There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 541 【542】Make grandmother happy

Chapter 541 【542】Make grandmother happy
Ignoring the fans in the live broadcast room, Li Zhaohai asked Li Bu curiously like a reporter; "Brother Li Bu, didn't you come here to do good deeds this time? kiss?"

"It may be fate, or it may be God's arrangement. I originally came out with the foundation this time to do good deeds and accumulate some blessings for my four sons.

It's just that when our charity route reached here, I saw my grandmother waiting for someone at the entrance of the village, and the moment I saw her, I suddenly felt an inexplicable kindness.

Then, I heard some stories about my grandmother from the staff of my foundation, and then I decided to take my two children to put on a play, hoping to take advantage of my grandmother's poor eyesight and trick her into giving She sent some New Year's goods, and spent a simple day with her as a great-grandson.

It's just that I didn't even think that this acting will come true. I really became a descendant of my grandmother. I am a member of the fifth generation of her collateral line. She is my father's grandma. My grandmother's grandmother. "Hearing Li Zhaohai's words, Li Bu said with a faint smile after adding some tea for him.

After listening to Li Bu's answer, Li Zhaohai immediately asked again; "Then Li Buge, after you recognize your grandmother this time, how do you plan to settle down for her old man?
Are you going to spend money to hire someone to take care of her so that she can continue to live here, or are you going to take her back to your Li Family Village to live with your family? ? "

"Do you need to ask? She must have been taken back to our side. She is so old, how can we rest assured that she will continue to live here alone?" Faced with the question of whether to bring the elderly back to Lijia Village , Li Bu gave it almost without any hesitation, the answer to take her back came.

Faced with such a straightforward Li Bu, Li Zhaohai immediately asked again; "Well, Brother Li Bu, when are you going to take grandma out of here and go to your Li Family Village.

Our two families have been with grandma for so long, we have been neighbors for decades, remember to tell us when you want to take her away, so that we can send grandma off, and help grandma take care of her house in the future so what. "

"It may be tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, because my parents and my uncle and aunt will come over from our Lijia Village tomorrow.

Also, please tell your parents and the family next door to you. If there is nothing to do tomorrow, don’t leave. We will invite your two families to have a meal tomorrow and give you some gifts to thank you for all these years. Grandmother's care. "After answering Li Zhaohai's words with a smile, Li Bu told them that he was going to invite the two of them to dinner tomorrow.

Hearing that Li Bu said that he would treat his whole family to dinner tomorrow, Li Zhaohai immediately replied excitedly; "Don't worry, we will never leave, we will definitely wait for your dinner at home.

By the way, Brother Li, there are many fans in my live broadcast room who want to hear you sing. Can you give us a song, preferably an interesting one. "

Hearing Li Zhaohai's words, Li Bu immediately said in a bit of a dilemma; "Brother, you are embarrassing me a bit, the mobile phone I am carrying is for normal use, it does not have the function of dubbing, and my mood is a bit complicated now , sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty, gratifying, happy, and heartbroken. I really can't write a new song for you.

But your fans, if you want to hear old songs or my two children's songs, I can let my two little ones sing for you. "

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Zhaohai finally picked up his live broadcast equipment, looked at the subtitles in the live broadcast room, and said with a smile; "Thank you friends for your gifts and support, and thank you for coming to my live broadcast room. If conditions permit, everyone, you can also give the anchor a small gift to occupy the ranking or something.

By the way, everyone must have heard Li Buge’s words just now. Do you want to hear Li Buge sing for everyone, or do you want to hear Xiaobu and Li Ranran sing for everyone? "

Uncle who loves to watch junglers [I must have heard Li Bu sing, I want to hear Li Bu sing the ordinary road, my rocket has been charged for you, it depends on your performance whether you send it or not! ! 】

Eel Jiajun¥You don’t understand my beauty [I want to listen to Li Buge’s song Man Flower, also known as a 30-year-old man, my two flower seas are ready, do you want to see your choice? . 】

Please pass by 3678 [What are the conditions for each of them, look at the historical list you gave to the anchor, can you afford so many diamonds, if you have money, dare to order songs there, one by one! ! 】

Dreams of Hengdian extras [Diamonds or not diamonds are not important, people must have dreams when they live, he is alive if he has no dreams, I want to order a song My future is not a dream! ! 】

The big boss who likes to watch the jungle [I also want to listen to men, also known as 30-year-old men. Although I don’t have a lot of money, I can still give ten rockets, so whether the anchor wants rockets or not is up to you. 】

After speaking, Li Zhaohai waited for the fans in the studio to start bidding.

And when he saw that the man's bidding for this song had already reached as many as thirteen rockets, he immediately turned around and looked at Li Bu with a smile; "Brother Li Bu, they want to hear you sing that 30-year-old song Man, just give us a song!!"

"Okay, then I'll sing you a man's flower..."

After agreeing to Li Zhaohai with a smile, Li Bu turned to look at the old man and asked, "Grandma, do you like listening to music? Your grandson, Zengzeng, I am a singer."

"I like it, I like to listen to it. My grandmother likes to listen to singing the most. My grandmother also wanted to be a singer when she was young, but since she escaped and came here...everything has been suppressed by life." Hearing Li Bu's question The old man immediately smiled and nodded to express that he likes to listen to music.

After hearing what the old man said, after thinking for a while, Li Bu suddenly smiled and sang a song that he hadn't sung before. It was an old song on the earth, which was very old [A Thousand Words] Wanyu] is here.

After making up his mind, Li Bu walked up to the old man and sang softly and brightly;
"I don't know why, sorrow surrounds me, I pray every day, drive away the loneliness of love,

From that day on, you said to me, love me forever, thousands of words and ten thousand words pass by with the clouds,

I don't know why, worry it surrounds me, I pray every day, drive away the loneliness of love
I don't know why, worry it surrounds me, I pray every day, drive away the loneliness of love. "

After singing a thousand words to the old man in a soft voice, Li Bu looked at the old man and asked with a smile on his face, "Grandma, do you feel like you're back in that era?"

"It's very nice, just like the song sung by Deng Lili, a singer my grandma used to like. My grandma is old now. If my grandma was young, she would definitely have to dance for you, hehehe..." Seeing that Li Bu specially gave it to himself After listening to the singing, the old man immediately said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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