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Chapter 552 [553] 98 years apart, looking at each other

Chapter 552 [553] 98 years apart, looking at each other

Although Li Bu couldn't understand why such a good-looking movie, such as the Moonlight Treasure Box of Journey to the West, would end up hitting the box office in the end.

But now he is very happy. He saw that more than 1000 villagers in Lijia Village liked to watch the movie he brought, and he saw that the villagers were so serious about watching the movie that they fed their meals to With a funny look on his face, Li Bu was very happy and relieved.

At the same time, he doesn't care about the box office of the movie Westward Journey: Moonlight Treasure Box, whether it will hit the market in the end, because he thinks he can bring this good movie, and the people he cares about just happen to like it See, that's all right, that's enough for him.

After watching the movie for more than an hour, the old man withdrew his longing eyes and asked Li Bu; "Xiao Bu, this movie is really good. Grandma hasn't seen such a good movie yet. Can't I play this movie tomorrow?" , if it is released, grandma, I will move the stool over to watch it tomorrow, it looks good."

"Grandmother, Xiaobu made this movie, if you like to watch it, you can watch it every day.

But I will put it here today, and the movie will be shown here tomorrow to make people feel embarrassed, and I will show this movie again the day after tomorrow. "Hearing what the old man said, Li You and others on the side smiled and helped Li Bu answer the old man's words.

Hearing what Li You and the others said, Li Bu could only nod helplessly and said, "Well, my elder brother and the others are right, as long as grandma likes it, it's fine for you to play it every day."

"Hehehe, it's good to watch some. It's okay to watch movies once in a while, but it's not good to watch too much. Besides, it's cold, so it's good to watch TV at home occasionally.

But your Lijia Village is really nice, full of human touch, and there are many people, unlike grandma's, there are only two families in a village now, and those neighbors in the past really never came back after they moved away, hey .. "Compared to the good-looking of this movie, what the old man enjoys more is the scene of watching the movie with more than 1000 people in front of her, because this scene makes her seem to go back to the past, when the production team showed the movie, and everyone in the village watched it Scenes.

Hearing what the old man said, the four Li Bu brothers immediately smiled and said, "Grandmother, as long as you like it, you can live here as long as you want, and we will take care of you."

"Uncle Li Bu, Uncle Li Bu, Uncle Li Bu, you're back, hehehe, look, I'm wearing new clothes and shoes, hehehe." When Li Bu and the others were talking to the old man, they were already in Lijia Village Cong Liang, who had been around for a few days, ran over happily as soon as he saw Li Bu's figure.

Seeing the completely new Congliang, Li Bu quickly stood up, stretched out his hand to touch his small round head and said with a smile, "Not bad, I haven't seen you grow taller in a few days, and who shaved this small round head for you?" ah?"

"I shaved it for him. The little guy has no family, and neither do I, and I need a successor for my craft, so I recognize him as my grandson, and now we live together as a partner." Li Bu's voice just After falling, another voice he was familiar with sounded again.

Hearing Zhang Jude's voice, Li Bu turned around immediately, looked at him with a smile and said, "How about it, you're getting used to living here, and are you satisfied with the arrangement here? If there is anything you need , you can tell me."

"I have to say that your Lijia Village is really suitable for retirement, and I'm sure that if you are willing to sell the house here, there will definitely be many elderly people who will come here to retire.

Also, I am very satisfied here, eat well, sleep well, and there are many good woods, and I also found that the carpenters in your village are even more dexterous than mine, that is Li Wanfu, good guy, he He actually cut out an erhu for me with a small knife.

At that time, I wanted him to be my apprentice, but the person who sent me here said that he was your father, so I dare not say that anymore, hahaha.. After praising Lijiacun to Li Bu, Zhang Jude praised Li Wanfu's carpentry skills.

Hearing what the old man Zhang Jude said, Li Bu pointed directly at the rows of refurbished houses and newly built homestays, and said proudly; "Since our Lijia Village passed through the war years, the craftsmanship handed down is now It is estimated that only my dad and his group of carpenters are left.

Moreover, according to the records of our Li family, these carpentry skills used to be used to make arrows and bows, but then there was no war, so there was no work to make bows and arrows, so everyone began to change their thinking and start making furniture, doors and windows. up.

Look, are there any carvings on the gates of the houses in our Lijia Village? Those are all made by my dad.

Hey, no one wants these old crafts now, or my dad and his crafts would have made a fortune long ago, so why wait for us juniors to fight! ! "

"Yeah, craftsmanship is a good income, but it's the end of the road, just like kung fu, it's useless to practice now." Speaking of the uselessness of craftsmanship, Zhang Jude sighed for a while.

"However, craftsmanship must be passed on, after all, it is... something left to us by our ancestors!!"

After a few words back to Zhang Jude with a smile, Li Bu, together with Li Hong and the others helped the old man up, and while walking towards the house, he turned his head and smiled at Zhang Jude and Cong Liang; "Well, I'll take my grandmother back to arrange the room first. I'll go over to talk to you tomorrow morning.

Congliang obediently listens to grandpa's words, and learns the craft well, so that he can make money and marry a beautiful wife after he learns it, hehehe. "

"Uncle Li Bu, I will definitely study hard, learn my skills, and grow up to be filial to you and grandpa!!" Hearing Li Bu's words, Congliang immediately shouted happily.

Li Bu just nodded with a smile on this, and then he turned back to support the old man, and walked slowly towards the house.

When they got home, Li Yanmei was already wrapped tightly, looking around at the door.

And when she saw Li Bu and the others, Li Yanmei, who was wrapped in a padded jacket like a walking one, immediately waved her hands like a big padded jacket, and shouted happily, "Grandma, grandma, I'm here, I'm here. "

"Grandmother, this is my daughter-in-law. She is still in confinement, so she can't come out to have a shower." Seeing Li Yanmei who wrapped herself up like a big fat man, Li Bu introduced to the old man with a smile and helplessness.

Hearing Li Bu's introduction, the old man immediately let go of Li Bu's hand, walked into the room briskly, then looked at Li Yanmei and said with a smile; "Good boy, it's windy outside, let's go inside and talk, by the way, my What about Zengzeng’s grandson, where are they?”

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..." When the old man's voice fell, the little ones in the room didn't know what they were playing, and they were all laughing happily.

Hearing the laughter of the little ones, the old man immediately followed the sound and looked for it.

Li Bu took Li Yanmei's hand and followed closely behind. When the old man walked into Li Yanmei's room, he immediately met the four chubby little guys.

The four little guys were all staring at the old man who was still very strange to them, with big cute eyes and curious expressions on their faces.

The old man looked at him excitedly. Although he was only one month old, but he looked like a four- to five-month-old doll in other people's homes, he showed a happy smile.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..." The four little guys saw this strange old man smiling at themselves, and immediately started giggling again. The little guy looked very cute and playful.

Li Yanmei, who was on the side, took out her mobile phone at this time, and took a picture of the old man and the little ones looking at each other. She wanted to record the 98-year-old stare at each other. She wanted to record the old man and her little ones. The guys meet for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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