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Chapter 511 [512] A child whose life was changed because of a name

Chapter 511 [512] Because of a name, the child whose life's fate was changed
Seeing the villagers coming out of the village, and the Internet celebrities who followed Li Bu and the others up the mountain, they immediately started to do their own live interviews with their own live broadcast equipment, like wolves among sheep.

However, Li Bu didn't pay attention to these Internet celebrities, but took the village chief's horn and shouted to the villagers who came to line up; "Hello everyone, I am Li Bu from Guangdong Laochao Lijia Village. Meet you all here.

This year is a year full of disasters and transitions for me. This year I have my own business, my own company, and my own children.

But also this year, I almost died, my wife almost died, and my child almost didn't come to this world, so it was also a year of anxiety for me.

But the end result is all right. I made some money this year, and my career has developed fairly smoothly, and now my wife and children have survived the difficulties safely.

So I am very grateful, I am grateful for all the beauty in this world, I am grateful to the people who like me for giving me a chance to succeed in my career, as the saying goes, it is better to be alone than to be happy together, so we are here today, Let's have a good year together this year, shall we? ? "

"Okay, thank you Boss Li!!" Immediately after Li Bu's voice fell, the villagers, led by the village chief, shouted hello and thank you loudly to Li Bu.

After waving his hands with a smile, Li Bu picked up the loudspeaker again and said, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, the family sent a representative to collect supplies.

The supplies are distributed to each family, a bag of rice, a bottle of oil, a bag of bacon, ten bags of salt, a catty of pepper, a quilt, and a red envelope. Okay, let’s start queuing up to get the supplies, and Happy New Year to you here in advance, Happy New Year! ! "

"Happy New Year, we also wish Boss Li a wealth of wealth, a happy family, a happy life, and a happy life!!" After shouting happily to Li Bu, the big guys in the village began to come out one by one. Representatives came forward to receive supplies and red envelopes.

After nodding with a smile again, Li Bu led everyone to start distributing supplies.

Young people like Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, and Li Chongyang were responsible for distributing rice, oil and salt, while women like Lin Keman were in charge of distributing clothes and snacks to children and the elderly.

Of course, Li Bu and the others were not idle either. Li Bu was hugging the three little guys and giving out a 500 yuan red envelope to each of the villagers who came to collect supplies.

And these villagers are also very polite. After receiving Li Bu's red envelope, they would smile and give back a red envelope of five yuan or one yuan to each of the three little guys. Although the money is not much, the three who received the red envelope The little guy was very happy.

But just as the distribution of supplies was in progress, a voice suddenly came from Li Xiaomu's side; "Little guy, where is your family? Go ask your family to come out and get them. You simply can't take so many things by yourself!!"

"I am the only one in my family now. My father died in an accident on the construction site. My mother ran away with the compensation. I grew up with my grandpa, but last year my grandpa also passed away, so now I am Alone." After Li Xiaomu's voice, a child's voice rang out stubbornly.

Hearing this stubborn child's voice, not only Li Xiaomu and the others were stunned, but even Li Bu was attracted by this voice at this moment.

After reaching out and handing out all the big guys' red envelopes, Li Bu stepped forward and asked, "Village Chief, what's the matter with this kid? Why is there a kid living alone? Doesn't he have any other relatives?" ?”

"Hey, this is a child with a hard life. When he was two years old, his father went out with the villagers to work on a construction site, and died outside in an accident.

At that time, the construction site of the other party gave a reasonable compensation of 30 yuan, but what we never expected was that the child's mother took the money and ran away the next day after receiving the compensation.

After the child's mother ran away, the child lived with his grandfather. It's just that when a person grows old, his grandfather couldn't carry him away last year, and the child was left alone.

This child is more than nine years old now, he is already sensible, and he is a bit old for adoption, and no one is willing to have such an old child.

So in our village, we can only help each person by giving them a little food, but the village is not rich, and there is not much that can help. "Speaking of this child, the village head was full of helplessness and distress.

Hearing the village head's words, Zhao Yuhan and Lin Keman immediately stood up and asked the village head with distressed faces; "Village head, do they have any other relatives in their family? We want to help him."

"No, their family's luck is bad. Over the years, their relatives have left one by one, and now the whole family has only this one furry child." Hearing that Lin Keman was asking if the child had any relatives, the village chief After waving his hands, he showed a helpless expression again.

Walking forward slowly, Li Bu took a look at the stubborn boy's attire, then handed him the last red envelope in his hand and said, "Son, can you tell uncle, what's your name, and how old are you this year? "

"My first name is Congliang, and my younger name is Ergouzi. I will be ten years old after nine years old this year. Thank you uncle for your red envelope, thank you." Seeing that Li Bu was not like those people who showed love in the past, because he was a child He didn't give his own money, so the stubborn boy immediately bowed and thanked Li Bu.

Li Bu, who originally wanted to finish distributing the red envelopes and then give some money to the village chief to help take care of him, immediately turned around and asked after hearing the name of the stubborn boy; "What, your name is What name, can you say it again?"

"Congliang, my name is Congliang, but everyone doesn't call me by that name, everyone calls me Er Gouzi!!" Seeing that Li Bu was so shocked by his name, the stubborn boy was startled first, and then hurriedly whispered Said his name again.

Li Bu was an orphan in his previous life. He stayed in an orphanage for more than ten years and was kicked out at the age of 16. In his previous life, he could be said to be a relative without a single friend.

However, it is such a lonely person who always has a regret and a wish in his heart.

And this regret is that he has been looking for a kind person who silently supported him after he was kicked out of the orphanage, and this kind person is called Congliang.

The regrets of the previous life are gone, so in this life Li Bu wants to feel at ease, so after taking a serious look at the stubborn boy, Li Bu looked at him and said, "Would you like to leave with uncle, uncle raised you to grow up! !"

Hearing Li Bu's words, the stubborn boy froze for a moment, then looked at his tattered clothes, then looked down at his bare feet, and finally asked Li Bu with some doubts; "Uncle, I'm so dirty, don't you despise me?"

"There used to be a man named Congliang who helped my uncle a lot, so now my uncle wants to help too. You named Congliang, can you?" Li Bu in the past was no better dressed than the stubborn boy in front of him, so he was real I don't dislike him at all for being messy, smelly or something.

And Congliang, who had long been fed up with the ridicule of the people in the village, nodded heavily after listening to Li Bu's explanation; "Uncle, I am willing to leave with you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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