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Chapter 433 [434] Because of your calling, I took leave of absence from Hades

Chapter 433 [434] Because of your calling, I took leave of absence from Hades

Of course, Lin Xiang and Liu Yan didn't keep Chunmei waiting too long, they called her directly after seeing the four little guys in the incubator with Li Aiguo and the others.

Seeing the call from Lin Xiang and the others, Chunmei immediately pressed the answer button, and asked excitedly, "How is it, how is it, has it been born yet, how are Xiaomei and the baby doing now?"

"I gave birth, I gave birth, I gave birth to four big fat boys, and Xiaomei is fine, but she just gave birth, and now she is still staying in the intensive care unit, and Xiaobu is guarding her inside.

By the way, sister-in-law, you can help me inform the big guy in the village to make the big guy feel at ease, and tell the big guy that I will treat the big guy to dinner later, thank the big guy for his help and celebrate the arrival of the four little guys. "As soon as Chunmei's voice fell, Liu Yan's excited answer came from the other side.

Hearing Liu Yan's answer, Chunmei smiled happily immediately; "Well, well, well, well, well, four at once, our lineage has grown stronger all of a sudden.

Liu Yan, take good care of Xiaomei and the others at the hospital, don’t worry at home, there is a sister-in-law to take care of you, and Li Zhiyou’s daughter-in-law is also here to help look after the little ones, and the little ones are very good , are obediently waiting for you to come back. "

"Okay, good, but it's too scary. Let Xiaomei give birth to one or two next time. Don't give birth to four. You don't know how scary Xiaomei is when she crosses the shore by boat.

At that time, she almost died several times, and after she got in the car, Xiaobu kept calling her. She was reluctant to die and came back to life. You don’t know the situation at that time, my family Wanfu and Xiaomei’s father Patriotic were scared do not know what to do with it.

Huhuhu, this time I was really scared to death, but fortunately Xiaomei was lucky enough to finally carry it down. "Speaking of the dangers that Li Yanmei has encountered along the way, Liu Yan is still full of fear.

Chunmei, who was also frightened at home, sighed with fear after listening to Liu Yan's words; "Don't talk about the people who watched Xiaomei along the way, but when you sent Xiaomei out, you saw Xiaomei's appearance at that time." , I was scared until just now.

Just now, after I asked Li Zhiyou's daughter-in-law to come down to help look after the three little guys, I took melons and fruits and killed two chickens, and ran to Xiaomei to pray to the gods and ancestors, and prayed that they would bless Xiaomei and the children Can survive this calamity safely.

Now that Xiaomei and the child are fine, I feel relieved. Later, the two of us will go to recover together, but to be honest, Xiaomei and the child can survive this disaster safely. It is related to doing good deeds often, after all, good people are rewarded with good things. "

"Yes, I feel the same way. To be honest, I used to see Xiaobu keep taking money to help others, and I was quite annoyed by him, but after this incident, I supported him to do good deeds.

Okay, sister-in-law, I’ll stop talking to you here. Lin Xiang and I will go back in the car later. Xiaobu violated the traffic rules and will go to the police station to accept criminal detention. I’m going back to get him Went for a change of clothes, saving him from being sloppy and affecting his personal image. "

Because there are still some things to do, Liu Yan hung up the phone directly after talking to Chunmei a few times, and then went back to Lijiacun by the company car with Lin Xiang, Li Aiguo, and Li Wanda .

Of course, not all of them left. Zhang Suifeng, who came behind, should be careful. Zhang Xiaofeng, Wang Shichao, and Wang Mingyu were outside the ward at this time, and together with Li Wanfu, they were waiting for Li Bu and Li Yanmei in the ward.

But besides these people who were waiting for Li Bu and Li Yanmei, there were two policemen in uniform, who were also at the door at this time, patiently waiting for Li Yanmei to wake up, so that they could take Li Bu away.

In this way, time passed minute by minute under the protection of Li Wanfu and the others. In a blink of an eye, it was night, and in a blink of an eye, it was dawn, and the next day came.

And Li Yanmei, who had slept for 19 hours, finally opened her eyes slowly at this moment, and then looked at Li Bu who was holding her hand and dozing off little by little, revealing A relaxed smile came.

Seeing Li Bu's distressed appearance, Li Yanmei lay quietly on the hospital bed, while looking at Li Bu and secretly said in her heart; "This stupid man, I said I want him to hold my hand all the time, but he really just keeps holding my hand." Hold it now.

And looking at his dark circles and messy beard, I guess he has been staring at me, dare not close his eyes for a quarter of an hour, big idiot, it's great to have you, I'm so happy to be loved by you, This happiness is too precious, so I took an 80-year vacation with Hades, and came back to spend a happy century with you. "

As if he had a feeling in his heart, Li Bu woke up after shaking his head with a shiver, and then when he saw that Li Yanmei was already awake, he immediately grabbed her hand and asked with concern; "My wife, are you finally awake?" Wake up, how do you feel now, is there any discomfort in your body, tell me if you have anything."

"It's much better, but the stomach and the lower part still hurt a little, and it's not very used to the sudden empty stomach. By the way, my husband, where are our children? Are they okay?" He said softly about his stomach After feeling a little uncomfortable, Li Yanmei nervously asked about the four little guys.

Gently stroked Li Yanmei's forehead, and after confirming that she didn't have a fever, Li Bu smiled and said to her; "The four little ones are all healthy, and now they have been transferred from the intensive care unit to the normal heat preservation room. .

When the four little ones first came out, the condition of the second, third, and fourth was not very good, and the crying was much lower than that of the older one, but they were sent to the insulation room for nursing and inspection. And after drinking some milk, everything is back to normal now, and everything is fine.

The doctor also said that the reason why you have such a situation is because the second, third, and fourth children caused fetal movement and then couldn't turn back and got stuck, but the doctor also said, fortunately, we were sent to the doctor in time Otherwise, you and the children will be in danger.

Hey, these little guys are so restless even in the stomach, I really don't know how much trouble they will cause us when they grow up, hey. "

Li Yanmei smiled lightly and said softly, "Husband, when Dad carried me off the boat, I seemed to feel that I had left my body.

But later, when I was in the car, I heard what you said to me. You said that we had agreed to live forever and travel all over the world together, so I came back. "

"It's good to be back. My wife, there is actually one thing I haven't told you. In fact, I came from another world and deliberately traveled to this world to love you." After gently kissing Li Yanmei's face, Li Yanmei Bu smiled happily.

Of course, Li Yanmei would not believe that Li Bu came from another world, so she gave Li Bu a straight look, and said with a disgusted face; "I am still the nine fairies, and then I peeked at you taking a bath, and then decided The one who married you, heh."

(End of this chapter)

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