There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 384 [385] Once a friend, now an enemy

Chapter 384 [385] Once a friend, now an enemy
Sichuan, in a certain mountainous area, a man with a terrifying scar on his face.

At this time, he was in his dilapidated room, gnashing his teeth and watching the movement in Li Budonggua's video.

"Li Bu, very good, very good, I thought I would never find you in this life, now you are a big internet celebrity, a super rich internet celebrity, now I want to find you, It's just not easy."

"Four years ago, because of a woman, you almost asked me to go to the underworld to report in advance. Afterwards, you bastard just sent me to the hospital, and then ignored me."

"In the past four years, because of the harm you have caused me, I have been stared at. No one wants me to go to work, and I will be paid special attention when I go shopping. I will be searched directly when I take the high-speed rail."

"You ruined me so thoroughly that I didn't even have a chance to stand up. I have no money and strength now. I don't even have the fare to buy a bus ticket to go to your place to ask you to explain, but I will let you pay for it." The price you should pay is that I will destroy everything you have now, and destroy your good man mask!!"

This man is called Zhang Suifeng. He is 22 years old this year. He used to be a big boy who loves to play, especially with women. Changing girlfriends is like changing clothes. One a day is common.

It's just that the previous Zong Gui was just the old one, and the current him is completely disfigured because of the fight with Li Bu four years ago.

Since then, he has changed from a pretty boy to a man with a grimace. Now, let alone looking for a girlfriend, if a girl sees him and doesn't run away, even if the girl is determined and courageous.

After his face was ruined by Li Bu, everything he owned was also ruined by Li Bu, he became unpopular with women, he no longer had a job, and no one would give him a job anymore , even now it is a trouble for him to go out.

And it was precisely because even going out would cause trouble that he left the prosperity of the big city and returned to the mountain village where his grandparents used to live, where he raised cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks by himself.

He has lived in the mountain village for more than three years. Originally, he thought that he would continue to live in the mountain village.

But when his sister came to visit him in the mountain village a few days ago, she suddenly brought him shooting equipment and told him that it is very profitable to make small videos now, so he can try it.

And he also obeyed his sister's words, received the shooting equipment and a computer for editing, and then started his small video career, but on the second day of his small video, that is, this morning, he Accidentally saw Li Bu's video recommendation, and then he recognized his good brother back then and the man who ruined him.

After recognizing Li Bu, he wished he could cross the screen and appear in front of Li Bu, and then fight him again, even if he still beat him to the ground in the end, it didn't matter, because that would eliminate it. Rhymes with almost four years of rage.

However, it is obviously impossible to cross the screen, so he desperately started to send private messages to Li Bu, sending their previous group photos and small videos of playing together in the private messages, hoping that he could communicate with him, and then give himself an explanation and argument.

It's just a pity that after he sent the private message, he just waited and waited there, but he couldn't wait for Li Bu's reply.

But in the end, he didn't get a reply, but he waited for Li Bu's broadcast.

Entering Li Bu's live broadcast, his first feeling was shock, because within 10 minutes after he entered Li Bu's live broadcast room, the gift rewards in Li Bu's live broadcast room exceeded one million yuan.

After seeing the money, he began to change his mind again. He thought that if Li Bu was willing to give him hundreds of thousands to go to Bangziguo for plastic surgery and give himself an apology, he would not be able to forgive Li Bu. of.

What annoyed him was that he swiped the subtitles for three hours in a row in the live broadcast room, but Li Bu didn't answer him once. He even paid 500 yuan to attract Li Bu's attention. A great gift of money, but this gift still has no response.

As a last resort, he directly changed his avatar to a photo of himself and Li Bu, and Li Bu finally gave him a chance to speak, but to his annoyance, Li Bu asked him to tell a story.

He wanted to tell a story, so he simply told the story of one of his classmates, a male classmate who was persecuted by the female network anchor.

But after the story was told, to his surprise, Li Bu actually made a new song for this story, and it was a very nice new song.

However, he was not very happy when he heard Li Bu's new song and Li Bu's enlightenment. He even sneered at this and started to use the dirtiest methods to force donations against Li Bu.

After forcing the donation, he felt that Li Bu must have recognized who he was, so he kept on emphasizing his tone, even with a sense of threat in his tone.

It's just that what he never expected was that just when he felt that he was about to get the money, he was actually silenced by the house manager.

Being silenced by the house manager, he was so angry that he went to the house manager to have a private chat and scolded for a long time, and then when he came back again, Li Bu had already downloaded it, and there were too many such news in the feed.

Seeing Li Bu's news, he knew that he would not get the money, so he started to prepare Li Bu's black material. He was going to destroy Li Bu, or force Li Bu to take money to compensate him.

Of course, rather than destroying Li Bu, he is actually more willing to accept Li Bu's compensation, and to give Li Bu a chance to let him tell himself why he suddenly appeared in the hotel in the first place, and then beat him to death In the past, Gaiga even snatched away the girl he took to the hotel.

With this purpose in mind, he contacted many tabloids and sold some of Li Bu's ambiguous photos at a high price to smear Li Bu, hoping that Li Bu could be forced to contact him and talk to him in the end.

On the other hand, similar to Zhang Suifeng, Li Bu was not in a good mood at the moment, just now he found out the past between his predecessor and Zhang Suifeng from his memory.

What Li Bu didn't expect was that Zhang Suifeng was not only a colleague and a very good friend of his predecessor, but also his predecessor regarded him as his own brother.

In addition, what made Li Bu even more speechless was that the reason why the predecessor injured Zhang Suifeng was because the predecessor was saving Zhang Suifeng.

The student girl that Zhang Suifeng picked up at that time was the daughter of a big boss. If Zhang Suifeng hadn't eaten the wine bottle from Li Bu at that time, it might not be as simple as disfigurement.

The predecessor who took away the student girl threw the student girl to a hotel, and asked a friend to help send Zhang Suifeng to the hospital. Forgot all contact with there, including Zhang Suifeng's.

After sorting out these things in his mind, Li Bu patted his head, and said with a wry smile; "The former brother, at a young age, is quite loyal, but now you give me your loyalty. Bringing trouble, your former good friend is now going to become my enemy, hey."

(End of this chapter)

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