There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 543 【544】Women are good-looking, but they have some special benefits

Chapter 543 【544】Women are good-looking, but they have some special benefits
You are beautiful, you have the final say, this sentence is not only effective in front of licking dogs, sometimes it is also quite effective in front of Li Bu.

After seeing that the reporter was so good-looking and could speak so well, Li Bu did not speak like before, but nodded lightly and replied; "Hello, audience friends in front of the TV, I am It's your old friend Li Bu, and speaking of it, this is the first time I've been interviewed by a reporter other than an entertainment reporter."

"Brother Li Bu, it is said that you are here to do charity this time, and then you met your grandmother by accident. Is this true, or is it just a random report?" Seeing that Li Bu was so polite to himself, Reporter Nana quickly took the microphone and continued to ask Li Bu.

After taking a few steps back, Li Bu supported the old man, and said into the microphone with a smile on his face: "It was a coincidence, when I saw my grandmother, I just thought she was very kind.

Later, when I learned about my grandmother's life from the foundation under my name, my heart was so painful that I almost couldn't breathe.

So I thought about taking these two little guys from my family, using my grandmother's not very good eyesight to deceive her, making her think that I am her great-grandson, and they are her grandchildren, and then accompany her Have a nice day.

It's just that I didn't expect that this drama would come true after it was performed. Later, it was because I promised her to help my grandmother find my grandmother's collateral descendants. In the end, I found my uncle. side went.

After finding my uncle and going there, we probably guessed that the answer was true, just to make everyone feel at ease and not make wild guesses, so we did a kinship test, and the result of the test must be that you should be there I saw it on the Internet and TV reports..... "

"Maybe it's fate as you said, by the way, Brother Li, as far as I know, you will give special rewards to everyone who treats you well.

So, I can ask you a little bit, how will you repay Yang Qi, a civil servant specially arranged by the government to take care of your grandmother this time? "Reporters need to ask some special questions to attract the audience, so reporter Nana also asked a question that Li Bu didn't expect.

Hearing what reporter Nana said, Li Bu smiled lightly, and then said with a wry smile; "I'm not very good at answering your topic, after all, if I just give money to her, she won't be able to." He was accused of taking bribes every minute?

So what I can probably answer you is that she must have been very lucky recently, and she probably won a prize by accident, and then she got a bonus of 100 million.

Of course, in addition to thanking her, I will also thank the other two neighbors of my grandmother. At that time, I will also give each of them a gift of 100 million yuan, which is a car and a house. Or cash is fine. "

"Wow, as expected of Li Slick, who even the paparazzi can't do anything about you."

After laughing and saying something about Li Bu's nickname in the paparazzi, the reporter Nana asked Li Bu again; "Brother Li Bu, you thanked us personally, so do you also thank us in Guizhou?" You will show something, after all, you are also half of us from Guizhou, hehehe..."

"This must be expressed. After all, my grandmother has been subsidized by the government for these years, so it is absolutely impossible for our Li family not to repay this kindness.

And this topic has been discussed within our family. This time, as a thank you to the Guizhou government and the people for our grandmother, the four of us are going to use the reputation of our Li family to donate 5000 million yuan to the Guizhou government. To transform the roads and schools in the mountains. Facing the question from reporter Nana, Li Bu replied calmly without any hesitation.

Seeing that Li Bu didn't show any impatience in answering his own question, the reporter Nana hurriedly asked again; "Brother Li Bu, is your Li family going to let you take the old man back this time, or All of your family members are here to take the old man back together?"

"We came here together to pick up our grandmother. This is the place where our grandmother lived for nearly 70 years, so my dad and my uncle wanted to come here to have a look.

By the way, Li Hong, a famous storyteller, will also come over in person. They are on the plane at six o'clock tomorrow morning, and they should arrive at eight o'clock. If you are lucky, you may run into them at the airport oh. "

After answering the question from reporter Nana with a smile, Li Bu pointed a finger at her and said, "You can still interview one more question, after this question, I won't accept any more interviews tonight. "

"Okay, then, Brother Li, you have gradually withdrawn from the live broadcast circle, but you have no intention of entering the entertainment circle, so what is your plan and direction for next year?" Hearing Li Bu After saying that she would only ask one more question, reporter Nana quickly changed the topic and asked a question that many fans on the Internet wanted to know.

After hearing reporter Nana's words, Li Bu was silent for a while, and then said lightly; "My next route may be a creative route. Next year, two crews under my banner will shoot two new films. .

The crew of the original Westward Journey: Moonlight Treasure Box will shoot a comedy movie called Dong Cheng Xi Jiu next year.

And never expected that in addition to filming the third season of never expected, the crew would also shoot a big-screen movie that will be released in theaters, never expected Journey to the West.

And after the Chinese New Year, I will accompany my wife to the United States for half a year on vacation, and I will also fund and shoot a few movies there, and there are two movies that have been confirmed, one is "The Faithful Dog Hachiko" The first is the series of movies [Pirates of the Caribbean]. "

"Brother Li, thank you for accepting my interview, and at the same time, I wish all your films next year will sell well, thank you."

After thanking Li Bu with a smile, the reporter Nana said to the camera; "Dear audience friends, this is the end of our interview today, I hope you like it, friends who like Nana, remember to leave me a message And like it, I am your host Nana, see you in the next episode!!"

Seeing that reporter Nana finished her interview, the reporter Irene who came in first quickly took her own microphone and went up to interview Li Bu and said, "Hello, Brother Li Bu, may I ask your charity this time? .”

"I'm sorry everyone, because it's getting late and the old man needs to rest, so we will stop here for today's interview.

If you have any questions, please come here early tomorrow morning... "Seeing Irene coming up, Li Bu immediately blinked at Yang Qi and Li Zhaohai, and then the two came forward with great interest and invited both groups of reporters out.

After being invited out, reporter Nana left contentedly with her harvest.

And Irene looked at the back of the reporter Nana, and muttered angrily; "Isn't it just that I am taller than me, have a better figure than me, and have a better voice than me? Sure enough, men are animals with lower bodies. Even The good man Li Bu is no exception, hum."

(End of this chapter)

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