There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 506 [507] Invitation to the Spring Festival Gala from Guangdong Satellite TV

Chapter 506 [507] Invitation to the Spring Festival Gala from Guangdong Satellite TV

Because of Li Bu's impulsive meal, the group who came to make trouble finally got the relocation subsidy and medical expenses they wanted as they wanted.

As for Li Bu and the others, because they were too impulsive, they not only compensated the other party with 180 million in cash, but also ushered in another big black tide for themselves on the Internet in the first half of the new year.

After Li Bu was detained for five days and came out, Li Yanmei, who was still unable to come out of the house, saw the scar on Li Bu's fist, and helped Li Bu clean the stutter on his fist with medicinal wine, while annoyed He said; "You said you can't change your temper, it's almost Chinese New Year, why are you rushing like that?

It's all right now, not to mention the compensation of more than 100 million yuan, and you are still being hacked to death on the Internet, go and see for yourself those trolls on the Internet, how are they trolling you now, hmph, I am so mad. "

"Suck, suck, light, light, pain, pain, suck.

I didn't even think about fighting with them at the time. I also went down to negotiate with them with the heart of negotiating well.

But after I went down, they didn't give me a chance to negotiate at all. They spoke badly to us as soon as they came, and finally even threatened me with you and the children, and then I couldn't hold back and fought with them .

You know, I don't care if they scold me and insult me, but if they threaten me with you, I will definitely get angry, because you are my bottom line, a bottom line that no one can touch! ! After blowing into his own hand, Li Bu covered his fist and complained to Li Yanmei with an aggrieved face.

Hearing Li Bu's explanation, Li Yanmei slapped him on the head directly, and then said angrily; "Your new movie will be released soon, you want to fight at this time, you don't want your box office to be bad." is it?"

"That movie was difficult to make money in the first place. Even if it really loses in the end, it's none of my business. Besides, it's too late to talk about it now that the fight is over." Facing Li Yanmei's slap, Li Bu He didn't dare to avoid it, so he could only endure it speechlessly.

What Li Yanmei said was right, Li Bu was hacked miserably on the Internet at this time, and the big V bloggers in Weibo are now almost all using his affairs to stir up heat.

There are even some self-righteous bloggers who are still urging their fans to report Li Bu, and go to the official Internet police to suggest that Li Bu be banned.

In addition to Li Bu himself being hacked miserably, several of his newly uploaded songs, as well as his soon-to-be-released [A Chinese Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box] were also miserably hacked.

Now there are more than [-] posts boycotting this movie in Qiandu Tieba, and now everyone basically recognizes this movie, so it's going to be cool.

Like many netizens, Li Yanmei, who thought the movie was going to die, pouts and complains to Li Bu after hearing Li Bu's words; "Your movie is an investment of tens of millions. If it loses money, we will How much money has to be lost, don't you have any way to remedy it, can you remedy it?"

"There is a way, but this way is a bit expensive. Are you sure I'm going to fix it? This way of remedy may end up losing more money than the movie." I heard Li Yanmei say that she wanted to remedy the movie and her own After thinking about the image, Li Bu nodded and said that he really has this way.

Hearing that Li Bu said that the remedial method might involve paying back money, Li Yanmei immediately asked with a vigilant face; "What is your remedy, why do you still need to pay back money?"

"It's not a rescue movie. I just want to take advantage of the early days of the Chinese New Year and bring Xiaobu and girl. However, they go out together to give some money fans and some red envelopes to those poor households, and let them take this It's just a little bit better.

You know, the boys in our family have always been troubled, and I don't want our children to grow up in troubles like mine.

So I want to accumulate virtue for them, so that their life will be more stable in the future, at least not as unlucky as I was when I was a child. After wrapping his hands with bandages, Li Bu smiled wryly and told Li Yanmei that the remedy he had done came.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Yanmei was stunned for a moment, then she nodded and said, "I just know about it, so I never took care of you when you do charity, but take the three little guys out. Can you take care of you alone?"

"I didn't go alone, I planned to bring the crew of "Moonlight Treasure Box of Journey to the West", as well as the never-expected crew, as well as Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, cousin, and cousin.

We will charter a special plane there. The first stop is our neighbor Guangxi, the second stop is Guizhou, the third stop is Gansu, the fourth stop is Sichuan, and the fifth stop is Beihu. We all went to send love.

And after we finish sending love, we can just come back to celebrate the New Year on New Year's Eve, and then our family can be together and have a happy New Year. Hearing that Li Yanmei agreed with him to do charity, Li Bu smiled and told her his plan.

Hearing that Li Bu had a plan, Li Yanmei didn't stop her, she just smiled and said to him, "I will allow you to take others out this time, but next time after I finish my confinement, you have to agree." Me, no matter where you go in the future, can you take me with you, I like to be by your side, and I am the happiest when I am by your side."

"Okay, after the Chinese New Year, I will hire two nurses for the four little guys to help their parents take care of them, and then the two of us will go to the United States to play for a year and a half before coming back, okay?"

Li Bu had thought before that when he had earned enough money, he would hide in Li's Village and live his life with his wife and children on the bed, but he didn't want to do that now because he felt it was unfair to Li Yanmei.

Li Yanmei has known him since she was a child, so he knew that Li Yanmei had grown up so much, so she only went out with him a few times, and she was in the village for the rest of the time. I don't know what the outside world looks like.

In addition, Li Yanmei's premature birth really scared him. He didn't know which would be closer, tomorrow or the future. He was very worried that the future would come earlier than tomorrow, so he thought everything would be fine. Sometimes, I take Li Yanmei out for more walks, to see the world more, to play more interesting things, to see more beautiful and different things.

Li Yanmei, who has never been abroad since she grew up, immediately said with bright eyes when she heard Li Bu's words; "Really, after Chinese New Year, do you really want to take me abroad to play? I haven't You’ve been abroad, husband, I love you so much, eh!!”

Ding ding ding. Ding ding ding. Just as Li Yanmei hugged Li Bu and kissed fiercely, the cell phone in Li Bu's pocket rang, so the voice was very unsure of timing, interrupting Li Yanmei's elegance.

Angrily reaching out to help Li Bu take out the phone, and pressing the answer button for him, Li Yanmei put the phone next to Li Bu's ear and said, "An unknown caller, let's see who it is. .”

"Hi, hello, I'm Li Bu, who are you?" Seeing that Li Yanmei had pressed the answer button for him, Li Bu asked directly with a smile.

After hearing Li Bu's voice, a hearty voice came from the opposite side, "Hi Li Bu, I'm Li Zhiqiang, the director of Guangdong Satellite TV.

I'm calling this time to ask you, can you lend me a few artists to fill the table, Heartbeat Girl, Lin Keman, Liu Jialiang, Zhang Yaowei, you can see which one is free, just lend me two. "

(End of this chapter)

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