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Chapter 431 [432] Don't let me become one person again, okay?

Chapter 431 [432] Don't let me become a person again, okay?

About half an hour ago.

After a long sleep, Li Yanmei got up as usual, and then started to ask Liu Yan and Lin Xiang what they wanted to eat.

But for some reason, after getting something to eat and sitting in the living room watching TV, she suddenly lost her appetite.

Moreover, her stomach shook suddenly at this moment, as if several little guys were fighting inside, the pain made her tears flow out.

The pain in her stomach was so bad that at first she thought it was the little guys in her stomach making a fuss, but after a while it was all right.

But what she didn't expect was that the pain lasted for a long time this time, lasting for a full ten minutes, and the pain was so painful that she couldn't stand it.

Little Bu and the little guy, who had been watching TV at the side, saw that Li Yanmei's face was not right, and immediately ran out and shouted to Liu Yan and Lin Xiang; "Grandma is not good, grandma is not good, auntie is crying, auntie is crying , you go in and have a look, hurry up, Auntie looks so scary right now."

Hearing what the two little guys said, Liu Yan and Lin Xiang quickly dropped the dried fish they had just taken back, and ran into the house at once.

And when they saw that Li Yanmei's expression was not right, the two of them were frightened.

Fortunately, both of them are people who have experienced major events, and they know that Li Yanmei's situation is likely to be premature.

So without any hesitation, the two directly took out the cart used to pull rice at home, and then wrapped it with a quilt or something, and hurriedly pulled Li Yanmei to go to the boat by the river, and then sent her there. hospital.

On the way, the two of them kept calling the villagers in the village to come and help send Li Yanmei to each other. By the way, while they were waiting for the boat, they found time to make a phone call to Li Wanfu, Li Aiguo, Li Bu, and Li Wanda. , Let them quickly drive to the bridge to pick them up.

And Li Bu was also a lunatic. After receiving the call, he ran through five red lights, and flew back quickly at a super violation speed of 150.

When Li Bu's car returned to the Lijiacun Bridge, what he didn't know was that three police cars followed directly behind him.

In fact, even if he knew, Li Bu would not care so much. After he got off the car, he hurriedly shouted to Li Aiguo and the others; "Uncle, Dad, you go down and wait first. Just lift Yanmei up, I'll remove the back seat here, hurry up..."

"Don't move, raise your hands, please show your driver's license, driving license. Hey, are you Li Bu?" Just as Li Bu hurriedly opened the back door of the van and was about to remove the back seat, several police officers After parking the car, he rushed down and brought Li Bu under control.

At this time, Li Bu was so anxious that he couldn't listen to anyone's words at all, so he roared furiously; "I don't care who you are, if you dare to stop me, if any accident happens to my wife , I, Li Bu, are begging you, let me go, don't make me hate this world!!"

At this time, Li Bu's face was a little scary, and his voice was full of despair, so the policemen subconsciously let go of Li Bu.

Li Bu, who was released, quickly took tools to dismantle his back seat, and said without turning his head; "I know I broke the law, but I don't have time to be detained by you now, what is waiting for me?" Let's talk when my wife is safe..."

"Xiao Bu, hurry up, the boat is coming, hurry up..." Li Aiguo, Li Wanfu, and Li Wanda rushed down and ignored the existence of the police. Li Bu shouted loudly.

Hearing Li Aiguo's urging, Li Bu directly violently removed the back seat, and then threw the two rows of back seats to the side of the road.

After that, he quickly opened a quilt that was already in the car and spread it out on top. He was a little worried that the quilt was not thick enough, so he took off all his clothes and threw it in.

Later, when Li Aiguo and the others carried the ugly-looking Li Yanmei up, he quickly helped to lift Li Yanmei into the back seat of the van, and then Li Wanfu and the others took care of it.

Originally, Li Bu was supposed to drive at this time, but at this time Li Bu found that his hands and feet were already shaking with excitement, and he was so frightened that he forgot how to drive.

But here he is the only one who can drive, and he can't do without driving, so Li Bu hurried to the front of the police car, begging, "Help me drive, please, I can't control my hands and feet now , please, when I beg you..."

"Don't ask for anything, Artest, go over and help drive. Our police car will open the way ahead. We must use the fastest time to send the patient to the hospital. By the way, notify the hospital to get ready..."

After a hasty arrangement, Li Bu got into the back of the van, lay down in the car and hugged Li Yanmei, in order to prevent Li Yanmei from becoming more uncomfortable due to the shaking.

Then the two police cars rang their alarm bells all the way, escorted the van driven by the police, and took Li Bu and the others all the way to the hospital in the city center.

On the way, Li Bu hugged Li Yanmei tightly, held her hand and said in a trembling voice, "My wife, you must hold on. You must be safe. We have agreed that we will grow old forever. We have agreed , When the child is born, I will take you to travel around the world, so you must not have any accidents, just take it as I beg you.

Wife, do you still remember when you were a child, you said you liked me when you were young, because I was the bravest man in Lijia Village, but I didn't like you at that time, so I rejected you, but when I grew up, I realized that everything Apart from my mother in the world, you are the only one who loves me the most.

Wife, Xiaomei, Yanmei, Li Yanmei, listen to me, I only have you as my real relative in this world, if you dare to have accidents, I will abandon this world.

Wife, I beg you, I am lonely enough when I came into this world, please don’t leave me alone, please, I beg you, I beg you. "

It may be that Li Bu's voice was heard, or the pain has passed a little. Li Yanmei, who was already in a coma, opened her eyes at this time.

She had a painful face, but she looked to the side with a stubborn face. This man who was not afraid of anything and never shed tears when he broke his foot bone was now crying because he was worried about losing her.

However, even though Li Yanmei had regained consciousness at this time, the pain in her body still made her unable to open her mouth in pain, so looking at Li Bu who was hugging her and crying, she could only say stubbornly in her heart; "Husband, stop crying , I’ve waited for you for so many years to get you, I won’t leave you just a year after I got you, husband, for you, I will definitely survive!!”

(End of this chapter)

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