There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 41 [41] A good man, Li Bu who was almost suspicious of his life

Chapter 41 [41] A good man, Li Bu who was almost doubting his life after being stunned
Swish, swish, swish..

After the episode of Guoming Husband, it rained gifts again in David Li's live broadcast room.

After the rain of gifts, a person named Yue'er knew my heart gave a speech; Hello anchor, the song you sang is really nice, I am the anchor of Winter Melon, Yue'er, hereby come to join me, and I wish you the anchor to watch Changhong all the way.

"Thank you anchor Yueer for your reward and blessing!!

The anchor also wished Yue'er beauty better and better, and the ratings are Changhong all the way, plus thank you for coming to join us, thank you.

If you haven't paid attention to the anchor of Yue'er Beauty, you can pay attention to it now. Yue'er Beauty is a big beauty who can sing, dance, and talk, hehehe. "This is the anchor of this website, so Li Bu interacted with her very politely.

In fact, the anchor didn't tip Li Bu too much, she just sent ten balloons with a unit price of 999 diamonds.

But after such an interaction with Li Bu, the anchor named Yue'er was pleasantly surprised to find that the number of his fans had increased from 8000 to over [-] in an instant.

Seeing such a tempting number of fans, anchor Yue'er gritted his teeth again, brushed three rockets for Li Bu, and thanked him; thank you for the kind words of the anchor, three rockets for our most handsome Li Bu, and at the same time thank you I wish our most handsome Li Bu all the way to the top of the live broadcast industry.

Black. Born. The speech of Yue'er anchor has just passed, and Li Bu's live room is a gift rain. The special effects of dozens of balloon gifts have occupied Li Bu's live pages. .

After the balloon passed, another anchor, Guo Dameimei, who came to support her, immediately spoke up; Hello, anchor, I am Guo Dameimei, the anchor of Winter Melon Video, and I am here to support the anchor’s first show. Thirty balloons are presented and I wish the anchor the best! The handsome Li Bu watched Changhong.

"Thank you Da Meimei for your support, Da Meimei is a singing anchor with a very moving voice, and she sang my song Prayer to Buddha very well.

If you like to listen to the girls' version of praying for Buddha, you can give our Dameimei anchor a follow. Seeing that another anchor from this website came to join in, Li Bu quickly introduced the information of the female anchor with a smile, and told the fans with a smile that if they like it, they can pay attention to her.

There is pay and there is gain.

Guo Dameimei, who already had 12 fans, unexpectedly increased from 12 fans to 32 in an instant after Li Bu's publicity, a total increase of 20 fans.

Seeing that her fans have increased so much, Guo Dameimei was excited, and immediately swiped at Li Bu's live broadcast room, and directly swiped three hundred koi with 266 diamonds. The special effects of the koi for the event , directly dominated the screen of Li Bu's live broadcast page again.

Seeing Guo Dameimei's gift rain again, Li Bu smiled wryly, and then said into the microphone again; thank you, Dameimei, for swiping the screen again, and at the same time, I also wish our big beauty to watch Changhong, and do better and better.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh. Wang Shichao's orders were really strong. In just two hours, no less than fifty popular anchors came to Li Bu's live broadcast room.

In return, after paying attention to each other's anchors, Li Bu specially advertised for them, increasing their fans more or less.

Of course, although this is a mutually beneficial matter, Li Bu was also very tired after dozens of anchors came down.

Two hours later, after finally interacting with the supporting anchors, Li Bu looked at the live broadcast room and said with a smile; thank you all the anchors for supporting Li Bu, and thank you fans for their love and support. It is my rose, for the loveliest of you.

When a flower blooms, there is a flower that loses
Mountains full of flowers, only you are my true love

Waiting for you, this rose blooms, only you are the cutest among the flowers all over the mountain,

You are my rose, you are my flower, you are my love, you are my concern, you are my rose, you are my flower, you are my lover, the one I love forever, the rose.

After a song was sung, the subtitles in the live broadcast immediately began to scroll.

Am I wrong for loving you? It’s nice, and it’s another good song for chasing girlfriends. I feel that our anchor, the most handsome Li Bu, is simply the originator of the girl-picking world. Every song is so soulful.

You are my favorite; it sounds so good, I really want to learn this song, and then go home and sing it to my wife, so dear anchor, when are you going to release this song?

Country name husband;. Let me go, it’s another divine song for picking up girls, Li Bu, how many girls have you harmed in the past, dare to ask, how many women can not fall in front of a love song prince like you ah?
I'm really not the young master; hey, fortunately this guy Li Bu is married, and no matter where he goes, his sister-in-law will follow him, otherwise I would have to sweat for those single women.

"Cough, cough, big brothers, don't mess with the rhythm, I am a pure and good man!!
All of you are making a fuss, if you make me kneel on the washboard at night, be careful that I will write a song to blackmail you.

And please remember my motto, a good man is me, I am a good man Li Bu, hehehe.. "Seeing Wang Shichao's subtitles, Li Bu imitated Chen Xiaohe's classic quotations of a good man after a while of threats.

Hearing Li Bu's motto, Guo Ming's husband immediately said, "Hehehe, let me put you down. Fortunately, the man is me, and I am a good man. At my birthday party last time, who was drooling at the beauty?" Yes, hehe! !
Immediately afterwards, I am not the young master, so I followed suit; Xiao Wang is right, Li Bu is dishonest, he is not a good person at first glance, when he helped me at the airport last time, he went to the airport secretly I asked the stewardess for contact information, so it’s a good man, hehehe..

There are five mines in the family. Seeing that everyone hates Li Bu, they also follow suit. That's right, Li Bu is not a good person. Last time when my family held a reception, I spent a lot of money to invite him to sing, but the result He doesn't sing well, he is always peeking at the sexy waiter, hum, he is a man like that.

The president of Donggua Video, who has never spoken since the beginning, also spoke at this time; last time when my hotel opened and invited him to sing, he kept staring at the star and drooling It's over, tsk tsk tsk, it's a good man, hehehe, despise.

Seeing that the screen was full of his own words, Li Bu made a frightened expression, and immediately said bitterly to the live broadcast room; Wife, I know you must be watching the live broadcast right now, so you must not believe what these villains say ah.

I really didn't do what they said, they just thought my appearance fee was too expensive, and they were unhappy after paying the money, so they came to discredit me like this, really, I can post four, one, two, three, four! !

Facing Li Bu's explanation, Guomin's husband immediately added embellishments and said, "Sister-in-law, don't believe Li Bu's explanation, he was really drooling at someone's sexy female star at someone else's reception, you'd better Let him not go to bed tonight and kneel on the washboard.

I'm really not the young master, and I followed up with encouragement; yes, sister-in-law, I think the washboard you used to wash clothes last time is very suitable, and a man must not spoil him, you must be fierce He, he will listen to you.

Love is not the whole of life; sister-in-law, you must let Li Bu kneel on the washboard tonight. When this guy was selling lychees last time, he secretly drool while watching the anchor. Don't argue, I recorded the video.

Double Happiness is not my favorite; yes, I can testify to this, because the anchor Li Bu watched is the female anchor Shuangxi that I have been guarding, so sister-in-law, you must not make Li Bu feel better, and support kneeling on the washboard.

Li Bu was so aggrieved that he wanted to cry when he saw the screen full of words against himself.

I just said that a good man is me, I am just a good man Li Bu, why are you trying to blackmail me like this?
And when will I see celebrities drooling?

Am I the kind of man who can't move when he sees a beautiful woman?
(End of this chapter)

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