There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 387 [388] If he is black, let him be black, I will be my idler

Chapter 387 [388] If he is black, let him be black, I will be my idler
"Thank you to all those who did not abandon me, thank you for your support!!"

After thanking those people who did not abandon him in his heart, Li Bu immediately turned around, looked at Wang Shichao and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go to work. After finishing the work, I will take you to catch loach in the afternoon." , tonight we fried loach to drink!!"

"Okay, I'll have a drink with you in the evening, but before that, we have agreed that today you will clean up the chicken and duck manure, and I will feed them!!" Smiling, he agreed to drink with Li Bu Afterwards, Wang Shichao smiled and said that the previous agreement between himself and Li Bu had come.

Wang Shichao vomited three times in a row after shoveling chicken and duck manure the day before yesterday, so Li Bu was embarrassed to let him continue to clean up chicken and duck manure.

So after hearing Wang Shichao's words, he nodded and agreed; "Okay, I'll clean up the chicken and duck manure later, and you feed the chickens and ducks!!"

"Then it's such a happy decision. By the way, Brother Li, can you let your pigeons out to play? I haven't let the pigeons go yet. If possible, I'll let them go and play later." After the dirty work was lost, Wang Shichao asked Li Bulai expectantly if he could let his pigeons come and play.

It's just releasing pigeons, it's not a big deal.

So Li Bu nodded and agreed directly; "Yes, but you can only enlarge the pigeons in the shed, you can't release the pigeons in the cage.

The pigeons in the shed are raised by me to fly, and the pigeons in the cage are raised as breeding pigeons or for food, so they cannot be released. If they are released, they are basically meat buns beating dogs. There is no return. "

"Okay, I know this, I see that other people have raised pigeons, I will release the pigeons in your shed later, and I will not release the rest of the pigeons.

By the way, Brother Li, I heard people say that pigeons are a gas station for men and a beauty salon for women. Is this true? After answering Li Bu with a smile, Wang Shichao immediately thought of Li Bu's pigeons again.

Hearing Wang Shichao's words, Li Bu, who had already walked to the orchard, took out the key to open the door, and replied to Wang Shichao without looking back; "After finishing the work, we will just take a few back. Let my mother cook a pot of pigeon soup for you to drink."

"I knew Brother Li Bu that you would promise me, so I'll go fetch feed, and you can clean up your chicken and duck manure yourself. I'm leaving..." After entering the orchard, Li Bu was worried. Wang Shichao, who would regret it, went directly to the shed where the feed was stored, and went to pull rice and wheat.

After giving Wang Shichao a speechless glance, Li Bu walked up to the free-range chickens and opened the gate of the chicken coop, and then the free-range chickens rushed out like a front, ran up the mountain, and flew away.

After releasing the free-range chickens, Li Bu opened the duck pen again, and then took a long bamboo to drive the ducks out of the orchard and into the stream next to the small lake.

After chasing the ducks, Li Bu put on his water boots, gloves, mask, and hat, and then took a shovel and started to go into the chicken coop to clean up the chicken manure.

Li Bu cleaned up the chicken manure much more quickly than Wang Shichao. It only took him more than ten minutes to clean up a chicken pen, and he directly packed it into a big pile. When he was done, he directly pulled them with a cart to dry the chicken manure. up.

After drying the chicken manure, Li Bu immediately picked up the water gun and rinsed the inside of the chicken coop carefully. After finishing, he opened the roof to expose the chicken coop to bask in the sun.

After finishing the chicken coop, Li Bu turned around and went to the duck pen, and began to shovel all the duck manure into a pile with a shovel. After that, he used the cart again to push all of them out to bask in the sun.

Still the same, after drying the duck manure, Li Bu cleaned the duck pen with a water gun. After cleaning, Li Bu opened the roof of the duck pen to bask in the sun.

After finishing these, Li Bu took out the disinfectant water from the shed where the feed was kept, and carefully disinfected the chicken pens and duck pens with the equipment used for spraying pesticides.

After Li Bu finished all this, Wang Shichao, who had fed the chickens and ducks and cleaned up the pigeon coop, came back sweating profusely and said, "Brother Li Bu, why are you so fast?"

"I grew up in the countryside, and I have done this kind of work before, so is it strange that I am faster than you?

But why did you come back so soon? Did you stop letting the pigeons go? After answering Wang Shichao with a smile, Li Bu asked him angrily why he didn't release the pigeons.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Wang Shichao rolled his eyes and said, "You didn't even give me the keys, how can I release the pigeons, and your pigeon room is even more difficult to clean up than this. Look, I messed up the pigeon room. My head is full of pigeon dung!!"

"If you don't let the pigeons go out, you can clean up the pigeon droppings below. Can they keep you from pulling your head? Let's go, let's have some snacks first, and I will go release the pigeons with you later."

After replying to Wang Shichao with a smile, Li Bu cleaned his tools, and then took Wang Shichao to the live broadcast room with a smile, and ate beer and snacks.

After following Li Bu into the live broadcast room, Wang Shichao, who was already hungry, immediately ate snacks and drank beer, and asked Li Bu falteringly; Hei is very helpless, but your current performance is a little too plain.

You should at least pretend to be pitiful or depressed. You have such a calm face. If those who hate you find out, they won't be pissed off by you? "

"What are you pretending for? When I saw that person's profile picture yesterday, I knew that I would definitely be hacked today. Although I didn't expect to be hacked so badly, it was acceptable.

Since you can accept it, why bother to put on a show?

Anyway, I see it now, the big deal is that I can't pass this test, I won't live broadcast, I won't sing, and I will concentrate on being behind the scenes, writing songs and filming movies. "After picking up the beer and touching it with Wang Shichao, Li Bu said with a faint smile while drinking the beer.

"That's right, we have so many friends, so we don't need to care about those people in the entertainment circle. At worst, you will be in charge of making movies in the future, Wang Xiaochen and the others will be in charge of theaters, and I will take over in the end. It's perfect, let's toast."

After happily eating some snacks and drinking a bottle of beer with Li Bu, Wang Shichao went to the loft with Li Bu to release the pigeons he had dreamed of once.

When it was over, the two caught six pigeons and went home cheerfully, preparing to kill the pigeons and eat stewed pigeons for lunch today.

Anyway, they are the ones at this time, leisurely, completely unaffected by the overwhelming darkness outside.

(End of this chapter)

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