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Chapter 563 [564] Suddenly became extremely lively, Laochao Airport

Chapter 563 [564] Suddenly became extremely lively, Laochao Airport
Pa. Just when Li Bu was shocked by Li Xiaocui's smoking voice, a crisp slap sound suddenly interrupted everything.

I saw the old man next to Li Xiaocui, after he slapped Li Xiaocui hard on the head, he immediately said angrily to him, "Stop singing, it sounds like a ghost, it's ugly If you are dead, if you sing with your voice, you will definitely be smashed with rotten eggs!!"

"This slap hurts a lot. Unexpectedly, my grandmother, who is almost 98 years old, has such a strong palm. Clap, tsk, tsk, it's so loud!!"

After muttering a few words in his heart that the old man's palm is really strong, Li Bu quickly explained to the old man; "Grandma, actually my cousin's singing is not as bad as you said.

His voice is quite popular now. His hoarse voice is now called Yanyan. Many people don't have such a voice, and they went to train to get one. "

"No, people's brains are not working well now, right? Why don't you listen to the good voices, but go to listen to some weird voices, just like Xiao Cui's crying wolf voice, let it go before , Howling a few times in the mountains can attract the wolves for you.

Wait, wait, Xiao Bu, what do you call this voice? Don't go, look, I'll beat you to death! ! "After sighing a few words about how strange people are now, the old man suddenly remembered something, because of the word "smoky voice", he slapped Li Xiaocui again, and immediately slapped him.

"I was beaten again, it hurts! Crack, tsk tsk, it's so loud, so good!!"

Seeing Li Xiaocui being beaten again, Li Bu first gloated in his heart, and then explained to the old man in a calm manner; "Grandmother, the smoke voice is the name of a voice, it is not produced by smoking. .

Its meaning is actually just an adjective, just like the voice of a male duck. The voice of a male duck is also an adjective, describing that person whose voice is as hoarse as a male duck. It does not mean that he really eats male ducks Here comes the throat. "

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. I thought this kid didn't learn well when he went out, and he smoked like others. No, it's fine. If it is, I broke his leg." After listening to Li Bu's explanation, the old man even Knowing that Li Xiaocui didn't smoke anymore, he still gave him a warning look.

Aside from work and blind dates, Li Bu chatted with Li Wanfu and the old man about the arrangements for Li Xiaocui, and then asked the driver to take the old man and Li Wanfu back to Lijiacun.

Li Bu, who originally wanted to go home to accompany his wife and children, was ruthlessly ordered by Liu Yan to stay and supervise Li Xiaocui so that no one would know that he would run away secretly.

After sending Liu Yan and the others away, Li Bu slowly returned to the room, then quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, then took out one and threw it to Li Xiaocui, and he himself took Picked up one and quickly lit the fire.

After subconsciously taking Li Bu's cigarette, Li Xiaocui hesitated for a moment, then picked up Li Bu's lighter and lit it, then took a few big puffs, and then slowly spit out a big cigarette. smoke ring.

After blowing out the smoke ring, Li Xiaocui lay directly on the sofa, and said to Li Bu with a wry smile; "Cigarettes taste really good, and it's nice to live like a person, but I used to be bald because of a woman." It has been abandoned for three years, hehehe... so sad!!"

"Everyone's growth journey is different, maybe that's your growth path, by the way, do you have any opinions on the arrangement given to you by your family??

If you have no objections, during the Chinese New Year period, try to take care of your body, at least make up for the flesh on your body, and don't make a young person look like an old man.

After raising well, I will ask someone to help you arrange a blind date, and then you choose a woman who you think can live with you to get married.

After you get married and settle down, I will arrange for you to go to training to learn to sing, and then around June next year, I will arrange for you to be a trainee in the second season of The Voice, and you will fight for me to become popular by then.

After you become popular, you will have the right and qualification to stand at the highest end of morality and go and say something about your girlfriend, because at that time others will think that what you say is true, after all, you are an idol , is a star, but she is nothing, right! ! "

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I will do whatever you arrange in the future. I believe in you." Hearing Li Bu's words, after Li Xiaocui took a few puffs of cigarettes, he cut off the cigarette and watched Looking at Li Bu, he said seriously.

After lightly nodding his head, Li Bu patted Li Xiaocui on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt anyone if I hurt you, after all, I'm just a cousin like you, so let's go to rest quickly.

By the way, if you are not used to sleeping on a soft bed, you can move the mattress down or sleep on the ground floor. It takes a little time to get used to it. "

"Okay." After lightly nodding his head, Li Xiaocui stood up from the sofa and turned back to the room to rest.

After Li Bu saw that it was getting late, he also sent a text message to Li Yanmei asking her to go to bed early, and then went back to his room to rest.

After a night of nothing, Li Bu got up early the next morning and went out with Li Xiaocui who had been washed.

Then Li Bu directly asked the company driver to take them to the hospital, and under Li Bu's supervision, Li Xiaocui did the most comprehensive set of examinations in the hospital.

The results of the examination came out soon, and the doctor confirmed that Li Xiaocui had no other problems except a little malnutrition and a little hypoglycemia.

Afterwards, Li Bu took him to the shopping mall to buy clothes, went to the barber shop to have his hair repaired and changed his style, went to the dentist to have his teeth cleaned, and went to a beauty parlor for a treatment until he looked like a normal man. After that, Li Bu took him back to Lijiacun.

But when Li Bu took Li Xiaocui back to Lijia Village, Laochao Airport became extremely lively at this moment.

The fans inside are comparable to the Spring Festival travel at the train station during the Chinese New Year. The whole area is full of all kinds of mobile phones, cameras, and human heads.

The reason why these fans are here today is because they received news that many stars will rush over from all over the world today to participate in the full moon of the four little guys in Li Bu's family tomorrow.

"Oh my God, it's the heart-beating girl, it's the heart-beating girl, the heart-beating girl is here!!" "Double Happiness I love you, Double Happiness I love you, Double Happiness I love you!!"

"Sweetheart Princess Double Happiness, I love you, please be my wife!!" "Rock girl Huang Xiaoli, queen of rock, we love you, we love you forever!!" "First love girl Tian Xiaoxin, my first love, my goddess, I Love you!!"

When the fans gathered, Shuangxi, Huang Xiaoli, Tian Xiaoxin, each pushing a suitcase, without any attire, walked out slowly from the exit with a smile on their faces and escorted by bodyguards.

Then the fans became excited in an instant, shouting loudly that they loved them and wanted to marry them, and the airport...was very lively all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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