There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 451 [452] Farewell, obsessed with the female anchor

Chapter 451 [452] Don't be obsessed with female anchors

The job Liu Sheng drove Liu Tiancai to the county this time was to work for the owner of a feed store, and his job content was to help him get on and off the car, unload and load the goods.

Although the salary for this job is not high, only about [-] a month, but because the work of selling feed is not much, he often has time to play games, so this time Liu Tiancai persisted for a year and a half time.

He could have done it even longer.

However, the boss who sold the feed, when he found out that he often played with his 15-year-old daughter, quickly settled his wages and invited him away.

This time things didn't make a big fuss, and nothing really happened.

So when Liu Tiantian came home, he didn't say that he was fired, but told Liu Sheng that he had another project, and he was going to open a dog farm this time.

He told Liu Sheng this time that he was going to buy [-] pit bulls, [-] huskies, [-] golden retrievers, and [-] hounds, and then raise them in the shed.

After that, he also said that when Pitbull grew up, he would sell it to those who like fighting dogs.

Huskies, golden retrievers, he will breed purebreds, and then sell puppies or rent out male dogs for breeding.

He sells hunting dogs to those local tyrants who like hunting to make money.

Anyway, what he said to Liu Sheng was that his investment this time must be stable and profitable.

Seeing that his son spoke eloquently, and he really didn't know how to arrange this son, so when he had no choice, Liu Sheng agreed again to let Liu Tiancai start a business.

The investment this time is a bit big, 2 yuan for 2 pit bulls, [-] for [-] huskies, [-] for [-] golden retrievers, [-] for [-] hounds, plus dogs The food and iron cages cost nearly [-] in total.

As for the investment of 10 yuan, Liu Tiancai took [-] yuan himself, Liu Sheng took [-] yuan, and Liu Sheng's other children contributed [-] yuan together.

In addition, due to the large investment this time, Liu Sheng didn't dare to let Liu Tiancai do it alone, so he paid Liu Tiantian this time. With a salary of 3000 yuan a month, he hired a dog breeder from a neighboring village. Men come to work for him.

After everything was ready, Liu Tiancai became the owner of the dog farm in full swing.

And he has gained a lot of fame for this. People who like to play with dogs in the neighborhood, after knowing that there are many dogs on his side, they began to come to him to play with dogs.

At the beginning, when the big guys came to him to play with dogs, they would directly let the two dogs fight in the open space under the tree. As for how much they won or lost, it was other dog owners who bet privately.

However, after seeing other people's dog fighting can make money, Liu Tiantian, who was jealous, immediately imitated other people's regular dog farms and built a dog fighting ring on the open space, and his dog farm business became more lively because of this. Woke up.

But God, it seems that he really likes to let him be the boss.

When his dog farm had been in operation for two years, just when he had just earned back the investment money and just started to make a profit, the accident that made him bankrupt happened again.

In the kennel, the pit bulls that were bred specially for people to fight, suddenly went crazy and broke free from the iron chain for some reason, and started a frenzied massacre of huskies, golden retrievers, and hounds in the kennel.

In one night, all the dogs in the kennel were killed except for the pitbull. The scene in the shed at that time was comparable to hell, and the blood was so bloody that people dared not go in to see it.

In addition to these tragic losses, two pitbulls escaped from the kennel and ran to the next village to launch a fatal attack on a dog dealer who specialized in collecting dogs.

If there were not many people present at the time, the dog dealer would have been torn to pieces by the pitbull.

In the end, the surrounding villagers rescued the dog dealer, killed two pit bulls, and injured three of them.

The pitbulls that were killed at that time all had dog tags, so these injured villagers and the family members of the dog dealers quickly used the contact information of the dog tags to directly carry the corpses of the pitbulls and came to find them. Liu Sheng and his family are asking for an explanation.

Facing the villagers who came to ask for an explanation, Liu Sheng did not choose to play a rogue, but directly took all the medical expenses of the dog dealer and several villagers, and compensated them a sum of nutrition expenses afterwards, and then Liu Shengcai's raising The dog farm was also closed down because of this incident.

After the kennel was sealed off, Liu Sheng completely gave up on him.

After that, he no longer let Liu Tiancai go out to work, nor let him continue to start a business, but just let him stay at home to help with farm work.

It's just that in the end, it was obvious that a pretentious person like Liu Tiancai would never be content to be just a farmer.

No, less than half a year after the dog farm was closed, he gave up pestering Liu Sheng and his wife, and turned around to attack his younger brothers and sisters.

He directly wrote a set of deception schemes comparable to the structure of pyramid schemes. He defrauded his younger brothers and sisters who did not study as much as him one by one, and then begged them for help. After that, they abducted 20 yuan from the four of them to start an Internet celebrity brokerage company.

Before starting the company this time, he even rented a floor in the county with great fanfare to decorate the live broadcast room, and even spent nearly 10 yuan on buying computers and live broadcast equipment.

It's just that as soon as the company opened and his anchor recruitment came out, he was immediately embarrassed. He didn't like those who applied for the job, but those he liked didn't come to his company to apply for the job.

Of course, God was not really unkind to him, and in the end there were still two beauties who applied for the job.

It's just this guy... his restless heart started to agitate again. When a few beauties came to apply for the job, he actually wanted to rule them out, so the last few beauties just slapped him and fired him as the boss up.

No beauties were recruited, and in the end, as a last resort, Liu Tiancai could only find a few people who were in good shape and thinner to sign up as anchors from among the applicants.

It's just that Liu Tiancai, who is completely smeared about Internet celebrities, doesn't know how to manage Internet celebrities at all. After the company opened, he was immediately smeared and didn't know what to do.

In addition, the few Internet celebrities he applied for were not qualified at all. They didn't know how to ask for gifts, let alone their talents, and they were scolded for a few days and ran away without even asking for salary.

In this way, his internet celebrity company soon became his single-handed commander's company.

However, this time the investment did not lose money, because after discovering that Liu Tiancai was not suitable for opening an Internet celebrity brokerage company, his brother-in-law directly sold his company to a local Internet celebrity who just needed a studio, and even for this reason Also earned tens of thousands of dollars.

Then I don't know whether it was the blow that was too big this time, or what, Liu Tiancai's whole person changed.

He became less fond of going out, less talkative, and began to avoid his family members when he saw them.

Since then, he has become even more addicted to the Internet world. At first, he was addicted to playing games, then he was addicted to novels, and now he is even more addicted to Internet celebrity female anchors.

And this female anchor has completely changed him. Now he spends the whole night with the Internet celebrity female anchor in the same thunderstorm, and sleeps during the day. If it weren’t for the constant lack of money, he wouldn’t even leave his room. ....

(End of this chapter)

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