There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 536 [537] Thought for 7 years, but didn't have the courage to take that first step

Chapter 536 [537] Thought for 70 years, but didn't have the courage to take that first step

Hearing Li Bu's words, the old man was stunned.

Then the old man couldn't help stretching out his old hand full of vicissitudes of time, touched Li Bu's face, which looked almost identical to his husband who had been dead for decades, and said in a trembling voice; Is it my offspring, I said how can someone look so much like that old thing in my family when he was young, so you are my offspring, okay, okay."

"Old Ancestor, although I am not sure that I must be your descendant, I really have a very cordial feeling towards you.

And no matter what the future result is, I will come to see you every year in the future, and my children will always follow you to see you. Facing the excited words of the old man, Li Bu made a promise to her after stretching out his hand to support the old man.

After listening to Li Bu's words, the old man didn't pay attention to Li Bu's promise, but stretched out his hand to hold Li Bu and said, "There's nothing wrong with that, let's go, I'll take you to see the portrait of your ancestor. look alike.."

"Why do I feel like I've been cheated now?

Didn't you say that you have poor eyesight before, why do you make me look like my ancestor now?
In other words, does she really see clearly, or is she fake enough to see clearly? "

After muttering a few words in his heart, Li Bu and the two little guys were brought into the house by the old man, and then came to a bedroom in the house, and then Li Bu saw the photo wall of the old man's house.

It's just that, when he saw the number of people in the group photo on the photo wall that was reduced in my humble opinion, Li Bu's heart suddenly twitched a little, the kind of twitch that hurts a lot.

When he saw that the number of people on the photo began to decrease, he seemed to be losing something, flustered, depressed, and extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, Li Bu also discovered that what the old man said was correct, he was very similar to the old man's husband in the photo, not only the old man's husband, but also the old man's son, grandson, and great-grandson were all similar to Li Bu.

Seeing that Li Bu was already staring at the photo above, the old man pointed to the photo above and said with a bitter face; "Hey, I don't know what evil I did, as long as the number of people in this family doesn't increase, it's fine. It also became less and less.

The first one is me, my husband, and my five children. This photo was originally a portrait, but it was turned into a photo later.

The second one is me, my husband, my son, my daughter-in-law, and my five grandchildren. This was also a portrait at the beginning.

The third picture is me, my son, my daughter-in-law, my grandson, grandson-in-law and their five children. This was also a portrait at the beginning.

In the fourth photo, our family began to suffer. First, the children got sick and left one by one, and then the adults couldn't bear the blow and left one by one.

As we walked and walked, our family gradually changed from a big family at the beginning, and there were only two poor people left, me and my great-grandson.

And now my great-grandson is also missing, and no trace has been found so far, and I am getting old now, already 97 years old, and will be 98 years old this Chinese New Year.

Now I have nothing to want, and my heart has long been numb.

My last wish now is to hope that my great-grandson can miraculously come back, and the second is to find descendants of my daughter's line, so as to confirm whether I have broken the roots of Lao Li's family. "

"Ancestor, if you are really my ancestor after the relative identification, I will arrange a plane to take you to Lijia Village tomorrow, and our family will serve you in the future.

In addition, even in the final result, you are not my ancestor, but I still say what I said before, I will still bring these two little guys over every year to give you New Year greetings.

Also, if there are other clues, I will also let my foundation continue to search for your descendants for you. Of course, all of this will have to wait until the evening, and the girl will find out when she brings back the results . "After making a few promises to the old man with a wry smile, Li Bu supported her and walked out of the house.

After coming out, the old man lay down on a bamboo chair, then pointed to the bamboo chairs beside him and said to Xiao Bu, Li Ranran, and Li Bu; It's also good to bask in the sun face to face, you should also lie there and bask in the sun with me.

When my great-grandson was young, I always thought that if one day I was free and didn’t have to work hard for his tuition fees, I would stop working, and I would take him to sit here, side by side. Drink tea and eat snacks, plus tell him stories about our time.

It's a pity, this kid is too sensible, other people's kids go home to rest for a few months after graduation, and only go out to work for a few years, but he just got his graduation certificate and immediately became a regular in his company , so I have never given him the opportunity to tell stories. Now this opportunity. "

"Grandfather, tell the two little guys a story, and I'll go and prepare tea and snacks for you. I'll pick some grapefruits and winter melons, and I'll make snacks for you." Hearing the old man's words, Li Bu stood up tactfully, picked a few grapefruits and a big wax gourd in the yard, and then went into the house to make snacks for the elderly and the others.

After Li Bu went into the kitchen, the old man began to tell stories to the two little guys;
"Old ancestor, when he was young, he was the son of the landlord's family in Guangxi.

At that time, my ancestors were just like you, and they were very popular with the elders in the family. Basically, whatever I wanted, the adults in the family would give me.

At that time in our place, children from other people’s families, let alone girls, even boys hardly had the opportunity to study, but your ancestors, I read a lot of books and learned a lot. In that era, many people spent their entire lives. Nothing that I had a chance to see.

In the era when others were struggling for food and drink, the ancestors had a phonograph that many people in China could not have.

I remember when my father gave me the phonograph, my little sisters envied me. They all envied that I had a family richer than theirs.

In addition to the phonograph, the ancestor also owned Guangxi's first bicycle at that time, a bicycle shipped from abroad, and it was this bicycle that allowed the ancestor to meet the man he liked the most in his life.

It’s just that, that era was also a time of turmoil. Later, because of the great turmoil, the whole world was fighting, which led to the relocation of many places. The rich people began to avoid the war and go to the mountains. The area escaped.

Just like this, hiding here and there, year after year, day after day, in the end, the old ancestor came here alone to escape.

Then because there is no ability to survive, the ancestors can only follow an honest man here. This has been more than 70 years, and the ancestors have stayed in this place for more than 70 years.

In the past 70 years, the ancestors also thought about going out to see the outside world, to see if there are any remaining relatives in their former home.

However, the escape that year left an indelible psychological shadow on the ancestors, so even though the ancestors thought about it, they have never dared to take the step of leaving in the past 70 years. "

(End of this chapter)

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