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Chapter 362 [363] With a net worth of 5 million, excrement worker Wang Shichao

Chapter 362 [363] With a net worth of 50 million, excrement worker Wang Shichao

When Wang Shichao asked Li Bu back, his eyes were full of despair, from which Li Bu could easily see that this guy must have been bullied by Wang Mingyu at noon.

After understanding what happened to Wang Shichao, Li Bu stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder with a smile; "It is possible to do this, but the premise is that your physical fitness is better than your wife's, but your physical fitness is really better than your wife's." Is it strong?

It's not as strong as your daughter-in-law, it's not as strong as her, you still dare to drink medicinal wine for her, aren't you lighting a lamp in a latrine and looking for shit by yourself? ? "

"You didn't make it clear before. I thought this medicinal wine should be for women to drink. I took a sip at noon and let my wife drink the rest. Then I got old and miserable, hey..." Recalling the battle situation at noon, Wang Shichao's face was full of regret and aggrieved, and at the same time there was a trace of loss.

Seeing the disappointment in Wang Shichao's eyes, Li Bu said angrily and amusedly; "Who have you seen medicinal wine for women? How about I give you some more and let you take revenge at night?"

"Can't you take a break then? I'm almost on my way. If I drink more, will I be able to get up tomorrow?" Hearing Li Bu's words, Wang Shichao didn't feel excited, but showed fear on his face look.

After looking contemptuously at Wang Shichao, Li Bu fooled him again: "If you don't come back to the home court tonight, then how will you hold your head up in front of your wife?"

"That's what I said, but my body has to be able to bear it. If my body can't bear it, isn't everything I say empty?"

After replying to Li Bu, Wang Shichao, who felt a little ashamed, gritted his teeth again, and said ruthlessly, "Okay, I'll just listen to you this time, and just have another drink tonight."

"Hehehe, that's right. After dinner, I'll give you another small bottle. Remember to drink it by yourself, but don't drink it together, hehehe." Smiling, he returned to Wang Shichao for a few minutes After saying this, Li Bu took them to dinner with a smile.

After dinner, Li Bu kept his promise and brought him a small bottle of medicinal wine, and then, with Wang Mingyu blushing slightly, sent the two of them back to the B&B to rest.

After sending Wang Shichao and Wang Mingyu back to the homestay, Li Bu sent the little guy back to the orchard. By the way, he discussed with Li Zhiyou and the others in the orchard that the couple would go out to play tomorrow.

To Li Bu's surprise, Qing Aiyun actually told him at this time that it's not that she doesn't have a mother's family, it's just that she has no face to go back these years because of the child.

So this time, she wanted to take Li Zhiyou back to her mother's house to have a look, and by the way, if the attitude there was good, they would also make up for it with gift money or something.

Regarding Qing Aiyun's natal family, Li Bu didn't say much, but after transferring 10 yuan to Li Zhiyou's account, and told him not to embarrass Li Family Village after he went, he promised Qingyun's love to return. family affairs, and gave them a week's holiday.

After solving Li Zhiyou's problem, Li Bu went home to pick up Li Yanmei, went back to Li Aiguo's room and began to rest, while Liu Yan snatched Little Bu to take care of him.

Little Bu is very rare for his grandparents who love him so much, so he doesn't mind spending the night with them at all. Li Bu is completely relieved about this, and gives Little Bu to Li Wanfu and the others to take care of him.

Silent all night, the next morning.

Li Bu got up early, took the little guy from the orchard, and sent Li Zhiyou and Qing Aiyun to the other side, and then let them get on the shuttle bus of his company to Qingyunai's mother's house .

After sending off Li Zhiyou and Qing Yunai, Li Bu took the little guy to the B&B and called Wang Shichao; "Wang Shichao, it's already 07:30, hurry up and get up to work, how long do you want to sleep?" go you?"

"Uncle Shichao, Uncle Shichao is getting up to work, Uncle Shichao, get up and work soon, otherwise the sun will burn your butt." Seeing that Li Bu called Wang Shichao not to come out, the little guy immediately followed suit shouted.

After the two yelled no less than five times, Wang Shichao finally got dressed, leaned against the wall, and came out with dark circles under his eyes; "It's early in the morning, can't you let me sleep a little longer?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I told you to get back your face, but I didn't ask you to work hard. Well, now that you're up, pack up and go to work with me." Although Wang Shichao was a little It's pitiful, but Li Bu has no intention of letting him go, and still calls him to help with work.

Seeing that he was so pitiful, Li Bu wanted to let himself go to work, Wang Shichao burst into tears of grievance; "Brother Li Bu, are you a devil, you made me drink medicinal wine last night, and made me sleep all night. It's you who don't care, and now you want me to work, don't bring such a bully!!"

"If you don't work, your physical strength will never improve. If you don't, then you will never have family status, so do you want to go back to Wennuanxiang now, or stay at home in the future?" Seeing Wang Shichao pitiful, Li Bu not only Instead of sympathizing with him, she smiled and fooled him.

"Nuannuan Township will definitely choose to say one thing after another. Who doesn't want to have prestige in front of his wife?"

After making up his mind, Wang Shichao gave up supporting the wall, stood up and said, "I will choose one, I will go to work with you, go, take me to work, I will take it as an experience of life gone."

"Well, that's how it should be, let's go, let's go to my dad's to have breakfast, and then go to the orchard to raise chickens." Seeing that he had fooled Wang Shichao, Li Bu smiled and hugged the little guy and went to Li Wanfu's to eat It's breakfast.

After breakfast, Li Bu first handed the little guy, Xiaobu, and Li Yanmei to Lin Xiang and Liu Yan to take care of him, then changed into his farm work clothes, and took Wang Shichao, who had changed into sportswear, to the orchard. up.

After arriving at the orchard, Li Bu first opened the chicken coop, drove all the free-range chickens up the mountain, let them find food by themselves, and then drove the ducks to the small lake below the orchard, let them find the small lake by themselves. Eat fish and snails.

After releasing the chickens and ducks to move freely, Li Bu found Wang Shichao the cart and shovel that Li Zhiyou used to clean up the chicken and duck manure, and let him go to the chicken and duck pens to shovel the manure.

And he himself is pulling another cart, pushing corn, rice, and wheat up the mountain to feed the free-range chickens, and down to the lake to feed the ducks.

When it was over, Li Bu went to the pigeon house with half a bag of rice, ginseng and soybeans on his back.

After arriving at the dovecote, Li Bu first let the freed pigeons fly, and then carried the rice that had been ruined by soybeans into the dovecote to feed the breeders and young pigeons.

After feeding the breeding pigeons and young pigeons, Li Bu put on a mask, picked up a shovel, and started to clean up the excrement in the pigeon house.

Originally, Li Bu really didn't want to do this job, but when he thought that Wang Shichao, who was worth 50 billion, was also helping him dig up excrement beside him, he, a multi-millionaire, immediately felt a lot better.

(End of this chapter)

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