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Chapter 425 [426] Supernova, a rose with thorns

Chapter 425 [426] Supernova, a rose with thorns
When Li Bu was in the Huaxia entertainment circle and gradually returned to ordinary life.

On the other side of the United States, because of his works and the artists under his banner, it exploded like crazy.

A few months ago, because of his trust in Avril Lavigne, and because he couldn't find any relatives who could start a company in the United States, Li Bu was willful once.

He directly threw Avril Lavigne 500 million US dollars, and some songs specially tailored for her [actually, it was just the song sung by Avril Lavigne on Earth], and then he asked Avril Lavigne and her assistant to go directly to the United States to develop wildly went.

To be honest, at the beginning, Avril Lavigne's development in the United States has not been smooth, and even today she still has several lawsuits waiting in line to fight.

In a lawsuit, she was going to buy a house to use as a studio, but after paying a deposit of [-] US dollars, she found out that the so-called landlord was actually a tenant who lied to her with a fake real estate certificate. Moreover, after the tenant took her deposit, she ran away directly. Afterwards, she was angrily sued the landlord and the tenant together.

The second lawsuit was about the copyright of the song. Avril Lavigne, who was not familiar with her place of life, wanted to find a smaller entertainment company to stay with after she came to the United States, and then she would terminate the contract with the company and go out as a soloist after she became famous. .

But this entertainment company, in the end, directly got her as the song for their debut single, and gave it to another artist of the company without her consent.

Not to mention this, the copyright of the song was registered by Li Bu, so she directly sued the company and the artist, and even hired a famous lawyer, it is said that it cost a total of 100 million. Lawyer team.

The third lawsuit, this time it was finally not her who sued others, but someone else sued her.

Some time ago, through some connections, she got an invitation card for a party held by an American superstar, and she successfully attended the party.

Before she went, she was full of expectations, but after she went, she couldn't be happy. Although Avril thinks she is not a good woman, she really can't play with things like 1 to 8 or even 1 to [-] , so she directly said that she was not feeling well, and then turned around to leave.

The superstar who hosted the party, seeing Avril Lavigne leaving like this, felt that he was very shameless, so he stepped forward to pull Avril Lavigne dissatisfied, and threatened her that if she dared to leave here, what would happen in the future.

But what this superstar never expected was that Avril Lavigne was a rebellious girl since she was a child, so facing the threat of this superstar, she didn't even think about it, turned around and took it from the table, and directly smashed a red wine bottle on his head.

Afterwards, the superstar went to the hospital, and Avril Lavigne was under criminal detention, but that night Avril Lavigne was released on bail of [-] US dollars by her assistant, and then the superstar, who was overwhelmed with anger, sued Avril Lavigne directly with a lawsuit.

And Avril Lavigne is not afraid of the superstar's lawsuit. Anyway, the 100 million US dollars of the lawyer team was spent, and it was useless. So when she was sued by the superstar, she also reversed the lawsuit against the superstar.

In this way, Avril Lavigne, a pure novice in entertainment, became popular in the entertainment industry in the United States within a few days.

After that, this crazy girl used her supreme charm to directly hook up with the eldest son of the Disney family, one of the three major entertainment companies in the United States.

And afterwards, she also successfully released her first debut single [Losing Grip "Losing Grip"], and this song became popular overnight on the Internet.

【Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby? 】

【Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real 】

【Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you? 】

【Why'd you turn away? Why did you turn away. 】

[Here's what I have to say I was left to cry there, this is what I have to say I was left to cry there. 】

This song [Losing Grip "Losing Control"] spread all over the streets and alleys in just a few days, and like Avril Lavigne, this crazy girl, it was instantly loved by young Americans.

In addition, this song quickly reached the top of the charts of major music websites in the United States, becoming the most popular song this year, not even one of them.

And when Avril Lavigne and her songs became popular, opinions on her on the Internet also formed three sides, one liked her to the core, one disliked and hated her, and the last one hated her, I find her extremely disgusting.

American first-line superstar Heng Kebodi, the superstar whose head was shot by Avril Lavigne, he hates Avril Lavigne so much on his own face [This is a madman, a woman who even drinks a glass of water with calculations, I know her All you have is to pay, and you will never gain anything, and I am a living example. 】

American diva Mai Meshina, who is also the ex-girlfriend of the superstar Heng Kebodi, she commented on Avril on the face of the book [This is a brave girl, she bravely said NO, bravely refused with strength, and I love Damn this girl, she's so cool, she's my idol now, she's so handsome when she smashes Heng Kebodi, and her songs are amazing, I love it so much! ! 】

American vagabond superstar Katie Weiner [one of the superstars at the party] commented on Avril Lavigne in her own face [This is a girl full of scheming, Hengke Boheng is the unlucky one who was calculated by her appearance, so For this girl, I only have one word to describe her: Bi... Chi! ! 】

Black Bardis, the king of American singers, commented on Avril Lavigne like this [This is a rose with thorns, which looks extraordinarily attractive, but not everyone can eat it, but I have to say that her The debut single is really amazing, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard such an emotional song, so I give it a thumbs up, come on... rose with thorns! ! 】

And when these superstars and celebrities were commenting on Avril Lavigne, she did something that made everyone feel unbelievable. She unilaterally dumped the eldest son of the Disney family.

But to everyone's surprise, after being dumped, Disney's eldest son not only did not use his power to deal with her angrily, but directly admitted his mistake in writing, apologized to Avril Lavigne, and hoped that she would come back to his side.

Facing the apology from the eldest son of Disney, Avril Lavigne's reply once again made countless people dumbfounded. Her reply was quite domineering [I will never eat the cake eaten by flies even if I starve to death, it was inserted into the trash can Even if the chopsticks are grabbed by hand, the old lady will never use them again. The child is mine, so I will give birth and raise it by myself, and it has nothing to do with you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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