There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 557 [558] Unlucky Li Bu was chased and beaten by his mother again! !

Chapter 557 [558] Unlucky Li Bu was chased and beaten by his mother again! !
"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I!" Long-windedly asked Li Bu.

Hearing what the homeless man said, Li Bu was furious, and directly shouted at him; "Are you pretending to be an addict like my elders? Believe it or not, if you talk nonsense again, I'll throw it at you right now." I went inside!!"

"Ai ai ai Xiaobu, don't be impulsive, you will die if you throw it down!!" Just now I saw Li Bu throwing the homeless man into the water, so now Hearing Li Bu's words again, the master who sailed the boat immediately shouted to Li Bu in fright.

Hearing what the sailing master said, Li Bu waved his hands and smiled; "It's just to scare him, how dare you really throw it in for him, but this guy's mouth is so annoying, he pretended to be my elder and pretended to be addicted.

I have never called anyone a cousin since I grew up, and this guy actually wants to fuck me. What is even more annoying is that he even said that he is my grandmother's great-grandson and wants to see my grandmother. "

"I, I, I, I didn't lie, I, I, I, I, I want to see your grandma, just take a look, leave after seeing me, I don't need you to bear me, really, I'm not here to ask for money, I'm not Come..." Seeing Li Bu, he was not very happy to say that he was his cousin, so the tramp quickly changed to the second, using seeing the old man as a pleading condition.

Facing the begging of the homeless man, Li Bu, who was still angry with him at this time, directly said to him with a look of disgust; "I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'll go ashore later, I'll find some clothes for you, and take them with you." You go and see your body, and then I will send you out, as for what will happen to you in the future, I will not take care of you."

Although he said some unpleasant words, after the boat landed, Li Bu was very responsible and took the homeless man to the hotel to take a shower, change into clean clothes, and find some food for him. He had a good meal.

Then he was sent to the health station in the village [just established, the doctor is the two doctors and nanny of the four little guys].

After the doctor examined the homeless man, the result of the examination was that the homeless man had been suffering from malnutrition and unhygienic conditions for a long time, and he had caught a cold in the water just now, so he had better find a stable place recently. And eat steadily so as not to cause any fever or cold.

Seeing the doctor's results, Li Bu immediately said with a speechless face; "According to what you said, wouldn't it mean that if I let him go out to continue wandering now, he is likely to get sick directly, and then some unexpected situation occurs, Even death is possible. And I became the one who indirectly killed him?"

"His body is too weak. If he doesn't take supplements in time and find a stable living environment, he is really likely to have the conditions you mentioned. First he has a cold or a fever, and then he dies due to untimely treatment. After that, you He will be the one who kills him!!" Because they knew Li Bu very well, the two doctors couldn't help joking with Li Bu.

"Hey, I really have to change my bad temper. I beat up my cousin for a while, beat up the troublemaker for a while, and provoked this tramp again for being cheap, my damned bad temper, hey! !"

After sighing weakly, Li Bu pointed at the homeless man and said to the two doctors; "I heard that glucose can supplement nutrition, right? You can get some for him. Anyway, as long as it can prevent him from catching a cold, You can do whatever you want!!"

"Hahaha, I'm kidding you, his body is not as weak as you think, I prescribed some cold medicine and some glucose for him, you let him take it on time, and let him keep warm, rest and eat evenly and he'll be fine It's gone." After explaining with a smile that there was nothing wrong with the homeless man, the two doctors brought glucose and some cold medicine for the homeless man.

"You guys are too idle, why scare me if you have nothing to do, it's fun to scare me, it makes me almost really think that I will hurt someone with that introduction..."

After complaining to the two doctors, Li Bu sent Zhang Dewei directly to Zhang Jude, and then he took the homeless man to the orchard, intending to send him to the orchard, to see Li Zhiyou Do you want someone to help.

It's just that there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

Just when Li Bu took the homeless man past Li Wanfu's house and was about to go to the orchard, the homeless man who was following him suddenly ran away without warning.

Moreover, after the homeless man ran away, he rushed directly at the old man who was watching TV with Xiaobu and the others in the house, knelt down in front of her, and cried loudly; "Grandma Zeng , Grandma Zeng is sorry, Xiao Cui made you suffer, Xiao Cui is sorry for you, sorry for you, woo woo woo..."

"Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui, my good grandson, my great-grandson, you are back. Grandma Zeng misses you to death, do you know where you went? Why are you coming back to find Grandma Zeng now? ah?

Do you know how sad Grandma Zeng was when others said that you went to rescue people and fell into the water to die? I'm about to leave with you.

You bad thing, where did you go, and why are you dressed like this, why is your hair so long, and why are you wearing foundation clothes, and why are you so haggard, why are you here Shaking?

Hey, you have a fever, why do you have a fever?Wanfu, Liu Yan, come out quickly and find something for Xiao Cui to cure a cold. This child seems to have a fever. "After holding the homeless man's head and crying, the old man who found the homeless man trembling hurriedly shouted to Liu Yan and Li Wanfu who were in the house.

And the tramp who heard the old man's words, that is, Li Xiaocui, quickly took out his cold medicine and said, "Grandma Zeng, it's okay, Xiaobu has already bought medicine for me. I'll take this medicine and take the quilt." Just hug and sweat or something..."

"Grandma Zeng, who has a cold, hey, who is this person?" Li Wanfu and Liu Yan, who were called out by the old man, walked into the living room like Xiaobu, Li Ranran, and the girl. He stared dumbfounded at the extra Li Xiaocui in front of him.

Ignoring Liu Yan and the others' blunders, the old man hurriedly took off his blanket and hot water bottle and stuffed them to Li Xiaocui, and then helped him to sit on the stool while explaining to Li Wanfu and the others; "This is Xiao Cui. Yes, I knew the child was not dead, Xiao Cui, this is your cousin and sister-in-law, by the way, how did you come to Lijia Village, isn’t it that outsiders are not allowed here?”

"I met Xiaobu on the opposite side, and I ran over and said I was his cousin, and then he threw me into the water, and then he took me back to the village to change my clothes when he saw that I was freezing. Clothes, food and doctor visits.

Also, it was he who took me here just now, and I just saw you, Grandma Zeng. He must be a little embarrassed now, so he dare not come in outside. Hearing the old man's question, Li Xiaocui pointed his finger outside the door.

Liu Yan, who was a little confused at the side, heard Li Xiaocui say that he said that he was Li Bu's cousin, so he asked Li Bu to throw him into the river.

Immediately, he was so angry that he picked up the broom and stick at home, and chased outside angrily, shouting loudly; "Xiao Bu, you little bastard, you are addicted to beating your relatives, right? It’s fine if you eat twice, now you won’t even let your cousin go, don’t you go, don’t you see if I interrupted your hand today!!”

Li Bu, who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, saw Liu Yan's copycat come out, turned around and ran towards the entrance of the village without saying a word.

He felt that the matter of beating the elders this time was a bit big, he had to go to Li Hong's house to hide for a few days before he could come up, otherwise Tie Nail would be beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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