is no bloody plot. It is a very warm ending, which makes all the audience who have watched the movie smile with satisfaction.

And just when the audience felt very satisfied, Yun Tianlong walked onto the stage with a microphone and shouted loudly to the audience: "People are on an embarrassing journey, do you think it looks good?"

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, we're going to line up to buy tickets for the second movie now, we're all ready to buy the second round!!" Hearing Yun Tianlong's words, the audience shouted "Good-looking" loudly.

Seeing that the audience was very satisfied with the film, and even shouted for the second round, Yun Tianlong immediately pointed to Li Bu and said with a smile; "Then if I ask the editor of this film to come up now and sing a song for everyone , are you going to stay here and listen to the music, or rush out to buy tickets?"

"Let's stay here to listen to the music. We can rewatch the movie tomorrow. Li Bu singing is not something you can meet at any time!!" Hearing Yun Tianlong's words, the audience who had already stood up and left immediately left Go back to your seat and sit down.

Seeing that the audience had all returned to their seats, Yun Tianlong took the microphone and pointed at Li Bu and shouted; "I have invited editors, arrangers, instructors, editors, and investors from Jon. Sing, what do you want to hear, you shout..."

"New song!!"

Hearing the audience clamoring for a new song, Li Bu took the microphone and smiled wryly after he stepped onto the stage; "You always make things difficult for me, there is no accompaniment to play here, so let's sing a cappella for everyone. A new song [Ten Years] is for you.

【If those two words didn’t tremble, I wouldn’t find that I’m uncomfortable, how to say it, it’s just a breakup】

[If there is no requirement for tomorrow, holding hands is like traveling, there are thousands of doors, there is always one person who has to go first]

【Since you can't stay in your arms, why not enjoy and cry while leaving.】

【Ten years ago, I didn't know you, you didn't belong to me, we were still the same, accompanied by a stranger, and walked through the streets that gradually become familiar】

[Ten years later, we are friends, we can still greet each other, but that kind of tenderness, we can no longer find a reason to hug, and lovers will inevitably become friends in the end. 】

Ten Years is a very infectious song. Even though Li Bu is singing a cappella at this time, this song still touched many audiences with his emotional expression.

And because the reason of ten years appeared many times in this song, when Li Bu sang it for the second time, as long as Li Bu sang the word ten years, the audience would immediately rush to sing the latter .

After singing Ten Years, Li Bu bowed to the audience, and then said with a smile; "I am an Internet celebrity today, and I don't know what I will be ten years from now.

But what I promised is that if you are still willing to listen to my singing ten years later, I will hold a global tour for you. I hope you can all come by then, and remember that this is our ten-year agreement. "

"Ten years later today, we will definitely go to your concert. We will be idols for one day and idols for life." Hearing Li Bu's words, the audience all stood up and shouted loudly.

After bowing and thanking the fans again, Li Bu smiled and explained the reason why he came on stage to sing; "Well, everyone, I'm sorry, the reason why I sang to everyone just now is because you can't get second place today. It's time for the next round of movies, today's movie tickets are sold out..."

"Little Bubu, let's not make jokes like this. I heard that most of today's theaters arrange for people to arrange films on the way. You can't play around. Damn, today's tickets are really gone. ah!!"

At first, many viewers thought Li Bu was joking, but they turned on their mobile phones and were dumbfounded. People were on the road for the remaining few shows today, and there were really no tickets to buy.

The explanation also explained that the audience should have been disappointed, so after waving his hand, Li Bu said with a smile; It's getting bigger..."

[Yes, I feel much better thinking about it this way. 】

[That's right, we not only watched such a good movie, but also listened to a live version of Li Bu's song, which made a lot of money. 】

【Li Bu, it's okay, we don't mind if you delay us from grabbing tickets, and we're even happy for you to sing another song. 】

[Yes, Li Bu, we are very happy, you can sing another song. 】

【Li Bu sings, we want to listen to the singing. 】【It's still early for Li Bu, you can play us another song, we are all your fans. 】

Because the venue was going to be cleared for the next movie, Li Bu did not sing any more, but replied with a smile; It really can't be done, because people have to clear the venue, do sanitation, and start the second movie..."

【Okay, we'll wait for you, but you're not allowed to let us dove. 】

[Yes, you are not allowed to release pigeons, otherwise we will buy eagles and go to your Lijia Village to release them. 】

(End of this chapter)

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