There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 52 [52] The female anchor who won't take shortcuts and is tired

Chapter 52 [52] The female anchor who won't take shortcuts and is tired
Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Hong looked Li Bu's new car up and down, and said with a faint smile;

"It seems that your brother is indeed quite fake. If he is a real brother, he shouldn't just confiscate your car, but it's fine if you do, at least you have an excuse to buy yourself a new car."

"Three hundred thousand, it hurts me so much.

Let me meet my brother next time, I will definitely deal with this former fat man just like I did with Wang Shichao, hum. "

After angrily complaining to Li Hong, Li Bu went forward to close the rear car door where the chicks were packed, and smiled politely to the hatchery owner: "The basket, I will deliver it to you in a few days.

Since it's getting late, we have to go back up the mountain in a hurry. If these chickens and ducks are raised well, we will come to you to buy them later. "

"It's okay, it's okay, whenever you are free, just send it down.

Next time I want to buy chicken seedlings and ducklings, remember to come and take care of my brother, ha ha. "Knowing that Li Bu is going to leave, the boss of the hatchery didn't keep him. After saying a few polite words with a smile, he let Li Bu and the others drive away.

Hearing what the hatchery boss said, Li Bu nodded and replied while starting the car to leave; "Okay, then I will send you the frame when I am free. Boss, you are so good at being a man, next time I will definitely I still have to buy it from you, so I don’t need to give it away~~”

"Okay, let's go slowly!" Although Li Bu said that there is no need to give it away, the owner of the hatchery still came out to give it away.

After 10 minutes, when the car left the hatchery, Li Hong couldn't help becoming sour towards Li Bu:
"Hey, it's good to be a celebrity. Chicken and ducklings that others can only buy for a few dollars, come to you and it's directly an event price, and there's also a buy one get one free!!"

Hearing what his elder brother said, Li Bu drove his new car towards the deli he used to go to, while jokingly said; "It's so sour, why don't I write a song for you to sing and let you sing?" I'm going to be a big star too..."

"The song doesn't have to be too good, just like your song "You Are My Rose" is almost enough.

Unexpectedly, the music dream I had buried for many years was discovered by my own brother today. Hey, gold really shines. "

Li Hong, who didn't know how bad his singing was at all, didn't think that Li Bu was joking with him at all, so this guy agreed brazenly.

Hearing Li Hong's reply, Li Bu was stunned; your sister, brother, what kind of voice do you have, don't you have a little 13?

With your voice, I think there are Chinese songs on the other side of the earth, so I am worried that this song can be sung by you! !

After feeling disgusted with Li Hong speechlessly, Li Bu nodded and said, "Sure, if you are not afraid of my sister-in-law sticking you with a needle while she sleeps, come to my house tomorrow, and I will write to you right away."

"Um, um, I thought about it, and suddenly realized that my pursuit of music dreams didn't seem so urgent anymore.

So let’s talk about writing songs for me after a while, don’t worry, don’t worry. Thinking of his daughter-in-law who said she would do it, Li Hong suddenly wiped away tears of regret, and then gave up his soon-to-be-completed music dream with a distressed face.

Li Hong has a unique voice, and he speaks normally.

But when singing, his tone will form a weird, indescribable, or even unexplainable change. If you ask him to sing pop songs, he can give you a feeling of being struck by lightning.

But what is strange is that his throat is very suitable for singing English and Russian songs, with a strong accent and super long treble elongation. To put it bluntly, Li Hong is a world music guy who was delayed by his birth Home.

When he discovered Li Hong's advantages, Li Bu originally thought of writing him some English songs for fun.

But it's hard to die, this guy's previous grades in other subjects were very good, but this damn English is so bad, he always just came back with a duck egg in the exam.

In Li Bu's memory, he clearly remembered that in the previous English exams, there were ten ABC multiple-choice questions each with six points each.

But in the end, Li Bu's good brother Li Hong, for some reason, could choose all the wrong ones perfectly every time, and then successfully won the No. Retained until his secondary school graduation.

After finishing the topic of song writing, Li Bu drove the car directly to the door of the deli, then got out of the car and smiled at the owner of the deli; "Brother, look, I'm here to take care of your business again, or As always, one roasted chicken, one roasted duck, and one killed goose..."

"Hey, I'm going, the big star is here!!
Hahaha, the big star hasn't come for so long, I thought you forgot about me, brother, what's wrong, where have you been for so long? Seeing that it was Li Bu, the owner of the deli quickly put on gloves and brought Li Bu roast chicken and duck, while joking with him with a smile.

He reached out and took two chicken legs, and after handing one to Li Hong, Li Bu pointed to the trunk of his car and said, "Brother, everything about my chicken farm has been done." Now, there are more than 1000 chickens and ducks in this car, and I am going to take them back now, does what we said before still count?"

"It has to count!!
Brother, I still say the same thing, I will contract all the chickens and ducks you raise in the future, and you can pull them down to me as much as you want, and I will eat them all for you.

Brother, I’m not bragging. Now I just need to tell others that my chickens and ducks are raised by brother Li Zhi. Don’t care whether the chickens and ducks are raised for feed or free-range, they will definitely have to grab them.

This is what my daughter said, so what, it seems to be some kind of celebrity effect, right, it should be this.. "Hearing that Li Bu, a well-known person, wanted to raise chickens and ducks, the owner of the deli was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately nodded to express that his previous promise was absolutely true.

After hearing what the deli owner said, Li Bu immediately smiled and threw the finished chicken bones into the trash can, then took out his wallet to pay for the roast chicken and duck, nodded with a smile and said; "Okay, then it's settled. I'll take the chickens and ducks back first. When I can get out of the cage, I will tell you in advance. Then you will arrange how to ship them."

"No problem, as long as it is your chickens and ducks, I will buy them from you at the retail price of other people in the market.

I've taken care of how many brothers you have, but when the time comes, you have to get me a few photos of eating chicken in the store to hang on the wall, publicize it, haha, go slowly. Seeing that Li Bu was about to go back, the owner of the deli didn't keep him either. After saying with a smile that he would contract his chickens and ducks, he waved his hand and watched them leave.

Li Bu was busy enough for the day he came down the mountain today.

First, he was blocked for buying cigarettes and alcohol, then the vehicle management office took out his driver's license, the van was seized and towed away, then the hatchery bought chicken and ducklings, and finally he had to deal with the owner of the deli.

Fortunately, after dealing with the owner of the delicatessen, Li Bu was finally relieved, and he could drive his new car up the mountain and go home without hesitation.

God doesn't like Zuomei very much.

Just when Li Bu and the others were about to return to the village, Li Bu and the others encountered another accident on the way.

The female anchor named Shuangxi and her friend, because they didn't find the correct way up the mountain, were already so tired that they lay on the road, broke down and cried.

(End of this chapter)

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