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Chapter 415 [416] The private friendship between Li Wanfu and the big yellow dog

Chapter 415 [416] The private friendship between Li Wanfu and the big yellow dog
After muttering a few words so many fish, I have to eat it for a long time.

Li Wanfu casually took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a few puffs.

Then, just as he was about to blow out the smoke ring, he saw Li Bu beside him, already looking at him eagerly.

So Li Wanfu took out another cigarette from his pocket while exhaling, and handed it to Li Bu.

Seeing the cigarette Li Wanfu handed over, Li Bu immediately accepted it with a smile, and lit it with Li Wanfu's lighter. Then, imitating Li Wanfu's appearance, he took a deep breath, and then took a deep breath from both nostrils. Smoke comes out.

Knowing that Li Bu doesn't have much of a cigarette addiction, and that he is already an adult, Li Wanfu didn't say anything about him.

Li Wanfu just smiled and said that he would help Li Bu watch the ducks, so that Li Bu can go home to take a shower and change clothes first, so as not to catch a wet cold.

Li Bu was really wet at this time, so he didn't carry it hard. After smoking a cigarette with Li Wanfu, he took the loach and eel and went home first.

After returning home, Li Bu didn't go directly to take a bath and change clothes, but cleaned the loach and rice field eel that he had caught, and then raised them in two buckets separately, preparing to raise them until tomorrow. There was less sediment in their stomachs After that, eat them again.

"Dad, Dad, why is this Yuyu so ugly, and why is that Yuyu so long, and why is this one so short?" Xiaobu, who was tired from playing in the morning and just woke up from a nap, was hugging He walked over with a baby bottle, and curiously asked Li Bu about the loach and the eel, why one was long and the other was short.

Hearing the little guy's whimsical question, Li Bu, who originally wanted to hug him, looked at his dirty hands, then smiled and explained to him; "This long one is called rice field eel, this one The short ones are called loaches, as to why one is long and the other is short, it’s probably because their ancestors’ aesthetics were like this, so they evolved to be like this.”

"That. Uncle Li Bu, they are cooked, aren't they delicious, hehehe." When Li Bu finished answering Little Bu's question, the little guy also came over with a bottle, drinking milk.

Hearing the little guy's words, Li Bu couldn't stop smiling and said, "You little guy wants to eat all day long, yes, yes, it's delicious, and you don't have to drool, Uncle Li Bu will eat it tomorrow." Can I make fried loach for you?"

Hearing Li Bu's words, the little guy first stretched out her small hand to touch her mouth. When she felt milk stains, she quickly hid her little hand and stretched out her hand, and then retorted to Li Bu in a childish voice; "Li Bu Uncle, you lied to me, I didn't drool at all, but, Uncle Li Bu, do you really want to make fried loach for Ranran tomorrow?"

"Well, as long as you are obedient, Uncle Li Bu will make fried loach for you to eat." After replying to the little guy with a smile, Li Bu put the divided loach and rice field eel in the corner of the room, and then I turned around and went back to the house to find clothes and take a shower.

And not long after Li Bu went to take a bath, Wang Shichao came back, and he came back with a bucket.

Seeing Wang Shichao coming back with a bucket, he thought he was also Xiaobu and the little guy who brought fish back, so they immediately ran forward and shouted, "Uncle Shichao, Uncle Shichao, what fish did you catch, put it down!" Show us, hey, why are there so many eggs??"

Hearing what the little guys said, Liu Yan, Lin Xiang, and Chunmei [the eldest aunt, Li Wanda's wife] who were handling the little crucian carp quickly put down the fish in their hands, leaned over, and asked in surprise; " Hey, Shichao, where did you pick up these eggs, why are there so many of them?"

"I picked it up on the mountain. When I went to feed the chickens, I heard some chickens croaking in the grass and refused to come out. Then I opened the grass to have a look. It was amazing. The bucket almost couldn't hold it."

In fact, Wang Shichao didn't go to pick up eggs. He just wanted to drive a few chickens that were screaming in the grass and refused to return to the nest. That led him to discover these eggs.

In addition, he found that there are more than one place where there are eggs, but after picking up eggs from one place, his bucket can no longer hold eggs from other places, so he can only drive the chickens back. He came back with the bucket of eggs.

As for the remaining eggs, he was going to tell Li Bu when he came back, and then bring his daughter-in-law with him tomorrow, so that she could also experience the unique fun of this countryside, picking eggs.

Liu Yan, who heard Wang Shichao's words at the side, took out her finger and counted, then nodded and said; "It has been more than four months since Xiaobu's chicken was bought, and he bought three yellow chickens from outside, so Those who lay eggs will be a little earlier than those local chickens in our village. Under normal circumstances, they will be mature and ready to lay eggs in about three months.

It's just that after Xiao Bu brought these chickens back, he didn't feed them, and he didn't feed them hormones, so the chickens grew much slower than the chickens outside.

It was about a month later, so Xiaobu's chickens probably started to lay eggs within a few weeks. Hey, so many chickens lay eggs together, it seems that we will eat eggs again in the future. "

"Why are you afraid of eating and not eating? There are so many people in our village now. If you sell eggs cheaper, are you afraid that the eggs at home will not be sold?

Just like today's fish, how about thousands of catties of fish, are they sold at a low price by your family Wanfu, and they are sold clean? "Hearing that Liu Yan was worried that the family would eat eggs to the point of fear, Chunmei immediately said angrily to her.

Facing her sister-in-law's disgust, Liu Yan said directly to her disgusted; "Don't say anything nice, when you go home, bring me back half a bucket of eggs, and the remaining half bucket of Linxiang Yes, and then I can’t eat any more eggs at home, so I’ll deliver them to your home, and when I see them, you still dare to say that you’re not afraid of eating them.”

To be honest, Liu Yan really doesn't like eggs at all.

Since Li Aiguo's big yellow dog showed Li Bu the orchard, and Li Wanfu often went up to feed it, their family has never been short of eggs to eat, and Liu Yan has become a little afraid of eating eggs because of this .

Although Big Yellow Dog and Li Wanfu are not very affectionate, they often play together in private.

When Li Wanfu goes to his own orchard, he often brings the bones and uneaten leftovers to Li Bu's orchard for the big yellow dog to eat, and occasionally takes the big yellow dog out for a walk.

In return, every time Li Wanfu goes to pick up eggs in the bamboo forest, the big yellow dog will follow him to help him, and every time he can help him find the chicken coop that others can't find, so that he can eat eggs every time. Pick up a lot of eggs and go home.

Of course, in order to save Li Aiguo's face, Li Wanfu and Liu Yan knew about this until now, and they didn't even tell Li Bu, the dog owner.

As for why the family always eats eggs, Li Bu and Li Yanmei have always attributed it to the old hen in Li Wanfu's orchard.

It's just that what Li Bu and the others didn't know at all was that there were no old hens in Li Wanfu's orchard for a long time. His old hen was taken down the mountain by Li Hong to make chicken soup for his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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