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Chapter 504 [505] A group of rejected chapters moved their households and came to make trouble

Chapter 504 [505] A group of rejected relocated households came to make trouble

After seeing that Li Bu had successfully controlled the white wolf, the people who were originally hiding in the room came out one by one to continue eating their meals.

While continuing to eat his own food, Wang Shichao pointed to the white wolf and said to Li Bu, "Brother Li Bu, if you want to free the white wolf in the future, you'd better put a cover on it to prevent it from going out and hurting those people." Children, after all, there are quite a lot of children in the village now."

"I'm going to get it to raise in the orchard, and let them help watch the chickens and ducks on it in the future. With this guy here, I don't have to worry about weasels and foxes coming to steal chickens and eat them."

Hearing Wang Shichao's suggestion, Li Bu directly rejected it with a smile, because he had no intention of keeping the white wolf below. Not only did he not plan to keep the white wolf below, he didn't even plan to keep the dog below.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Wanfu also agreed with his face; "Well, that's right, no matter how sensible this white wolf is, he can't be raised below. After all, no one knows when it will explode wildly."

"By the way, Xiao Bu, the white wolf, gave birth to so many wolf cubs all at once. Are you going to keep them all or sell some?" Hearing the conversation between Li Bu and Li Wanfu, Liu Yan couldn't help it. asked him.

Hearing Liu Yan's words, Zhang Suifeng was the first to raise his hand and said, "I'll go back to my hometown in a few days, and I'll bring a yellow one back to show my grandpa their cattle and sheep!!"

"I want one to go back to look at the orchard. The chickens in my orchard are often harmed by the foxes that come down from the mountain. It's good to get a half-wolf dog to look at." After hearing Zhang Suifeng's words, Li Wanda immediately raised his hand. hand, indicating that he wants one too.

After seeing everyone speak up, Li Wanfu and Li Aiguo also expressed that they wanted to get one for their own orchard, and Li Wanfu also wanted one instead of Li Hong.

"Husband, let's get one too, okay? We'll raise it here and bring it back to the capital." Seeing that everyone only wanted a yellow dog and no one wanted a little white dog, Wang Mingyu secretly pulled Wang Shichao. , asked him in a low voice if he could also have a puppy.

Hearing Wang Mingyu's words, Wang Shichao waved his hands helplessly, and explained to her with a wry smile; "Even large dogs are banned in the capital, do you think they will raise wolves for you?
Besides, you are pregnant with a child now, and it is not suitable for contact with animals such as dogs and wolves, so we should just watch here.

If you still think it's not enough, then we will ask for a little white dog, and let Brother Li Bu help us raise it here. Are you satisfied with this? "

"Well, I knew you were the best for me, husband, I want that short white leg, and I want to name it Xiao Chaochao, hehehe..." Hearing Wang Shichao's words, Wang Mingyu immediately Holding his arm, he pointed to the youngest of the two little white dogs with a happy face and said.

Hearing Wang Mingyu's words, Wang Shichao first smiled helplessly, then pointed to the smallest little white dog and said to Li Bu, "Brother Li Bu, I want the smallest little white dog, but the capital can't keep dogs. So I put it in your foster care."

"The smallest one, right? I'll just get you a dog tag and hang it up some other day. It's called Xiaochaochao, right? But then again, if you name the puppy, you won't be afraid that your dad will beat you up?" Agreed After sharing one of the little white dogs with Wang Shichao, Li Bu smiled and talked about the dog's name given by Wang Mingyu.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Wang Shichao immediately complained to Wang Mingyu; "That's right, this name is similar to my younger brother's. My dad will definitely not be happy to hear it. Change it!!"

"Then call it, Haluhan, this name should be fine, come on, Haluhan, come over to mom, and mom will give you meat, delicious meat." Smiling and giving the puppy After choosing a new name, Wang Mingyu picked up a meatball and bit it in half, then used chopsticks to seduce the little white dog.

The age of the puppy should be a full moon.

So the little white dog, who was already able to eat, saw that Wang Mingyu was tempting it with meatballs, and immediately ran towards Wang Mingyu's feet with short legs.

Moreover, he wagged his little tail clumsily, and looked at her eagerly with two childish voices, not to mention how cute that look was.

After gently putting the meatballs on the ground for the little white dog to eat, Wang Mingyu left his stool, squatted on the ground curiously watching the little white dog eat the meatballs, and shouted cheerfully; "Ha Lu Han, Ha Lu Han, little Ha Lu Han, hehehe, so cute, if I’m not pregnant now, I’d have to take her to take a bath, husband, don’t you think so?”

"Got it, got it, I'll come over to bathe it in the afternoon..." Hearing what Wang Mingyu said, Wang Shichao, who was eating, replied to her speechlessly.

Seeing that Wang Shichao is so knowledgeable, Wang Mingyu immediately smiled cheerfully; "Remember to wash it up for me, and we don't need Li Buge for the dog necklaces. I'll order some online later, my Haru Han, you must have your own fan, don’t you, little Haru Han?”

The little white dog didn't know whether Wang Mingyu was calling it, but it thought the meatballs were not bad, and after seeing what Wang Mingyu was calling, it wagged its tail and head vigorously to please her She, I hope she can give herself a few more pieces of meat to eat.

And Wang Mingyu, who was very satisfied with the little white dog's performance, saw the little white dog finished eating the meatballs, and immediately picked up a few more meatballs, and then bit off one piece after another and put them on the ground for it to eat .

It was fun to see Wang Mingyu feeding the puppies, so Xuexue, Meng Xiaoqiao, Ya Tou, Xiao Xiaobu, and Huang Lingling soon joined the dog feeding team.

"Dad, I want this little white dog, and I want to name it, little dog, which is the same as my name. My name is Little Bu, and it is called Little Dog."

"I follow the little yellow dog that Feng wants. I'll call it Huang Dandan. Xiao Dandan comes to wag his tail for me. Now that he wags his tail, I'll give you meatballs too."

"Father, mother, can the girl also want a puppy? The girl also wants a puppy of her own. Mom, dad, can you?"

"Of course, it's okay. Mom will feed them from now on, so you can play whatever you want in the future, and your cousin Li Bu will agree."

While Xuexue and the others were playing with the puppy, Li Aiguo's cell phone rang suddenly, and after he connected the phone, he shouted angrily; , let's go down the mountain, Ma De, those returnees who were kicked out by us, came to make trouble again."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, let me put all the things down, I will deal with this matter, I will deal with it, it will be the New Year, what is it like to fight and kill!!"

After yelling to stop the copycats, Li Bu looked directly at Li Wanfu and Li Aiguo and said, "Dad, I'll handle this matter, you wait here first, and it won't be too late to use force when I can't handle it." , Suifeng, cousin, accompany me down for a walk..."

Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu both listened to Li Bu's words, and it was almost Chinese New Year, so they didn't want to do anything, so after hearing Li Bu's words, they all put down their poles, shovels, iron generals, etc. , Let Li Bu and the young people deal with it...

(End of this chapter)

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