There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 43 [43] The perfect premiere, finally ending

Chapter 43 [43] The perfect premiere, finally ending
In fact, this song "Let's Man Cry" is not a crime. It not only sings about men crying, but also sings about many fans who are watching the live broadcast.

The 40-year-old boy, after listening to Li Bu's "It's not a crime for a man to cry", said directly with a tearful expression; "Anchor, you are the most powerful anchor I have ever seen. It's not a crime for a man to cry. I was stunned." The 40-year-old man sang and cried.

Only a woman understands a woman's heart; anchor, after listening to your song, I understand that a man's life is so difficult, I promise that I will never bully my husband again, and never let him kneel on the washboard again. Will give him another five bucks.

Only you can understand the man's tears; the woman upstairs, please remember what you said at this moment, if one day you make me kneel on the washboard, I will come to the anchor to complain, and remember to give me five dollars later Me, I can't even sit on the bus now.

Emotional expert Li Wei;. From this song, it is not difficult to see that the host is a man with a story. At the same time, this song also describes the suffering of a man. As a psychologist, I actually cried when I heard it. Really If you don't want to be a celebrity, but instead become an anchor here, it is simply a waste of resources.

Love special line through train;. A touching story makes people cry at the beginning, a good-looking drama always surprises behind, and a good song can move people with just a name. The song of the host is really emotional. I alone An expert who specializes in helping people solve emotional problems was also made to cry by your singing today.

Heartless people are just hurt; Brother Lizhi, I thought that you would not harm us if you stopped selling lychees, but I found that my thoughts are too simple and simple. Even if you are separated from the screen, you still treat us Unclear to the scourge, we cried when we heard it.

Litchi brother, my brother;.Little brother, we know that your lychees are sold out, but remember to come down and see us old brothers when you have time, we still owe you a meal, and today’s song is very good , your sister-in-law said that I have worked hard, and she is going to make me a tonic soup.

I found out later that you don't love me; I was said to be the most indifferent and ruthless gossip reporter, you actually sang a song to me and cried, how can you let me continue to write your gossip news, I wrote I can't go down.

Happy you don’t need me anymore; I thought I was watching a live broadcast, but I didn’t expect to watch a life, your live broadcast is so wonderful, and every song of yours has a soul, I love it very much Listen, but damn you still made me cry.

Seeing the scrolling subtitles, Li Bu took a sip of water from the water cup, then smiled and said to the microphone; "If you have a lot of money, let's cry aloud. After crying, stand up, for tomorrow, for the future, And go for it.

And friends who listen to crying, we men are really having a hard time, so take advantage of this opportunity, take advantage of this song, and have a good cry. If someone asks you why you cry, you can listen to it listen to this song.

In addition, the new song [I'm not worthy to be your boyfriend] [Xiaowei] [You are my rose] and this [It's not a crime for a man to cry] will be uploaded to Go online, fans who like to listen, you can download and listen to it.

Finally, the following anchor will sing a song, the last song of this live broadcast. After singing this song, this live broadcast will end.

At that time, this anchor will also say goodbye to everyone, so I would like to invite Xiao Ming, who is the cutest fifth on our list, that is, Mrs. Boss, please order a song. "

Li Bu's voice fell, and the cutest and cutest Xiao Ming immediately jumped out and replied; "Hmph, I know I'm your boss lady. I tell you that I'm very angry now. The consequences of my anger are very serious. How serious is it? Maybe Your salary will be deducted.

However, the proprietress is beautiful, generous, well-educated, beautiful, and virtuous, so I will give you a chance not to deduct your salary. Now you can sing me a song with a mouse as the theme, but I can’t sing it. Hmph, I have deducted 600 yuan! !

Seeing the cutest and cutest Xiao Ming’s speech, it’s not that the flowers don’t bloom but that you don’t love them, so he immediately said: I’m going, the theme song of the mouse, isn’t this deliberately embarrassing our anchor, the anchor is only 600 yuan, I will help You go out, we are not short of money.

Funeral for roses; that's right, it's only 600 yuan. Don't be shy, the anchor, we don't sing this theme, our songs are all high-quality, you can't give up the bottom line just to please the proprietress, I will give you ten times Money, let's not sing.

My girlfriend got married and the groom was not me; anchor, I feel sorry for you having such a proprietress, but it is said that this proprietress was the one who helped your boss get the idea, you did it yourself, you, hahaha, suffer.

What do you want to do if you don’t get married? That’s right, the boss who asked you to help you back then is fine now. You have flattered the boss, offended the boss’s wife, and you were fined 600 yuan. You deserve it, hum.

As soon as Xiao Ming, the cutest and cutest, replied, some fans expressed that they would help Li Bu with 600 yuan.

Some directly joked that he deserved it, but after all, the presents were still in a hurry, and Li Bu didn't stop for a moment.

"Thank you to the proprietress for your kindness of not deducting money, and thank you fans for your rewards and concern. I will give the song "Mouse Loves Rice" to you who are the cutest. At the same time, I will also give it to my wife who is secretly watching my live broadcast. I love my wife. You, love like a mouse loves rice."

After saying a few words into the microphone with a smile, Li Bu directly turned on the accompaniment song "Mouse Loves Rice", and then sang tenderly into the microphone;
I hear your voice, I have a special feeling,

Let me keep thinking about whether I can forget you again

I remember someone who will always remain in my heart,

Even if I can only think of you like this,

If one day, the ideal of love will come true, I will redouble my efforts to treat you and never change
No matter how far the road is, I will make it come true,

I will whisper to you in your ear, I love you, I love you, just like a mouse loves rice, no matter how much wind and rain there is, I will still be with you

I miss you thinking of you, no matter how hard it is, as long as it makes you happy, I am willing to do anything, love you like this... "

After singing the song "Mouse Loves Rice", the cutest and cutest Xiao Ming immediately jumped out and said, "Why do I feel like I've been tricked? Why do I use mice as the theme, and you can still sing it?"Let me be a stingy proprietress and you will die, but the song is so good, you uploaded it quickly, I will ask Shichao to sing it for me.

Rose's funeral;. The proprietress is right. It's really hard to deduct your salary, but it's really nice, and it's another golden song for picking up girls. Li Bu, you are simply a good pick-up girl.

It’s not me that the girlfriend gets married and the groom is not me; you are so good as the anchor, I seriously doubt that you have written all the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac into songs, and let me also say, this song is really nice, it’s very suitable for picking up girls, wow haha, watch it today The live broadcast made a lot of money.

"Dear listeners, it's 10:30 in the evening. I'm very happy to meet you lovely people on this happy day, and I'm here to bless you lovely people and have a happy every day.

And this live broadcast is coming to an end soon, thank you for your support and love, and also thank all the fans who gave rewards to the anchor.

Thank you for your support, love you, goodbye everyone, we will see you next Sunday at the same time! ! "After more than four hours of live broadcast, Li Bu was so tired that he lay on the bed and didn't want to move after he insisted on the last moment.

Today's live broadcast debut was very successful and perfect. Of course, the most important thing was to earn a lot of small money, so even though Li Bu was very tired at this time, he felt very satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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