There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 533 [534] Sometimes, life is such blood

Chapter 533 [534] Sometimes, life is such blood
"You Zengma. Er? Oh, ah!!

Well, I made it. My family grows flowers, so I like to make this very much. In addition, I was sent by the government to take care of your grandma Zeng, so I brought her some here from time to time.

By the way, Li Buge, it’s okay for me to call you Li Buge, can I ask you a favor, I would like to ask you to use your relationship or means, can you send grandma to Guangdong? Invite your juniors over here?
Brother Li Bu, I know you are very capable, and I believe you will be able to, so can you help me, grandma? ?
Grandma's great-grandson is a hero, and grandma is the only one here who is about to reach a hundred years old, so Li Buge, please, can you do me a favor? Seeing that Li Bu was easy to get along with when he spoke, the woman immediately answered his words with a smile, and then asked expectantly if he could help the old man find relatives.

Hearing the woman's words, Li Bu glanced at her suspiciously first, then nodded and said, "You can try, but I dare not give you an affirmative answer as to whether I can bring them here, after all, I am not one of those people, right?"

"By the way, Brother Li Bu, I remember that you seem to be a villager in Lijia Village, Laochao City, Laochao County, Guangdong Province, right?" After hearing Li Bu agree, the woman immediately looked at Li Bu again , asked him like a trap.

After staring at the woman speechlessly, Li Bu went to add fire to continue cooking his stew, nodded and said, "Yes, I am from Lijia Village, and the village head of Lijia Village is my father-in-law. The secretary is my father, the village committee is my uncle, wait, don't tell me, my grandma Zeng's relatives are in our Lijia Village, right?"

"I don't know if it's from Lijia Village. Anyway, when we called, they gave us this address, and they said they wanted us to go there. I don't think they would come."

"By the way, I heard from my grandma Zeng that when you called over there, you were scolded and cried by the people over there, right? What did they scold you for, that they could scold you?" Are you crying?"

"Um, the person who was scolded and cried was not me, but a colleague of mine. I am not the one who called at the beginning. I am the one who takes care of grandma. We each have our own jobs, so don't mix them up."

"Oh, no, it's fine if it's not, by the way, how did you contact the people over there in the first place, are the phone numbers of the people over there still there?

Can you tell me, I personally still have a certain right to speak in Lijia Village, if the other party is really from our Lijia Village, I might really be able to bring you someone. "

"Oh, then wait for me. I'll call my colleague and ask her for the contact information over there. Then you continue to cook. I'll go out and make a phone call."

Without answering the woman's words, Li Bu nodded, and then went back to continue cooking, cooking, washing and chopping vegetables.

After the woman came out of the kitchen, she immediately walked aside and started calling her colleagues. After about half an hour, the woman successfully got the phone number of the elderly relative.

After getting the phone number of the old man's relative, the woman immediately walked towards the kitchen again excitedly, then handed her mobile phone to Li Bu and said, "Well, Brother Li Bu, this is the phone number of grandma's relative, come here Give it a try!!"

He casually took out his mobile phone and wrote down the number on the woman's text message, Li Bu then pressed the dial button on his mobile phone, nodded and said, "Oh, let me try, come here Watch the fire for me, I'll go out and make a phone call!!"

"Oh, okay, then you go try it, and you'd better succeed." Hearing Li Bu's words, the woman nodded with a smile immediately, and then stepped forward to take over his place of burning the fire.

As for Li Bu's mobile phone, when he walked out of the kitchen, there was a voice that almost made him lose his mobile phone in fright; "Xiao Bu, why are you calling your uncle at this time, is your uncle working on a drain outside?" Take your mobile phone out, if you have anything to do with him, I will ask him to come back to answer your call if there is anything to do."

"Your sister, isn't that the voice of my great aunt!!"

Hearing the familiar voice on the other side, Li Bu was speechless immediately, but in order to confirm whether the other side was really his aunt, Li Bu still asked tentatively; I'm looking for him for something, something about our family, if you can, please ask him to answer the phone for me."

"Oh, I want to find your uncle, then wait a moment, I'll go out and call your uncle back." After Li Bu's voice fell, his familiar voice came from the opposite side again, and he Finally, he can confirm 100% that this phone number belongs to his uncle.

After confirming that his aunt was on the opposite side, Li Bu, who knew what kind of character she was, quickly shouted again; "Auntie's mobile phone can be taken to my uncle. This is a mobile phone, not a landline phone, and it can be taken away."

"Ah, oh, okay, I almost forgot it was a mobile phone again, hahaha, look at my memory that can't keep up with the times, hahaha..." After an awkward smile, Li Bu's eldest aunt is also Chunmei, So he took his mobile phone and ran out to find Li Wanda.

During the period, Li Bu listened to the whistling wind for five or six minutes, and when his ears were almost buzzing, Li Wanda's voice finally came; "Xiao Bu, what do you want to do with uncle? Who is coming back, do you want me to go out to receive it?"

"No one wants to come back, even if someone comes back, we don't care about him now, uncle is like this, I... did you receive a call last year asking you to come to Guizhou to recognize your relatives? ??" After withdrawing a few words from Li Wanda, Li Bu asked bluntly the purpose of his call.

Hearing Li Bu's words, the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, then hummed and said, "It is true that there was such a thing, about August last year, a little girl called me and said that I And your dad, there is a 96-year-old Zeng grandmother in Guizhou who asked us to visit her.

At that time, she seemed to say that the great-grandson of the old man died when he went to save others, and now the old man is alone now, and then her life needs someone to take care of her because of her age. After a lot of searching, we found out that we are the relatives of the old man.

As soon as I heard this, I thought it must be a lie, so your aunt and I took turns to educate the girl abruptly, so that she will stop being a liar in the future and find a place for her How about working to be a human being again.

By the way, Xiao Bu, how did you know about this matter, and why did you ask me about this matter, you also received such a call, right? ? "

After listening to Li Wanda's words, Li Bu was speechless. He felt that he had pretended to be someone else's grandson for a long time, pretending to be a real grandson. .

(End of this chapter)

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