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Chapter 421 [422] Super speechless, Zhang Suifeng

Chapter 421 [422] Super speechless, Zhang Suifeng
"So indifferent, I don't pay attention to a big beauty like me, but she is so handsome, I am so fascinated!!"

After muttering a few words in her heart, Meng Xiaoqiao lay down on her seat, looked at Zhang Suifeng's calloused hands, and muttered, "What a strange person, with such a handsome face, but such a handsome pair of hands. So... so many calluses.

You look so handsome, but you have so many calluses on your hands. You must be a kung fu star. Kung fu stars are very powerful. Can you beat ten of them?
Ten seems a bit much, after all one person has two hands and two feet, then you must be a hero who can fight five, haha ​​Ada, isn’t that the case, giggling... "

Facing the silly girl next to him entertaining himself, Zhang Suifeng wanted to cry; "God, are you kidding me? It's fine to send such a beautiful beauty to seduce me, but how can you let such a beautiful girl Are you an idiot??"

Seeing that Zhang Suifeng still ignored her, Meng Xiaoqiao turned her eyes from his palm to his arm, and then the silly girl got up again; "Hehehe, what a strong arm, the princess hugged it when I was filming, and hugged it with one hand. , it must be very romantic, hee hee, I really want to sit on your biceps and take pictures!!
Hey, hey, can't you hear me, handsome guy, don't you talk to me, it's too much for a beautiful woman like me to talk to you, but I'm talking to you in person, how can you not What about me? "

Zhang Suifeng, who was lying down and pretending to sleep, had tears in his eyes at this moment; "God, if you have any opinion on me, just say it.

It's okay for you to get me a fool to sit next to me. You think I'm bored, so you sent her to tease me on purpose, right?

And if you make a fool, just make a fool, why do you make a fool so beautiful, knowing that I have been single for more than four years, what if I can't control it?
Could it be that you want me to marry a fool as my wife, and then have a foolish son, who will marry a foolish wife in the future, and then give me a foolish grandson? "

Seeing that Zhang Suifeng was still refusing to talk to her, Meng Xiaoqiao took courage, stretched out her fingers and gently tapped Zhang Suifeng's chest, and then continued to whisper; "Are you asleep? You can sleep like this What? Tell me honestly what have you been doing lately?

Hey, hey, I'm talking to you, why are you ignoring me? You are not a big star, but a little boy, right?
Are you the little boy who has to take care of many rich women in the legend? No wonder you are not interested in beauties like me. It turns out that the rich women obliterated women. "

Really couldn't listen anymore, Zhang Suifeng quickly reached out to remove the magazine on his face, sat up straight and looked at Meng Xiaoqiao, and said with a speechless expression; "I said beauty, look at so many handsome guys on this plane , why don't you choose them to harm, you only choose me to harm, is it because I look easier to bully??

And let me solemnly tell you, firstly, I am not a celebrity, secondly, I am not what you call a jerk, and thirdly, I have never been in contact with any rich woman, so don't try to discredit me.

Besides, I will solemnly warn you one last time, I am not a good person, if you come to provoke me again, be careful that you will have no money and no place to cry! ! "

After warning Meng Xiaoqiao, Zhang Suifeng directly found two earplugs and put them in his ears, then lay down on his seat and continued to rest.

"Ignore me and ignore me, do you need to be so fierce to me, hum."

After pouting angrily, Meng Xiaoqiao sat back in her seat, put on earplugs and watched the TV series of Bangziguo, after that, except for peeking at him from time to time, she didn't provoke Zhang Suifeng any more .

Without Meng Xiaoqiao's provocation, Zhang Suifeng quickly fell asleep, and he didn't even know when the plane took off.

It wasn't until the plane arrived in Guangdong that the assistant behind him called him, and he slowly sat up from his seat.

After sitting up from his seat, Zhang Suifeng wanted to stand up and walk out, but he was speechless as soon as he stood up.

Jiao Mengyu next to him was holding his hand in all fours, sleeping soundly.

After being speechless for a while, Zhang Suifeng quickly stretched out his hand to close her feet, patted her lightly and said, "Get up, the plane has arrived at the destination, if you don't get up again, he will send you back Bangzi Country is gone!!"

"Mom, don't disturb me. I'm so sleepy and I want to sleep again. Mom, give me a hug!!" Zhang Suifeng bent over when taking pictures of Meng Xiaoqiao, so Meng Xiaoqiao hugged her with both hands and pinched her feet. , directly turned into a koala and hung on his body.

After struggling to stand up with Meng Xiaoqiao on his shoulders, Zhang Suifeng gritted his teeth and said to Meng Xiaoqiao in his arms, "Get up quickly, or I'll throw you out, me."


He slapped Zhang Suifeng before he finished speaking, and then he heard something that made him want to cry; "Dare to quarrel with your elder sister, I'll sleep, Meng Xiaojun, you don't want to live anymore, don't you move me, don't quarrel anymore I'm sleeping, I'll kill you!!"

It’s okay to have an extra koala on him for no reason, but now he has been slapped and warned for no reason, at this moment Zhang Suifeng really wants to throw Meng Xiaoqiao off the plane!

But he didn't dare, and he was a little bit reluctant.

I can't bear it because Meng Xiaoqiao is really beautiful.

The reason why I dare not dare is because many passengers have already regarded them as lovers at this time, and there are still many women at this time, who are beginning to envy Meng Xiaoqiao.

After being speechless and sighing for a while, Zhang Suifeng could only help take Meng Xiaoqiao's backpack and throw it to the assistant. Then, amidst the assistant's snickering and the stewardess' envy, he gritted his teeth and took Meng Xiaoqiao down with the big team. up the plane.

After getting off the plane, a gust of chilly wind blew in, Meng Xiaoqiao in Zhang Suifeng's arms couldn't help shivering, and then opened her eyes with a shiver.

After opening her eyes, she just exchanged a glance with Zhang Suifeng, she immediately jumped out of Zhang Suifeng's arms, and then slapped Zhang Suifeng's unbeaten face with a big mouth. superior.

As if he was used to being beaten.

Zhang Suifeng just glanced at Meng Xiaoqiao, and then handed her the backpack without turning his head and said, "I'll take these two slaps as what I owed you in my previous life, so we're clear now. Goodbye, forever!!"

After saying this to Meng Xiaoqiao, Zhang Suifeng turned around and followed his assistant, and under the leadership of the airport staff, he started to collect his luggage in an orderly manner, and then went through the security check and left the airport directly.

Meng Xiaoqiao, who was belatedly aware of it, remembered that she seemed to have wronged Zhang Suifeng, and immediately after claiming her luggage, she took a taxi and followed Zhang Suifeng and the others to leave the airport.

The person who came to pick up Zhang Suifeng was the idle and bored Li Bu.

At this time, Li Bu was looking at Zhang Suifeng's face in the car, and sighed with a miraculous expression; "Suifeng, have you offended the plastic surgery doctor? You see, others have slapped you twice..."

Zhang Suifeng; ".!! Let me die!!"

(End of this chapter)

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