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Chapter 567 [568] Thinking about it, and then feeling jealous

Chapter 567 [568] Thinking about it, and then feeling jealous

"Um, you're here too, I thought Sister Mengyu came here by herself!!"

After returning to Jiao Mengyu's assistant with a smile, Li Bu went forward and hugged Jiao Mengyu's hand, and then helped her to Lijia Village while smiling and said to her; "Let's go, you pregnant woman is just like a panda." Babies need care too.

So, I will arrange a better homestay for you, and I will also arrange a private doctor for you, lest you, a great national treasure, feel uncomfortable... "

"Wow, does your Lijia Village want to build the second film and television base in China? You spent a lot of money on these ancient buildings, right?" Back to Li Bu, I was stunned by the antique architectural design of Lijia Village.

Facing the astonished Jiao Mengyu, Li Bu was straight-up complacent and smiled back at her; "Do you think I'll be so bored that I have nothing to do to grab food from those people in the film and television city?

This is what our Lijia Village looked like 200 years ago. We rearranged it according to the portraits in the family tree, and these are the houses we live in, not the venues for filming. "

"Hey, Xiaobu, who is this person you're helping, and he also lives here? Then you can arrange for her to go to a homestay facing the river. It's quieter and more suitable for a pregnant woman like her to live in. Li Wanda, who was in charge of arranging accommodation at the entrance of the village, saw Li Bu supporting Jiao Mengyu, and immediately handed him a set of keys with a smile.

Hearing Li Wanda's words, Li Bu first smiled and nodded, then he took the key and said with a smile, "Okay, then arrange a house for her over there, so that tomorrow when we beat the gongs and drums, we can It won't bother her."

After receiving Li Wanda's key, Li Bu let go of Jiao Mengyu's hand, then smiled and led the two of them towards the back of the hotel.

Along the way, Jiao Mengyu kept watching Lijiacun, a magical village.

At the same time, she was also a little curious about how Li Bu managed to attract nearly a thousand people to this village where there were only a few people inhabited before.

In addition to these, she was also surprised to find that Li Bu was very popular in the village.

The old man in the village saw him and called him Xiaobu.

The middle-aged man saw him as Li Bu.

When the young man saw him, his name was Li Buge.

The children called him Uncle Li Bu when they saw him.

All the people they met along the way greeted Li Bu with a smile, and it was a friendly greeting from the heart.

Moreover, even if Li Bu came back with a pregnant woman like her at this time, no one in the village showed doubts or doubts to them, as if it seemed to them to be a matter of course.

When walking halfway, Jiao Mengyu finally couldn't help but speak; "Li Bu, why did you bring a pregnant woman like me back to the village, and the people in the village wouldn't whisper or point behind your back? Could it be that they No doubt, am I your little wife?"

"Wow, it's been a month, and I can finally leave the customs. Hahaha, why are you here, my husband? Who is the person next to you?" Hearing Jiao Mengyu's words, Li Bu didn't even have time to speak. I saw a figure running in the Li family village, and this figure quickly ran over here, holding his arm and calling for husband.

Seeing Li Yanmei running over to hug Li Bu, Jiao Mengyu pointed at her in shock and shouted to Li Bu, "Li Bu, I didn't expect you to be such a person, your wife gave birth to you four years ago. Son, you have changed your wife now, you!!"

"Change your size, don't provoke the relationship between our husband and wife, okay?

This is my original wife, but now she is a little whiter, thinner, with longer hair, and looks a little better.

My daughter-in-law can't recognize her, right? This is Jiao Mengyu, the queen who was always fighting with Huang Xiaoli back then, that is, the queen who spent a lot of money to buy songs with me.

And you believe me now, women will gain weight when they are pregnant, you can see what she looks like now.. "Although Li Yanmei was very suitable to be a wife in the past, she was really not very suitable to be taken out, but now that she has become beautiful, Li Bu couldn't help it, and hugged her to Jiao Mengyu to startle.

"Uh, you are Jiao Mengyu, the queen of heaven. My God, why have you gained so much weight? You are scarier than when I was pregnant. Could it be that you are pregnant?" Hearing Li Bu say This pregnant woman was Jiao Mengyu, and Li Yanmei immediately covered her mouth and exclaimed in disbelief.

Facing Li Bu's snoring and Li Yanmei's exclamation, Jiao Mengyu gritted his teeth and looked at them and said, "Li Bu, are you calling me fat now? Look at how I will deal with you after I give birth. Bar!!
And younger brothers and sisters, you are not very thin now, after I give birth, I will show you what a slim lady is, hum, take me to the residence quickly, and then leave quickly, I don’t want to see you Husband and wife! ! "

"Ah, that sister, I just subconsciously exclaimed just now, I didn't mean to laugh at you or anything.

I just saw you, who was so good-looking in the past, suddenly become like this, and then felt incredible.

That sister, don't be angry, I'm a rural person who speaks recklessly, don't be offended. Seeing that Jiao Mengyu seemed to be angry, Li Yanmei hurriedly went forward with a smile and explained to her.

Facing Li Yanmei's explanation, Jiao Mengyu pointed directly at Li Bu and said, "I don't want to take another look at this guy right now. This guy is really annoying. He has been angry with me ever since I got off the boat!!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, this is your residence, the key is here for you, daily necessities, quilts and pillows are all in the cabinet, you can use it when you open the cabinet.

And even if you think I'm annoying, then I'll take my wife for a walk, bye bye, the fat queen, hahaha, haha! ! After cheerfully bringing Jiao Mengyu to the hotel, Li Bu immediately turned around and left with Li Yanmei in Jiao Mengyu's angry eyes.

After Li Bu left the homestay, Li Yanmei immediately took Li Bu's arm and asked him curiously while following him for a walk in the village; I feel like you, you can't think about her, and then you feel jealous, hehehe..."

"A woman's sixth sense is really scary!!"

After sighing in his heart that a woman's sixth sense is really scary, Li Bu directly poked Li Yanmei's head with a look of disgust, and then quibbled, "It's said that she was pregnant for three years, it seems true.

My contact with Jiao Mengyu is just a few times. Where did I get jealous and jealous with her? You treat me like a dynamite bag, and you will get angry with anyone you see, right? ? "

(End of this chapter)

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