There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 355 [356] Fans can be robbed of the extremely depressed queen

Chapter 355 [356] Fans can be robbed of the extremely depressed queen

There are many, many, no less than a few hundred fans at the airport pick-up gate.

Unfortunately, these people are not fans of Li Bu, but fans of Lin Xiaoqian behind him.

Why are they said to be Lin Xiaoqian's fans? Because the signs and slogans they hold in their hands are all saying Lin Xiaoqian I love you, Lin Xiaoqian, you are the most beautiful, so what.

After seeing clearly that the fans outside were not his own, Li Bu, who was holding Xiaobu and the little guy, suddenly looked like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, dying, almost unable to lift his head.

On the contrary, as soon as Lin Xiaoqian appeared behind him, the whole airport was boiling instantly. Hundreds of fans screamed Lin Xiaoqian, I love you, Lin Xiaoqian, you are so beautiful. Of course, the most direct screaming is definitely indispensable. .

Hearing the screams of the fans, Lin Xiaoqian enjoyed it very much. While walking out slowly under the escort of the bodyguards, she waved her hands and smiled at the fans; "Hi, everyone, everyone has worked hard, everyone, goodbye next time."

Before Lin Xiaoqian could finish speaking, there was a sudden big change in the fan group. The reason for the big change was that they saw the combination of one big and two small walking in front, which looked familiar to them.

After seeing the familiar look, several fans tried to shout: [Li Bu, the most handsome Li Bu? 】

Originally planning to get out of the airport first, and then wait for Wang Shichao and the others outside, but when he heard someone calling him, Li Bu looked back suspiciously, and then he was recognized by someone.

【Oh my god, it's really Li Bu, really the pride of our Guangdong, oh my god, I actually saw my idol, Li Bu, I love you to death. 】

[I'm going, it's really the pride of our Guangdong, Li Bu, you are so handsome, wow, our little princess is here too, uh, this is Little Bu, what a cute nephew. . 】

[Li Bu, we like you so much, we download and listen to every song of yours, and we also buy tickets to watch your movies, but there are too many people watching, I want to get second Can't get a ticket back. 】

[Li Bu, your movie is so good, especially the baby played by Wang Dahammer made me laugh so hard. By the way, how can you make people laugh so much? I never expected it to be like this, and it’s the same when people are on Journey. 】

【Li Bu, now that your movie is a big hit, shouldn't you be promoting it everywhere? Why don't you promote it, but return to your hometown at this time? 】

In this way, after the fans discovered Li Bu, they put away the signs and slogans welcoming Lin Xiaoqian, and then all ran in front of Li Bu, and supported Li Bu and the others.

Li Bu once said that he is not an idol in his hometown, he is just an ordinary citizen, everyone can ask for an autograph or take a group photo, but they are not allowed to surround him.

And these fans should understand Li Bu's rules, they all followed Li Bu out neatly, did not block Li Bu's path, but followed Li Bu while questioning Li Bu.

Seeing that the fans were finally coming towards him, Li Bu immediately raised his head and stopped dying, and returned to the fans with a smile on his face; "Everyone can be humble, what is the pride of Guangdong? Proud, you guys of the younger generation, not an Internet celebrity like me.

As for why I am so good at funny plots, hey, let me tell you the truth, you look at me like this, if I am not funny, can I marry me?
And the movie you mentioned, I have to thank all the celebrities and Internet celebrities who helped me promote this matter, and of course the reporters who left the news headlines to me, I also sincerely thank them.

It is they who have created the myth of Ren Zai Tuo today, and they have brought more audiences into the theater. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them, thank you. "

【Li Bu, I heard that your second movie is already shooting. May I ask what the subject matter is and when it will be released. 】

"Yes, the second movie is indeed being filmed. This movie is called Westward Journey: Moonlight Treasure Box. It is a movie with a new theme. At the same time, it is also a classic movie that needs time to hone.

This movie has a special setting, and this setting is the first time you watch it, you think it's a funny movie.

But when you watch it five years later, ten years later, or even 20 years later, you will find that this is a tragic movie with a comedy name on its back.

And to tell you the truth, I expected this movie to lose money.

As for why it lost money, the reason is very simple. The pig's foot of this movie is Zhou Xiaoxin, the director is also Zhou Xiaoxin, and the audience of the movie is young people.

But the people who can understand this movie are adults, adults who have experienced social training. Hearing someone ask about his new movie, Li Bu said it without hesitation, and even directly predicted that it would lose money, and even analyzed the reasons for the loss.

[You know you will lose money, so why do you still shoot it? Don’t you shoot movies to make money? ? 】

"The filmmakers on Journey to the West are out to make money, but the filming of Westward Journey: Moonlight Treasure Box is really not out to make money. The purpose of filming this movie is to win people over and meet some newcomers in the company.

By the way, do you have anything else to ask? I will take the children home after answering one more question. After answering the fans' questions with a smile, Li Bu decided to answer another question from the fans, and then he and Wang Shichao drove away directly.

[Li Bu, you have more and more careers now, and the number of live broadcasts is less and less. Does this mean that you may not be an anchor live broadcast again in the future? 】

"I will continue to live broadcast in the future. People must not forget their roots. I was supported by Xigua Video, so as long as Xigua Video is still alive, I can still play live broadcasts. I will start a live broadcast when I have time.

Well, this conversation is over here, I look forward to meeting you at a certain corner next time, goodbye, goodbye. After answering the last question from the fans with a smile, Li Bu turned around directly, took the two little guys into the RV, bid farewell to the fans and left.

Li Bu left with a happy mood, but Lin Xiaoqian behind him was very depressed.

I've heard of robbing, robbing shows, robbing husbands, robbing girlfriends, and robbing things, but I haven't heard of robbing fans.

Lin Xiaoqian experienced something that no one else had ever heard of.

So Lin Xiaoqian, who was extremely depressed, just like Li Bu before, like a frost-beaten eggplant, walked out of the airport with his assistant and bodyguards, and then left in the shuttle bus.

(End of this chapter)

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