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Chapter 493 [494] The annual settlement, a year of great harvest

Chapter 493 [494] Annual settlement, a year of great harvest

Because of the rush of time, Li Bu didn't talk to Li Chongyang after he got in the car.

After Li Bu got into the car, he first handed Li Chongyang a bottle of red wine and two cups, and then opened his laptop on the computer desk beside him.

Then he started to use his laptop to send the songs he had finished recently to the dozen or so stars who had made an appointment with him, and sent them one by one by email.

And when Li Bu's emails were sent, the driver happened to have successfully delivered them to the airport.

So Li Bu didn't communicate with Li Chongyang again, so he turned off the computer in a hurry, took him and the briefcase, hurried to get the ticket, and changed a booked ticket to Li Chaoyang , and then the two boarded the plane together.

After getting on the plane, Li Bu used his computer to connect to the network on the plane, and then he was busy sending various files to the artists and staff under the company, and occasionally video chatting with them.

Anyway, along the way, Li Chaoyang was taken away by Li Bu like a puppet, without even a chance to speak.

Li Chaoyang, who was brought out of the airport by Li Bu after a few hours of flight, was on the verge of tears when he saw the familiar airport in front of him; "Your sister, just said a few hours ago that she would never come back Yes, it turned out that it was only a few hours, why was it pulled back again, what kind of crime did I do, this slap in the face was a little too fast."

"Cousin, why are you in a daze? Let's go, we went out, the car that came to pick us up has arrived." Seeing that Li Chaoyang was in a daze, Li Bu hurriedly turned around and pulled him, leading him to continue walking outside.

Li Chongyang walked out while being dragged by Li Bra, and said with a face full of tears; "I just flew back from here a few hours ago, and it turned out that I hadn't entered Lijia Village yet, so I was pulled by you again." Came back by plane."

"Ah, you live in the capital city. Uncle and the others are really serious. Why don't you tell us when you are in the capital city? I often come to the capital city, and I also have a house in the capital city. Shouldn't we have played together a long time ago?
Forget it, let’s not talk about this, let’s go, let’s go to Donggua Video to settle this month’s income, and talk about the price of the second season that I never expected. It's so easy to get out of the door.... After answering Li Chongyang with a smile, Li Bu took him out of the airport and got into the car arranged by Donggua Video.

At this time, Li Chongyang seemed to be on a pirate ship, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

So in the end, he could only nod with a bitter face, and then was taken by Li Bu into the car, and then went straight to the headquarters of Donggua Video.

"Boss Li, congratulations on the fourth young master, congratulations!!"

"Li Bu, congratulations, congratulations on the promotion of the Fourth Young Master!!"

"Boss Li, congratulations, what kind of wind brought you here?"

Li Bu and Li Chongyang had just arrived at the headquarters of Winter Melon Video, and the staff who knew Li Bu immediately stood up to greet Li Bu, and congratulated him on the fact that he had four more sons.

Faced with the blessings of these people, Li Bu would answer them each with a smile on his face; "Thank you, thank you, thank you for your blessings. I came in a hurry this time so I didn't bring anything. I will definitely bring you candy next time. Hehehe."

After greeting the staff, Li Bu led Li Chongyang all the way to Wang Tianlong's office under the leadership of the staff.

Wang Tianlong, who was waiting for them in the office, immediately walked out of his desk when he saw the two of them coming in, walked to the tea table and sat down and said to Li Bu with a smile; "I thought you were procrastinating." , is planning to delay until the end of the year before giving me the film..."

"How dare you, I have been busy with my wife and children recently, or I would have come here long ago."

Knowing that Wang Tianlong must know his own affairs, so Li Bu didn't explain too much to him.

After Li Bu replied a few words to him, he took out the people he had brought with him on Journey to Journey. He never expected that in the second season, all the films of the Moonlight Treasure Box of Journey to the West will be shown.

The Moonlight Treasure Box of Journey to the West, Zhou Xiaoxin’s side has not edited it yet, and Li Bu’s side is also based on the memory fragments of his previous life, and he directly selected and spent almost a week. from.

Of course, when Li Bu took out the Moonlight Treasure Box of Westward Journey, he didn't mean to play the video of Donggua right now, but to sell the movie to him in advance so that he could come out as soon as the movie was off the shelves. Play it hot.

After reaching out to take the film that Li Bu handed over, Wang Tianlong stuffed the Moonlight Treasure Box of Westward Journey into his computer, and said to Li Bu with a smile; Aren't you afraid that I'll just get it out before you show it?"

"I never thought that the price of Heren in Jonto, we have already negotiated before, and this is all we can talk about now, so if I don't bring this up, what else can we talk about?

Uncle, now we are just like betting on the pre-sale of a building. You bet that this movie will be a big hit at the box office. I just want to get the money in advance, so now do you want it? "

Li Bu is a bachelor now, and my film hasn’t been released yet, but I’m here to talk to you with the completed film, you can either buy it now at a high price, or compete with others at a higher price or a lower price in the future.

Wang Tianlong also really wanted to buy this movie, so after he sat there and watched the movie, he looked at Li Bu and said lightly; "1 million, I will offer [-] million to buy this movie." The online copyright of the movie is exclusive, permanent exclusive!!"

This time, Li Bu and Zhang Xuelong collaborated on this movie. The two had already discussed it at the beginning. Zhang Xuelong's investment was only divided into the box office share, and the rest of the copyrights belonged to Li Bu...

And this means that as long as Li Bu secretly sells the copyright of the movie, he can quietly earn back the investment in making the movie without others knowing.

"Forget it, Brother Xuelong is quite a good person. He treated me warmly last time, so the money was earned together. When it was released to the public, he said that the movie was a loss, and then he gave Zhou Xiaoxin 100 yuan. , just cheat him alone."

After muttering a few words in his heart, Li Bu took out a contract, printed two copies in Wang Tianlong's office, wrote the transaction price on it, and handed one copy to Wang Tianlong.

After receiving the contract and calling his company's lawyer, Wang Tianlong handed the contract to the lawyer to check, while he, Li Bu and Li Chongyang sat at the teahouse and drank the tea that the staff poured for them coming.

After about 10 minutes, the lawyer handed the contract to Wang Tianlong after studying the contract, nodded and said, "There is no problem with the contract!!"

After hearing that the lawyer said there was no problem, Wang Tianlong took out a pen, signed his name on it, and then exchanged the contract with Li Bu, and then the two stood up and shook hands with smiles Said; "Then wish us a happy cooperation!! Haha."

After negotiating the deal with Wang Tianlong, Li Bu and Li Chongyang were invited to have lunch with Wang Tianlong.

After lunch, Li Bu borrowed a luxury car from Wang Tianlong's company in a hurry, and then took Li Chongyang directly to meet Wang Xiaochen and the others, preparing to settle the proceeds from the embarrassing journey.

(End of this chapter)

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