There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 531 [532] I don't want you to be alone in this world after I leave

Chapter 531 [532] I don't want you to be alone in this world after I leave

After following the old man back to the old man's home, Li Bu was stunned.

What shocked him was not because the old man's house was particularly messy, but because her home was extremely clean and beautiful.

The old man’s home consists of three mud-and-tiled houses. The walls are made of the kind of mud bricks he made himself, and the tiles are also handmade. The only things he bought with money are probably cement, wood, and artificial.

Outside the antique mud tile house is a large vegetable garden, in which there are grape vines, orange trees, sugar trees, pomelo trees, sugar cane, and neat garlic seedlings, green onions, coriander, neat rows Qi's planting is very beautiful.

Besides these, the old man even planted some flowers around the house, including roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, and so on. It just so happens that it is still the season when all kinds of flowers bloom, so the scenery here is really beautiful now. The is beautiful.

Of course, in addition to these things, outside the old man's yard, there are rows of corn, rows of peppers, rows of garlic, rows of bacon, sausages, and so on.

After seeing it, Li Bu almost mistakenly thought that he came to a landlord's house in the 60s.

Perhaps seeing Li Bu's surprise, the old man who was leading the two little ones immediately explained to him cheerfully; "Isn't it very beautiful, Grandma Zeng asked someone to guide me to make it.

Didn't Grandma Zeng think that you are so handsome, so she has been worried that when you are working outside, you will be spotted by girls from other families, and then suddenly bring me a great-granddaughter-in-law back?
In the village next door, Ah Wei, who used to be your classmate, brought his girlfriend back home the year before last. As a result, when the girls came to his house, they turned away without even entering the dilapidated house.

Our house is similar to Awei’s, with three big tile-roofed houses, so Grandma Zeng was worried that you would be scared away by our house if you brought your girlfriend home, so Grandma Zeng took a video with a grandmother who often came to shoot videos for grandma. The girl asked for advice, and asked her to teach Grandma Zeng how to make the house look better.

Not to mention that this little girl is quite capable. She first helped Grandma Zeng to buy some fruit seedlings, and then invited someone to come over and demolish our house, and then rebuilt our house in a retro model. Originally, the reconstruction cost 6 to [-] yuan, but the current government is good, and they reimbursed me.

And these vegetable fields were all designed by her. She said that by growing vegetables this way, not only will I not have to worry about running out of vegetables in the future, but it can also make the scenery here look particularly beautiful, and the flowers next to the house, It was the girl who brought me a little at a time and brought me so much.

Xiao Cui, isn't our house very beautiful now, but it's a pity that you didn't bring my great-granddaughter-in-law back. It would be great if you brought my great-granddaughter-in-law back, but it's not bad, you brought me back two cuties ,Hahaha! ! "

"Ancestor, you are amazing. You are so capable at such an old age. By the way, are those oranges and sugar cane delicious? We want to eat them, hehehe..." Xiaobu and Li Ranran were both greedy, So as soon as I saw the sugar cane and orange pomelo in the yard, I immediately clamored to eat them.

Hearing what the two little guys said, the old man immediately smiled and said: "Okay, okay, what do you want to eat, I will ask your father to get it for you Ha Xiaocui, you go to the house and get a hatchet, and get it for the little ones." Eat sugarcane, Grandma Zeng’s eyes are not very good, she can’t even choose sugarcane, so she chose a hatchet and put it next to the kitchen stove.”

"Oh, okay, I'll put the things in the house first, by the way, Grandma Zeng, haven't you contacted the aunt in Hainan yet?"

Hearing the old man's words, Li Bu immediately moved the rice, grain, oil, and New Year's goods into the house.

But before entering the house, in order to make the old man think that he is her great-grandson from the bottom of his heart, he called and asked the old man about his daughter again.

Hearing Li Bu's question, the old man was stunned for a moment, and then he said a little bit: "I found some clues, but your aunt is gone, and her only daughter is said to be married to Lao Chao in Guangdong. I went to a nearby mountain village.

But that daughter, your aunt, my granddaughter, seems to have gone too, but your aunt did not go the fate of people on our side of the family. She left two sons for people on the other side.

These two sons are my grandsons, that is, your cousin. It is said that they are now in their 50s and [-]s, and they have already become grandfathers at a young age. In addition, it is said that their children and grandchildren are quite prosperous , have given birth to several sons.

But the situation on their side is almost as poor as ours. Last year, the police station helped me contact the people there, but the people there just screamed at the civil servants who called them. If they are so poor, how can we have the nerve to lie to them.

And they also said that the civil servant was a failed liar, and they said how could there be people in this world where six generations could meet. This is simply impossible, and this is simply a fantasy.

Anyway, it’s just that the people over there don’t want to come over there. The people over there don’t want to come over there. Grandma Zeng, I don’t know how to walk that far to get there, so Grandma Zeng plans to wait for you to come back. Let you go there for a walk, so that you will not be alone in this world after Grandma Zeng leaves. "

"Grandma Zeng, what nonsense are you talking about? You still have to live for two hundred years. Besides, haven't you met your fifth generation now? If you live for decades, let alone the first It’s been six generations, and I’ll get the seventh generation to meet you, hahaha.”

After laughing and scolding the old man, Li Bu followed the habit of rural people to put things on the corner of the wall, and then went into the kitchen to look for a hatchet.

After finding the hatchet, Li Bu went to the sugar cane to choose sugar cane, and smiled at the old man who was picking oranges for Xiao Bu and Li Ranran; "Grandma Zeng, how about you give me the contact information of the person over there?" Me, and then we will meet with them during Chinese New Year this year, and it doesn’t matter if they recognize us or not, but at least let you go and see if your sixth generation is not, hehehe..."

"Well, this year's oranges are delicious, my little ones, are the oranges that our ancestors planted for you delicious, hehehe. After so many years of planting by our ancestors, there are finally no white species, hehehe." After giving the two When the little guy was eating oranges, the old man ate a piece himself, and then she showed a happy smile.

After laughing for a while, the old man nodded to Li Bu again and said, "Okay, then I'll give you your phone number later, but you don't have to force it, if they still refuse to admit it, you can go and have a look They're all right, I don't care if I don't look at them, I know my roots haven't been broken by Lao Li's family, so I'll have the face to go down to see you, Grandpa Zeng and the others."

"Old Ancestor, the oranges you planted are so delicious and sweet, they are even tastier than the oranges you bought outside."

"Yes, ancestor, your oranges are delicious, come to my ancestor to feed you oranges."

As soon as she finished talking to Li Bu, the old man saw two cute little hands dripping oranges for herself, so she opened her mouth to eat without hesitation, and smiled cheerfully after eating; "Sweet, Sweet, really sweet, the oranges that my cuties feed grandma are sweet, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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