There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 513 [514] I never do things, I don't care about other people's opinions

Chapter 513 [514] I never do things, I don't care about other people's opinions

There was a lot of quarreling on the Internet, but Li Bu, the person involved, didn't know anything about it, and no one even came to tell him about it.

The reason why everyone didn't tell him was because everyone knew that Li Bu didn't care much about things on the Internet. To put it bluntly, he didn't believe in things on the Internet.

Don’t talk about the Internet, Cong Liang, who was sitting on the bus, was playing with the backpack Li Bu gave him, looking at Li Bu curiously and asking, “Uncle, uncle, where are we going later?” ah?"

"We'll have dinner first, and then we'll take a rest after dinner, and then continue to do charity in the afternoon, sending our love to those in need." Faced with Congliang's questioning, Li Bu directly said: Use the tone of an elder brother speaking to his younger brother, and explain his confusion with a smile.

"Oh, I still want to do charity. Uncle, have you been doing charity for a long time? It should cost a lot of money to do charity for so long, right?" He said something to Li Buduo, even if it was an unimportant matter, he was still asking him naggingly.

"Congliang, from now on, Uncle wants you to remember one sentence, this sentence is that if you are poor, you will only be good at yourself, and if you are rich, you will be good at the world.

This sentence means that when you have no money, you just need to take care of yourself, and don't meddle in your own business.

And when you get rich, you must remember to help others, you must be a good person, and you must not be selfish, otherwise you will easily become a rich man who has nothing but money. Do you understand? ? Seeing that Congliang wanted to know everything, Li Bu simply told him the truth.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Cong Liang was startled for a moment, then looked at Li Bu, and continued to ask: "Uncle, Cong Liang understands what you mean.

Uncle, when Congliang grows up, Congliang will definitely earn a lot of money, and then help more people in need like Uncle you. "

"These are actually not important, the most important thing is to know how to be grateful, to know what you should do and what you should not do.

Uncle doesn’t ask you to be filial to your uncle when you grow up. Uncle only wants you to grow up healthy and healthy. Then, if your strength allows, help your uncle take good care of your younger brothers and sisters, and don’t let others bully them. . "After touching Cong Liang's head with a smile, Li Bubian once again told him his experience in life.

In this way, during the chat between Li Bu and Cong Liang, the bus slowly stopped in front of the entrance of a farmhouse named Fuyu Villa, and then the big guys started to get off in a mighty manner.

After getting out of the car, Li Bu saw those internet celebrities and fans coming over, so he quickly waved to them and said, "Hey, come over here, volunteers don't get paid, but they still take care of the meals." . . ”

"Ah, oh, that's good, then thank you, Brother Li Bu." The Internet celebrities who followed were originally planning to go to a nearby restaurant for dinner, but after hearing Li Bu's invitation, they didn't want to. Pushed and shoved, one by one accepted Li Bu's invitation with a smile.

Coincidentally at this time, the beautiful Internet celebrity who walked with Zhang Xiaofeng before happened to be live broadcasting, so she politely asked Li Bu, "Brother Li Bu, do you mind if I rub your popularity?"

"I don't mind this, but let's talk about it, you must be cheated on me like my cousin."

After making a joke, Li Bu walked forward with a smile, appeared in the camera of the beauty anchor, waved to the fans inside with a smile and said, "Hello everyone, I am the most handsome Li Bu, and it is time for lunch." It's time, have you eaten yet? I haven't eaten yet, so I'm going to eat now."

After saying hello to the live broadcast camera, Li Bu smiled and told the beautiful anchor a few words, asking her to remember to go in for dinner after the live broadcast, and then he turned around and went back to hold Xiao Bu, Li Ranran, Cong Liang, The three went into the farmhouse first.

And when Li Bu walked away, the fans in the beautiful anchor's studio immediately began to suspect that their female anchor had some special background.

Some fans even began to wonder if their beautiful anchor was someone from Lijia Village.

I just want to laugh when I see you [I'm sorry, the most handsome Li Bu in the live broadcasting world, the anchor, you are actually with Li Bu, and there are so many celebrities around, so I envy you, the anchor .... 】

That day you actually had [Hey, I perfectly missed the chance to meet Li Bu. I know where this farmhouse is. It’s next door to my house. I’m on a business trip today. What a damn perfect miss! . 】

You didn't even let my dog ​​go. [Speaking of the anchor, do you have some hidden identity? First, Wang Dazhui helped you with oil, and then Li Xiaomu brought you bread. You should be careful to hand you water. Now even Li Bu appeared in your live broadcast room, and said, are you also from Lijiacun? 】

After politely nodding to Li Bu and watching him leave, the beauty anchor looked back at the subtitles in the live broadcast room, and then explained to the fans with a smile; Li Buge really has no special relationship, and I didn't come from Li's Village, I'm just a Guangxi little girl.

And in my live broadcast room, the reason why there are so many popular artists today is because I got involved in their charity team, and then they saw that I was a delicate beauty, so they took pity on me I have some.

By the way, dear family members, have you eaten? I haven’t eaten yet, and Li Buge and the others are already asking me to eat in.

Also, the live broadcast of eating is a bit impolite, and there are many celebrities and Internet celebrities in it who are unwilling to leave the country, so our live broadcast ends here, bye! ! "

After ending her live broadcast with a smile, the beauty anchor put away her live broadcast equipment and walked slowly into the farmhouse, and then began to look for a seat where she could sit.

However, because she came in relatively late, after shopping around, she couldn't find a seat suitable for her.

Then, just when she was speechless and ready to join Xiaobu and the others at a table, Zhang Xiaofeng suddenly stood up and greeted her; "Hey, there is still a seat here, if you don't mind, just take a seat." I'm here."

"Ah, oh, okay, thank you Wang Dahammer, hehehe." Hearing Zhang Xiaofeng's words, the beauty anchor's face immediately changed from disappointment to a smile, and then happily walked towards Zhang Xiaofeng, Then he sat down under Zhang Xiaofeng's greeting.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofeng's glance at the beautiful anchor, Zhang Suifeng, who was at the same table, immediately joked to him, "Comrade Sledgehammer, with such obvious love, aren't you afraid of being hacked like that kid Li Bu, hehehe."

"Hey, you still have the nerve to say that, do you know that I hate you bastards who are anchors now??
The last guy who followed Li Buge into the group to study, took away my partner Xiaomei as soon as he came in.

Then you guys just came here not long ago, and you took my partner Xiao Qiao away again. You bastard anchors did it, and we never thought of the crew. Now there are only bachelors and no single women.

So now I want to take revenge, I want to pick up your beauty anchor, I think this beauty is not bad, so I am ready to do it, that... Hello beauty, my name is Zhang Xiaofeng, let me make friends? "After beating Zhang Suifeng with Wang Dahammer's tone, Zhang Xiaofeng turned around with a smile and teased the beautiful anchor.

After rolling her eyes at Zhang Xiaofeng in disgust, the beauty anchor took out her own chat app, handed it to him and said, "Then add prestige first and make friends."

(End of this chapter)

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