There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 392 [393] Unshakable, brother 1 status

Chapter 392 [393] Unshakable, the status of the first brother

"Hey hey hey (*^▽^*). Boo.."

After kissing Li Bu on the cheek to flatter her, Li Yanmei quickly put aside the matter, followed Li Bu with a happy face, and walked slowly towards Li Wanfu's house.

Li Yanmei, who had just walked to the door and saw Liu Yan killing pigeons, immediately smiled at Liu Yan and asked in surprise, "Mom, are you preparing to stew pigeons or cook them in braised pigeons? "

"Eat less braised pigeons and eat too much soy sauce. The sons born in the future will be dark. Our family's appearance is not very good. If it is darker, it will be impossible to see people.

So, Mom will cook pigeon soup for you today. If you eat too much pigeon soup, your skin will get better, so Xiaobu will like you even more.

Also, the boy you will give birth to in the future will definitely be chubby and cute. After telling Li Yanmei to eat less soy sauce with a smile, Liu Yan talked to her about the benefits of eating pigeon soup.

"A son born with soy sauce will be darker? What kind of fallacy is this?"

Hearing Liu Yan's words, not only Li Yanmei and Li Bu were stunned, but even Wang Shichao who was helping to pluck the hair was stunned.

But what makes people speechless is that after a moment of stupefaction, Li Yanmei really believed it; "Then Mom, let's eat stewed pigeons in the future, and we should eat less braised dishes!!"

"It's better for pregnant women to eat light food, but mom is not as serious as you said, eating soy sauce will give birth to black boys." After a speechless glance at Li Yanmei, Li Bu retorted with Liu Yan.

Facing Li Bu's rebuttal, Liu Yan directly gave him an example; "Isn't Li Xiaowang very dark? When your sister-in-law was pregnant with him, she often ate soy sauce, which is why he was born like this." black."

"Uh, well, you're right, you're right, let's cook with less soy sauce in the future..." Facing Liu Yan's words, Li Bu gave her a wry smile, and then directly told her Compromised.

After compromising with Liu Yan, Li Bu took Li Yanmei into the house directly and asked her to watch TV with the little ones.

And in order to let the little ones, Li Bu, who was more affectionate to Li Yanmei, even took some candies and milk to share with the little ones.

In this way, the little guys who came back with Xiaobu played at Li Bu's house until they could have lunch at home. Their parents came to call for help, so they reluctantly left Li Bu's house and went with their family. Mom and Dad went home to eat.

At this time, Li Wanfu and Li Aiguo who were away from work also came back, and then Lin Xiang also came from their own house, and then the whole family started to have lunch at Li Wanfu's house.

Lunch was made by Liu Yan, a roast duck [yesterday's wild duck], a stewed pigeon, a fried fish [fish caught yesterday], a fried green vegetable, and a stewed pig's foot with pickles. It was delicious and healthy, plus everyone ate well.

After lunch, Wang Shichao took Wang Mingyu back to the hotel to rest, while Li Bu, as usual, first took Li Yanmei and the two little guys out for a walk, and then took them home for a lunch break.

After lunch break, Li Bu handed over Li Yanmei and the two little ones to Liu Yan and the others to take care of them as usual, while he followed Wang Shichao who rushed over and set off to go fishing in the small lake again.

Li Bu was originally hacked so badly that he didn't plan to broadcast live, but suddenly he wanted to know how many fans would stay and support him, so in the end Li Bu went to the live broadcast room and took out the live broadcast equipment. .

Seeing Li Bu taking the live broadcast equipment, Wang Shichao said to him a little worried; "Brother Li Bu, you have been hacked so badly now, why don't we take a break for a while and start the live broadcast after the limelight passes!!"

"It's okay, just be black, I just want to see how many fans will continue to support me when I've been blackened so badly." After taking the live broadcast equipment and water, Li Bu took Watching Wang Shichao walk towards the small lake, he replied with a casual smile on his face.

Seeing that Li Bu had made up his mind to start the broadcast, Wang Shichao, who knew he couldn't stop him, simply didn't stop him; "All right, as long as you don't get hit and smash your phone later..."

"I've been outside for five years. I haven't read or heard any sarcasm. It's just trivial to me, hehehe..." After a casual smile, Li Bu walked over to On the edge of the small lake, the live broadcast equipment was set up to start the live broadcast.

After setting up the live broadcast equipment, Li Bu directly logged into his Donggua Video APP, then logged into his account and started his live broadcast.

It's just that when he saw the number of fans next to his profile, the number of fans was reduced by almost half, which still made him feel distressed...

Lost more than 1600 million fans overnight, and more than 1600 million comments below the video said goodbye. If you can not feel sorry for seeing this, then Li Bu is not a normal person.

However, Li Bu didn't feel distressed for long. After taking a look at his remaining 2000 million fans, he secretly laughed again and said, "Although so many fans have left, so many fans are still left behind." True Ais, so I have nothing to be afraid of, let's make the storm even more violent!!"

After secretly laughing, Li Bu started his own live broadcast directly, and then stopped watching it. He and Wang Shichao directly started to hook earthworms [what was left from yesterday] with a fishing rod, and started throwing them into the water for fishing.

Five mines at home [I knew my little Bubu would not be knocked down so easily, I’m here to see you, little Bubu, don’t worry about those black fans, you just need to remember that our true fans will always support you That's enough, a thousand rockets will be sent to you, Li Bu, come on, you are the most handsome! ! 】

National Husband [Xiao Bubu don’t care about the rumors outside, you just need to be yourself, who else hasn’t had a dark past? No, don’t say anything, send five hundred rockets, come on, you We are behind! ! 】

李家军#丰少【Brother Li, we know what kind of person you are, so you don’t have to care about what others think, just be yourself, five hundred rockets are here! ! 】

Eel Family Army¥Brother in the past [Li Bu, no matter what people say about you, you are not a good person, but I can feel that you are teaching us friends with your sincerity, so we will never give up on you, you will always be our friend. My friends, a thousand rockets are here! ! 】

Love expert Li Yaowei [Li Bu, you are shameless, you still have the nerve to come to the live broadcast, you just wait to be scolded when you start the live broadcast, see if we scold you to death today! ! 】

Sannong Da V Hairen Xiaowei [Li Bu, you are disgusting, I feel disgusted that we have an anchor like you in our live broadcast industry, you should get out of here, don't come to recruit black people for our live broadcast industry! ! 】

Li Bu's live broadcast room was extremely lively as soon as it started.

Those who support Li Bu are constantly giving Li Bu gifts and comforting words.

Those who do not support him are constantly smearing and insulting Li Bu's character.

Of course, compared with those who support Li Bu, there are actually more people who smear him.

But it is undeniable that even though Li Bu was hacked miserably at this time, his status as the number one brother in the live broadcast industry is still unshakable.

As for why, the reason is very simple. Li Bu once again set a record. He received more than 10 million RMB, or 700 million diamond rewards, within 7000 minutes without saying a word after the broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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