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Chapter 485 [486] Give 4 little guys names

Chapter 485 [486] Give the four little guys names

"Mom, you are back. Xiaobu misses you so much. Mom, you have become thinner and more beautiful."

"Auntie, are you the one who gave birth to these four dolls? Why are you so powerful? You gave birth to four at once. My mother can't do it anymore. My mother gave birth to me."

When Liu Tiancai and Xuexue were happy in their new house, Xiaobu and Li Ranran were also happily surrounding them at this time. Li Yanmei, who was locked up in the room and couldn't move around, asked with a look of surprise. .

After reaching out and touching the heads of the two little guys, Li Yanmei also said happily; "Yes, these four are your younger brothers. You should love your younger brothers well in the future, and you can't bully them. "

"Brother is so small, he can't even talk yet. By the way, mom, what's my brother's name?" After happily accepting Li Yanmei's pat on the head, Xiaobu looked at the four little guys wrapped in cotton clothes, Curiously asked their names.

The little ones haven't been given names yet, so Li Yanmei can only wave her hands and say, "My brother is still young, so it will take some time before we will be given names."

"Oh, don't you have to wait for my younger brother to grow up to be the same age as me before you can name him?" A child has a hundred thousand reasons in his mind, so he can ask a lot of simple things. a question.

After giving Little Bu a funny look, Li Yanmei pointed to Li Bu in the outhouse and said, "Mom is a person with little education, so it's up to your father and the others to decide on the name."

Hearing Li Yanmei's words, Xiaobu and Li Ranran immediately ran out of the inner room with short legs, towards Li Bu who was making tea in the living room.

Li Bu, who was making tea, saw the two little guys rushing over, quickly put down the purple sand pot, then caught them one by one, and asked dotingly, "What's wrong, running so fast?"

"Father, Mom said that the younger brothers don't have names yet, do you want to name them?" After being caught by Li Bu, Xiao Bu immediately raised his head and looked at Li Bu with a happy face. asked.

Xiaobu now speaks Laochao dialect, which is commonly known as Hokkien, but his Sichuan and Beijing-flavored Hokkien is so cute.

When Xiaobu first came here, he spoke Putonghua, but because this place belongs to the depths of Laochao, the degree of hometown dialect is very strong, and the old people who can speak Putonghua are not very comprehensive, so in desperation, Liu Yan and the others can only speak Mandarin. Taught Xiaobu to speak Hokkien.

And Xiao Xiaobu is also smart, and he can speak fluently for more than a month. If he didn't have a Sichuan accent and a Beijing flavor, he would definitely be a local kid.

However, it is precisely because of his cute accent that there is no one in Li Family Village who doesn't like him.

Even an old man in the village who has been afraid to teach others since he taught Li Bu to practice martial arts when he was a child, also agreed to teach Xiao Bu and Li Ranran to practice martial arts together.

Returning to the topic, after hearing what Little Bu said, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu and asked, "Dad, what generation and characters are the four little guys now?"

"Heaven, Dao, You, Shan, Ji, you are from Shanli's generation, so your child is from Jili's generation....

Then, the names of both of your brothers are single characters, so your child's name is Xiang! ! Hearing Li Bu's question, Li Wanfu and Li Aiguo looked at each other, then found a genealogy tree from under the table, and then began to look it up.

Hearing the words found out by Li Wanfu and Li Aiguo, Li Bu first stretched out his hand and hugged the two little guys to sit on the stool, then touched his chin and remembered the name; "Xiang, if you add the surname Li, it is Li Xiang up.

What should I call after Li Xiang, and there are still four, so let's call it an idiom, try Dragon Sing and Tiger Roar.

Li Xianglong, Li Xiangning, Li Xianghu, Li Xiangxiao, the names are not unpleasant, so let’s ask this first. "

After thinking it over, Li Bu looked at Li Wanfu and Li Aiguo and asked, "Dad, what do you think of the idiom called Dragon Yin and Tiger Roaring? Li Xianglong, Li Xiangning, Li Xianghu, Li Xiangxiao..." As he spoke, Li Bu looked I took out the banknotes and wrote them out.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Wanfu immediately looked at Xiao Bu, and said to Li Bu, "No, Xiao Bu, your name is quite good, but after you named it, isn't the big one too?" Do you want to change your name?"

"It doesn't count if I say it alone. After all, I agreed with the child's mother that I will pay the alimony and the child's custody will belong to her." When it comes to changing Xiaobu's name, Li Bu Li immediately gave up helplessly, the four names he chose.

Seeing that Li Bu still refused to change Xiaobu's name, Li Wanfu smiled wryly and said, "Then let's choose a few nicknames first, and think about the big names after the Chinese New Year..."

"Okay, then the boss is called Gou Da, the second is called Gou Er, the third is called Gou San, and the fourth is called Puppies. It's a happy decision." Hearing Li Wanfu's words, Li Bu was immediately happy Finally, I gave the four little guys four earthy names.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Aiguo, Li Wanfu, Liu Yan, Lin Xiang, and Li Yanmei in the room all looked sharply at Li Bu's face.

Seeing that everyone in the room was looking at him, Li Bu immediately said plausibly; "Don't think this name is bad, as the old saying goes, children with humble names are easy to support.

You see, when I was a child, I didn't rely on the name Er Gouzi to resist all the way. If I didn't have such a name, I might not be able to resist when I was a child. "

"It makes sense, Xiao Bu, this kid, really had enough disasters and disasters. If he hadn't had such a name on his shoulders, he really might not be able to resist.

When Xiao Bu was five years old, a fortune teller who passed by our village told us this way. He said that the child was too naughty. If he didn’t give him a cheap name, it would be difficult to raise him. He couldn’t hold him down. name.

At that time, I was thinking about Xiao Bu, he only came out in nine months and ten months, but he ran out in seven months, and there were many disasters after he came out, so I took a second dog for him The child's nickname.

After having this name, although Xiao Bu still had frequent accidents, he got through it safely and grew up.

So I am in favor of taking a cheap name. After all, these four little guys are not the masters of peace. After listening to Li Bu's explanation, Li Wanfu nodded and agreed with Li Bu after thinking about what happened when he was a child.

Everyone didn't like Li Bu's name at first.

However, after hearing Li Wanfu's explanation, he suddenly felt that the name Li Bu chose was not bad. After all, Big Dog and Gou Er, compared to those dog eggs, pig eggs, etc., are already very good-sounding... .

So just like that, the nicknames of the four little guys were decided. The eldest is Gou Da, the second is Gou Er, the third is Gou San, and the fourth is Xiao Gou. Li Bu..

(End of this chapter)

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