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Chapter 437 [438] Hey, who the fuck is your boss?

Chapter 437 [438] Hey, who the fuck is your boss?

Li Bu often eats fish and meat recently, and because he is too tired.

So when he looked at the food in his lunch box, he didn't have any appetite. It wasn't that he didn't want to eat it, but that he didn't want to eat such greasy food.

Not having much appetite and not wanting to waste it, Li Bu looked at his five roommates and asked, "You guys, do you want some meat?
I don't have much appetite today, I just want to eat something light. If you don't want it, I will throw it away.. "

"If you want, if you want, we want it too much. Big brother, look at our food. We have eaten it for more than half a month. To be honest, if we were not afraid that we would not be able to beat you, we would all want to grab yours." Hearing Li Bu's words, the five gangsters trotted forward immediately, looked at Li Bu eagerly and said.

Seeing that the five gangsters wanted to eat meat, Li Bu was not stingy. He directly picked up his chopsticks, distributed the meat in his lunch box to the gangsters, and then ate soup, vegetables, and white rice by himself.

After the five gangsters ate Li Bu's meat, they were no longer so afraid of Li Bu. Among them, Cai Xiaolong was even more direct, sitting next to Li Bu and asked Li Bu; "Brother, can I ask you How did you get in?"

"Yesterday, my wife accidentally had a fetal movement, and then I was in a hurry to go home to pick her up and go to the hospital, so I was speeding on the road. Maybe I was too nervous at the time. I didn't even see a police car chasing me, so I broke the law.

I was supposed to come in yesterday, but because my wife gave birth prematurely and it is a bit dangerous, I need to be by her side to accompany her, so I delayed my visit by a day.

How about you guys, why did you guys come in at such a young age? You should be together by the looks of you. Could it be that you are fighting in a group? After casually talking about his situation, Li Bu curiously asked why the five gangsters came in.

"Fuck me, such an awesome person was caught in because of speeding. Could it be that our feeling about him before was an illusion? It doesn't look like it!!"

After muttering a few words in his heart, Cai Xiaolong looked at Li Bu again, and asked curiously; "Brother, were you an asshole before? I always feel that you look familiar, but I just can't remember for a while. who."

"It's not considered to be a mess, it's just that when I was young, I liked to play and fought with many people, but now that I grow up, I don't want to be jealous and show off.

By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Li Bu, and I'm a moderate Internet celebrity. I also own a small entertainment company. "My face is easily recognized by others, so Li Bu didn't hide anything from the gangsters, and just said his real name.

Hearing Li Bu's words, the five punks froze immediately.

Not only have they heard of Li Bu's name, but they have also regarded him as an idol for a long time, but since Li Bu was hacked, they no longer regarded him as an idol.

Because of the gathering of black materials on the Internet, they felt that Li Bu was more of a hooligan than them, so he didn't worship Li Bu anymore, but even if he didn't worship him now, they still couldn't help it when they saw their former idol. excited.

After getting excited, Cai Xiaolong immediately leaned forward and asked Li Bu cheerfully; "Brother Li Bu, can you share with us your road to success?
A bastard like you can do so well now. Those of us who are just fighting and making troubles can definitely follow your way. Brother Li, we will be your younger brothers. How about you take us with you? "

"You are a gangster, your whole family is a gangster, what do you think I look like a gangster?

Your sister, who eats my flesh, actually said that I am a gangster, am I being too kind to you, I want to take care of you with my fists, and then you will know who has the final say here? "

Hearing that Cai Xiaolong dared to say that he was a gangster, Li Bu was so angry that he directly gave a piece of fish in his lunch box to another gangster to eat.

Seeing that Li Bu didn't want to be called a gangster, Cai Xiaolong quickly changed his words and said, "Brother Li Bu, I made a slip of the tongue, it was my younger brother and I, don't be offended.

That Li Bu, we really don’t want to be gangsters anymore, it’s too difficult to be a gangster now, let’s not talk about being caught every two days, and we still can’t get enough food, we also want to change from evil to righteousness like you, so you can help us can not?

Just take it as us begging you, the five of us are grown up, and we have wives and children to support, if we can’t find a way to change careers now, in a few years our children will be studying, and tuition fees will be a problem, So Brother Li. "

"Have a wife? You five punks have wives. It's unreasonable. I'm alone..."

Hearing that the five gangsters actually had wives and children, Li Bu felt very depressed. He thought that he was a multi-millionaire in his previous life, but he couldn't even get a wife, and the wife in this life was just a trust in his predecessor. Fu, picked up a ready-made one.

Hearing Li Bu's words, the five gangsters immediately dismissed his words; "Brother Li Bu, it's true that we are uneducated gangsters, but we are not stupid.

Now in China, there are so many more men than women. If we don't marry wives earlier, then when we are old, we will still be single.

In addition, my parents saw that we were no one to count on, so they let us get married and have children early, and then went to educate their grandchildren! ! "

"Well, you guys are good at this point, but I really don't have any good careers for you now, you don't know how to act, you don't know how to sing, and you have a criminal record.

The remaining one is to hang out with me, help me raise chickens and ducks, occasionally play tricks, and do odd jobs. I guess you don’t want to do it yourself, so I really can’t help you. "Faced with a few hooligans begging for help, Li Bu, who was not very familiar with them, finally turned them down after turning a few corners.

But what Li Bu didn't expect was that.

Hearing what Li Bu said, after the gangsters looked at each other, they looked at him excitedly and asked, "Brother Li Bu, how much money can you give us a month? You messed up!!"

"I can't give you a high salary, the salary I can give you is about [-] to [-].

But follow me, you will have a lot of work, and you will be so busy that you will never have the chance to drink and make trouble in the future. Seeing the expectant eyes of a few gangsters, Li Bu hesitated for a while, finally sighed, and said that the salary of the handyman on his side was coming.

Hearing that Li Bu said that he could have a high salary of more than [-] a month, the five gangsters immediately stood up, bowed neatly to Li Bu and shouted; "Boss, we will mess with you in the future, and you will let us go east We will never go west, if you let us eat, we will never drink porridge!!"

"Hey hey hey, who the fuck is your boss, call him boss, call him boss!!" Hearing five gangsters call him boss, Li Bu corrected them speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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